Clementi & Co.




Muzio Clementi & Co. were musical instrument makers, music sellers and publishers in London. Composer Muzio Clementi took over the firm Longman & Broderip in 1798, with Longman withdrawing from the arrangement in 1801. Clementi had various partners over the 30 years that he was active. At the time of his retirement in 1830, the firm was trading as Clementi, Collard & Collard, and continued on as Collard and Collard. In 1834 the music publishing side of the business was sold to T.E. Purday.

Imprints, Addresses, Agencies


Clementi & Co. fortepiano, 1808
  • Muzio Clementi & Co.
  • Clementi & Co.
  • Clementi, Banger, Hyde, Collard & Davis (c. 1801-1810)
  • Clementi, Banger, Collard, Davis & Collard (c.1810-1818)
  • Clementi, Collard, Davis & Collard (c.1818-1822)
  • Clementi, Collard & Collard (c.1822-1830)
  • Collard & Collard (1830-1834 as music publishers)



  • 26 Cheapside
  • 195 Tottenham Court Road (additional premises from c.1806)

Plate Numbers

The publications of Clementi & Co. do not contain plate numbers.

Sources Consulted

  • Wikipedia article
  • Humphries, Charles., and William C. Smith. Music Publishing in the British Isles from the Beginning until the Middle of the Nineteenth Century : A Dictionary of Engravers, Printers, Publishers and Music Sellers, with a Historical Introduction. Oxford: B. Blackwell, 1954.
  • Parkinson, John A. Victorian Music Publishers : An Annotated List. Detroit Studies in Music Bibliography ; No. 64. Warren, Mich.: Harmonie Park Press, 1990.

Authority control

  • VIAF (Clementi & Co., corporate)
  • VIAF (Muzio Clementi, personal)
