Complete Works for Guitar (Sychra, Andrei)

Sheet Music


13 more: Nos.18 • Nos.19 • Nos.20 • Nos.23 • Nos.30 • Nos.35 • Nos.38 • Nos.40 • Nos.42 • Nos.43 • Nos.44 • Nos.46 • Nos.47

Publisher. Info. Petersburg: F. Stellovsky, n.d. Plate various.
Moscow: Gutheil, n.d.. Plate various.
Petersburg: Paez, n.d. Plate 2238.
Petersburg: Clover, n.d. Plate 2826,3028.
Misc. Notes Plate numbers
Stellovsky: 3082,2868,2989,2773,3028,2854,3078,3019,3020
Gutheil: K. 2020 G.,A. 4446 G.

17 more: 6. Overture from Lodoïska • 8. Bolero • 10. Ballade • 14. Barcarolle • 15. Cavatine • 17. Variations on a Russian song • 25. 3 Songs • 26. Variations by Rode • 28. Variations by Mosheles • 32. Strauss • 33. Valse infernale • 34. Valse (Beethoven) • 37. Quadrille from Zampa • 39. Mazurka and 2 Tyrolean Songs • 40. Polka • 48. Solemn March (Bernard) • 50. Polonaise (Bernard)

Publisher. Info. St. Petersburg: F. Stellovsky, n.d.
Publisher. Info. St. Petersburg: F. Stellovsky, n.d. Plate 2907, 3146-48, 3156, 3177-86, 3189, 3192-93, 3764-67, 3800.
Moscow: Gutheil, n.d.(ca.1881-85). Plate K. 2029 G., A. 3858 G.

18 more: 4. • 5. • 7. • 9. • 11. • 12. • 13. • 16. • 21. • 22. • 24. • 27. • 29. • 31. • 36. • 41. • 45. • 49.

Publisher. Info. Moscow: Gutheil, n.d. Plates A. 3582, 3748, 3404, 2993... G.
Editor Jewgeni Smirnow
Publisher. Info. Jewgeni Smirnow
Misc. Notes For classical guitar
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General Information

