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Pages in category "Scores published by Wessel & Co."
The following 78 pages are in this category, out of 78 total.
❉ – All (78) 🔊 – Recordings (15) 𝐍 – Naxos (25) S – Scores (52) P – Parts (30) V – Vocal Scores (1) A – Arrangements and Transcriptions (26) L – Libretti (1) O – Other (1) 🔀 📻
3 6 A Adelaide, Op.46 (Beethoven, Ludwig van) Aeolian Chords, Op.129 (Oberthür, Charles) Allegro de concert, Op.46 (Chopin, Frédéric) Andalusia, Op.159 (Oberthür, Charles) Andante spianato et Grande polonaise brillante, Op.22 (Chopin, Frédéric) Arietta alla Polacca (Keller, Karl)B C E F Fantaisie, Op.16 (Bennett, William Sterndale) Flute Quartet, Op.4 (Cardon, Joseph) Flute Trio in A minor, Op.10 No.1 (Gabrielski, Johann Wilhelm) Flute Trio in D major, Op.31 (Gabrielski, Johann Wilhelm) Flute Trio in E minor, Op.10 No.3 (Gabrielski, Johann Wilhelm) Flute Trio in E-flat major, Op.10 No.2 (Gabrielski, Johann Wilhelm) Flute Trio in F major, Op.34 (Gabrielski, Johann Wilhelm) Flute Trio in G major, Op.33 (Gabrielski, Johann Wilhelm)G I L La Belle Gracieuse (D'Alquen, Franz Maria) La ci darem la mano, Op.66 (Macfarren, Emma Maria) La prière, Op.62 (Oberthür, Charles) La source, Op.1 (Blumenthal, Jacques) La vestale (Spontini, Gaspare) Le Delizie dell'Italia, Op.59 (Schultz, Leonard) Le delizie della campagna, Op.14 (Eliason, Eduard) Le papillon, Op.37 (Willmers, Rudolf)L cont. M N P Piano Quintet No.1, Op.53 (Spohr, Louis) Piano Quintet No.2, Op.130 (Spohr, Louis) Piano Sonata No.2 'Ma Cousine' (Macfarren, George Alexander) Piano Sonata No.8, Op.13 (Beethoven, Ludwig van) Piano Sonata, Op.13 (Bennett, William Sterndale) Piano Trio No.5, Op.129 (Pixis, Johann Peter) Piano Trio, Op.8 (Chopin, Frédéric) Polacca brillante, Op.72 (Weber, Carl Maria von) Polonaise-fantaisie, Op.61 (Chopin, Frédéric) Polonaises, Op.40 (Chopin, Frédéric) Preludes, Op.28 (Chopin, Frédéric)Q R S Sacred Melodies, Op.127 (Oberthür, Charles) Scherzo No.2, Op.31 (Chopin, Frédéric) Schwanengesang, D.957 (Schubert, Franz) Seaside rambles, Op.158 (Oberthür, Charles) Serenade for Guitar and Piano, Op.46 (Küffner, Joseph) Souvenir à Schönbrun; Seconde Grande Marche de Coronation (Czerny, Carl)T V W É