The list below includes all pages in the category "Tragedies en musique ". This includes all Baroque operas to which the composer has ascribed the genre of Tragédie en musique , as well as works not so named which fit the criteria.Please note: This genre is distinct from the later Tragédie lyrique. See also Lyric tragedies , Opera seria , Operas and Stage Works .
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Pages in category "Tragedies en musique"
The following 65 pages are in this category, out of 65 total.
❉ – All (65) 🔊 – Recordings (3) 𝐍 – Naxos (31) S – Scores (63) P – Parts (30) V – Vocal Scores (24) A – Arrangements and Transcriptions (34) L – Libretti (13) O – Other (3) 🔀 📻
A Achille et Deidamie (Campra, André) Achille et Polixène, LWV 74 (Lully, Jean-Baptiste) Actéon, H.481 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine) Alceste, LWV 50 (Lully, Jean-Baptiste) Alceste, Wq.44 (Gluck, Christoph Willibald) Alcide (Marais, Marin) Alcine (Campra, André) Alcyone (Marais, Marin) Amadis de Grèce (Destouches, André Cardinal) Amadis, LWV 63 (Lully, Jean-Baptiste) Amphion (Gillier, Jean Claude) Ariane et Bacchus (Marais, Marin) Ariane (Mouret, Jean-Joseph) Armide, LWV 71 (Lully, Jean-Baptiste) Atys, LWV 53 (Lully, Jean-Baptiste)B C Cadmus et Hermione, LWV 49 (Lully, Jean-Baptiste) Callirhoé (Destouches, André Cardinal) Camille (Campra, André) Canente (Collasse, Pascal) Castor et Pollux, RCT 32 (Rameau, Jean-Philippe) Céphale et Procris (Jacquet de La Guerre, Elisabeth) Circé (Desmarets, Henri) Coriolano, GraunWV B:I:20 (Graun, Karl Heinrich)D E F H I J M O P Persée, LWV 60 (Lully, Jean-Baptiste) Phaëton, LWV 61 (Lully, Jean-Baptiste) Pirithoüs (Mouret, Jean-Joseph) Polixène et Pirrhus (Collasse, Pascal) Proserpine, LWV 58 (Lully, Jean-Baptiste) Psyché, LWV 45 (Lully, Jean-Baptiste) Psyché, LWV 56 (Lully, Jean-Baptiste) Pyrrhus (Royer, Joseph-Nicolas-Pancrace)R S T V Z