Work Title Complete Works for Guitar
Alternative. Title
Composer Sychra, Andrei
Internal Reference NumberInternal Ref. No. IAS 1
Movements/SectionsMov'ts/Sec's 75 issues (2 books, 128 pieces):
Nos.1 Theoretical and practical school for the seven-string guitar ; Теортическая и практическая школа для семиструнной гитары
Nos.2 Practical rules
Nos.3 Collection of various easy pieces (17 pieces) ; Собрание разного рода легких пьес
  1. In the mountains and mountains I walked ; По горамъ и я по горамъ ходила
  2. Soar higher, higher ; Взвейся выше понесися
  3. Show yourself clear, Moon ; Покажысь месяцъ ясный
  4. 4 Kamarinskaya ; Камаринская
  5. Ah, I am sick in a foreign land ; Ахъ тошно мне чужой стороне
  6. I will enclose you in my heart, Oh Sodia, the paradise of my eyes ; Тебя я въ сердце заключю, о содия рай моихъ очей
  7. In the evening blush dawns ; Вечркомъ румяну зорю
  8. He received a letter from a girl now ; Получилъ письмо отъ девушки сей часъ
  9. 6 Etudes ; 6 Екосесъ
  10. Waltz from the Ballet "Russian in Germany" ; Вальцъ,изъ Балета "Руские въ Германии"
  11. Defender Petrograd orders us to glorify the voice of truth ; Защитника Петрограда велит нам славит правды глас
  12. Behind the river, the settlement stands ; Как за речинькои слободушка стоитъ
  13. Air Tiroliene
  14. Ah, well you dear ; Ахъ чтожъ ты голубчикъ
  15. Ah,the bridge, the bridge ; Ахъ по мосту мосту
  16. Behind the river, the settlement stands ; Как за речинькои слободушка стоитъ
  17. Rondo and Divertimento from Russian song "Already with the darkness of the night, silence stretched" ; Рондо и Дивертисементъ изъ Рускихъ песенъ" Уже со тьмою ночи, Простерлась тишина"
Nos.4 Selection of best musical pieces (14 pieces) ; Избранныя сочинения лучшихъ пьесъ
  1. Rondeau d'un Concerto de Lamare (Delamare)
  2. Variations de Rode; Chantées par Mme. Catalani
  3. Cinquieme Nocturne de Jhon Field
  4. Variations sur une Masurque de Steibelt
  5. Rondeau tire d'un Quatour de Titz
  6. Variations de Rode
  7. Variations sur une Masurque avec Introduction dédiée à son Elève Paul de Degai
  8. Variation on the song "Among all flowers, I love rose best" ; Варияции на песню "Всехъ цветочковъ боле розу я любиръ"
  9. Aria from the Ballet "Dear friend of my heart"
  10. Grande Valse tirée de l'Opera "Tancred" par Rossini
  11. Hymne d'Antonolini
  12. Marche trinmphale de la Vestale par Spontini
  13. Valse de l'Opera;Chaperon rouge par Boieldieu
  14. Fandango varie
Nos.5 Magazine containing pieces with valations (27 pieces) ; Журналъ содержаший въ себе пьесы съ валиацияии
  1. Air Hongrois
  2. Air Petit Russien (Не ходи гричу)
  3. Russian Song "All over the village Katinka" ; Русская Песня "По всей деревне катинька"
  4. Grande Marche de l'Opera Freyschütz
  5. Walse
  6. Polonaise "Polish with a violin" (guitar,violin) ; Польской со скрипкою
  7. Walse composée par N.B.W
  8. Walse
  9. Variations du concertante de loye, aux quelles j'ai ajouté mon Allegretto
  10. Cavalry march for two guitars (2 guitars) ; Маршъ кавалерийский для двухъ Гитаръ
  11. Romance "I won't say that I love you" ; Романс "Я не скажу что тебя люблю"
  12. Waltz for Two Guitars (2 guitars) ;Вальс для двух Гитар
  13. Ecossaise comp; par T.Z.
  14. Romance "La sentinelle" (3 guitars)
  15. Mazurka (2 guitars) ; Мазурка
  16. Romance
  17. Air Polonais
  18. Marche funêbre
  19. Cavalry quick March ; Кавалерийский скорый Маршъ
  20. Air de l'Opera Freyschütz
  21. Mazurka (2 guitars) ; Мазурка
  22. Waltz for Two Guitars (2 guitars) ; Вальс для двух Гитар
  23. Cavalry trot for two guitars (2 guitars) ; Кавалерийская рысь для двухъ Гитар 
  24. Mazurque
  25. Theme con Variat " Military Aria of Mozart" ; Военная Ария Мочарта
  26. Black Shawl;Черная Шаль
  27. Romance "Dans tes beaux yeux"
Nos.6 Overture from Lodoïska (Cherubini)
Nos.7 Potpourri de l'Opera "Fenella" and 2 Barcarolle from the same opera
Nos.8 Bolero from La muette de Portici (Auber)
Nos.9 Variations on a favorite theme of the Opera "Norma"
Nos.10 Ballade from Robert le diable (Meyerbeer)
Nos.11 Variations on the cavatina from the opera "Magpie thief"
Nos.12 Aria for seven-string guitar
Nos.13 Two favorite song from the opera "Lucrezia Borgia" and "Figaro's wedding" arranged for the seven-string guitar
Nos.14 Barcarolle from Robert le diable (Meyerbeer)
Nos.15 Cavatine from La muette de Portici (Auber), Romance, Annen Polka and Gallop
Nos.16 Two girls chorus songs from the Opera "Askold's Grave"
Nos.17 Variations on a Russian song 'Do you remember, cordial friend' [Помнишь ли ты, сердечный друг]
Nos.18 Variations "Oh sick mother to live alone in the spring" ;Ах тошно матушка весною жить одной
Nos.19 Variations on the song "Remember my dear, old love"  ; жнюю любовь "вариации на песню "Вспомни, мой любезный, прежнюю любовь"
Nos.20 Russian song "Over, over the long journey" ; русская песня "Кончен, кончен дальний путь"
Nos.21 4 Russian songs reworked for guitar
Nos.22 6 songs of different writers
Nos.23 2 Russian songs and 2 galops
Nos.24 6 Russian folk song
Nos.25 3 Little Russian Songs from Vaudeville [Ой не видтиль витеръ віе; Ой, служивые!; С того часу, як женився]
Nos.26 Andante varié (Rode)
Nos.27 Variations on a Tyrolean song
Nos.28 Grandes variations sur une mélodie nationale autrichienne (Moscheles)
Nos.29 Romance "Dans tes beaux yeux"; variée pour la Guitare
Nos.30 Fantaisie pour la Guitare composée et dédiée à son excellence Monsieur N. A. Lourin
Nos.31 Spanish Bolero and Styrian Waltz from the ballet "Gitana"
Nos.32 Valse of the Rose (Strauss)
Nos.33 Valse infernale from Robert le diable (Meyerbeer)
Nos.34 Valse with Variations (Beethoven)
Nos.35 The Grand Waltz from "Jew Wedding Song"
Nos.36 Quadrille française; Waltz from the song "My nightingale, nightingale"
Nos.37 French Quadrille from Zampa (Hérold) and Nightingale (Varlamov)
Nos.38 5 French quadrille
Nos.39 Mazurka and 2 Tyrolean Songs
Nos.40 Polka
Nos.41 Salon polka of Strauss
Nos.42 Parisian polka
Nos.43 Tambour polka
Nos.44 Military polka
Nos.45 Polka mazurka
Nos.46 Polka-Redova and Mazurka
Nos.47 Favorite march from the opera "Lombardi" and New polka
Nos.48 Solemn March (Bernard)
Nos.49 Palerma; quick March
Nos.50 Polonaise (Bernard)
Nos.51 Polka-Mazurka (Gungl)
Nos.52 Polka (Ukrainian Air (Każyński))
Nos.53 Polka-Mazurka (Iosifovna)
Nos.54 Variations on the 'Branch' Song (Titov)
Nos.55 Cavalry Trot
Nos.56 Vanya's Song from A Life for the Tsar (Glinka)
Nos.57 Chorus from Norma (Bellini)
Nos.58 Variations on La Derniere Pensée (Reissiger, once attributed to Weber)
Nos.59 Cavatina and Couplets from 'Le cheval de bronze' (Auber)
Nos.60 Variations on the Valse (Gallenberg)
Nos.61 Variation on a Russian song 'In the Field Stood a Birch Tree' [Во поле берёза стояла]
Nos.62 Russian song 'One Winding Pathway Run Across Our Plains' [Не одна во поле дороженька]
Nos.63 Variation on a Russian song 'In the garden, in the field' [Во саду ли, в огороде]
Nos.64 Variation on a Russian song 'Shall I Go To The River' [Выйду ль я на реченьку]
Nos.65 Variation on a Russian song 'Among the Plain Valley' [Среди долины ровныя]
Nos.66 3 Little Russian songs
И шумит и гуде, Ихав ихав до мене не доихав, Ой маты маты казак у хаты
Nos.67 Fantasie on the motifs of Der Freischütz (Weber)
Nos.68 2 Russian Folk songs Небелы снеги, Ох болит, and Romance Малютка шлем нося просил
Nos.69. Variation on a Russian song Кто мог любить так страстно
Nos.70 Valse (Figaro's Aria) from the opera 'Il barbiere di Siviglia' (Rossini)
Nos.71 Chorus and Song from 'Der Freischütz' (Weber)
Nos.72 Theme and Variations (Weidinger)
Nos.73 Pesther Walzer (Lanner)
Nos.74 Aurora Walzer (Labitzky)
Nos.75 God Save the Tsar 𝐍 S A (Lvov)
Dedication 28. A Mr le Colonel A. N. de Sinelnikoff; 34. A Mr T. M. de Zimmermann
Composer Time PeriodComp. Period Classical
Piece Style Romantic
Instrumentation guitar
Related Works Based on Robert le diable by Meyerbeer; Based on Zampa by Hérold ; Based on La muette de Portici by Auber; Based on A Life for the Tsar by Glinka; Based on Norma by Bellini; Based on Le cheval de bronze by Auber; Based on Der Freischütz by Weber; Based on Il barbiere di Siviglia by Rossini

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An OpDerivs for Lodoïska should be created (and this work and any others placed in it, at some point.)