- Abendempfindung, K.523 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- Adagio and Rondo in C minor, K.617 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- Adagio in B-flat major, K.411/484a (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- Adagio in C major, K.356/617a (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- Adagio in F major, K.410/484d (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- Adoramus te (Gasparini, Quirino)
- Ah se in ciel, K.538 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- Ah, lo previdi, K.272 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- Ah, più tremar non voglio, K.71 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- Alcandro, lo confesso, K.294 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- Alcandro, lo confesso, K.512 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- Alma Dei creatoris, K.277/272a (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- Alma grande e nobil core, K.578 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- Als Luise die Briefe, K.520 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- Die Alte, K.517 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- An Chloe, K.524 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- An die Einsamkeit, K.391/340b (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- An die Freude, K.53/47e (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- An die Hoffnung, K.390/340c (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- Andante in F major, K.616 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- Ave verum corpus, K.618 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- Das Bandel, K.441 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- Bella mia fiamma, K.528 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- Benedictus sit Deus, K.117/66a (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- A Berenice, K.70/61c (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- Die betrogene Welt, K.474 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- Canon for 2 Voices in C minor, K.230/382b (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- Canon for 3 Voices in A major, K.562 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- Canon for 3 Voices in B-flat major, K.233/382d (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- Canon for 3 Voices in C minor, K.229/382a (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- Canon for 3 Voices in F major, K.507 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- Canon for 3 Voices in F major, K.508 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- Canon for 3 Voices in F major, K.559 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- Canon for 3 Voices in G major, K.234/382e (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- Canon for 4 Voices in A major, K.561 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- Canon for 4 Voices in A minor, K.555 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- Canon for 4 Voices in B-flat major, K.558 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- Canon for 4 Voices in C major, K.553 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- Canon for 4 Voices in C major, K.Anh.191/562c (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- Canon for 4 Voices in F major, K.554 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- Canon for 4 Voices in F major, K.560 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- Canon for 4 Voices in F minor, K.557 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- Canon for 4 Voices in G major, K.232/509a (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- Canon for 4 Voices in G major, K.556 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- Canon for 5 Voices in A major, K.73i (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- Canon for 6 Voices in B-flat major, K.231/382c (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- Canon for 6 Voices in D major, K.347/382f (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- Canon for 12 Voices in G major, K.348/382g (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- Cassation in B-flat major, K.99/63a (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- Cassation in D major, K.100/62a (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- Cassation in G major, K.63 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- Ch'io mi scordi di te?, K.505 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- Chi sà, chi sà, qual sia, K.582 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- Clarice cara mia sposa, K.256 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- Con ossequio, con rispetto, K.210 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- Conservati fedele, K.23 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- Convertentur sedentes (Mozart, Leopold)
- Così dunque tradisci, K.432/421a (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- Country Dance in B-flat major, K.123/73g (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- Country Dance in C major, K.535 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- Country Dance in C major, K.587 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- Country Dance in D major, K.534 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- Country Dance in E-flat major, K.607/605a (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- Country Dance in G major, K.610 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- 4 Country Dances, K.101/250a (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- 4 Country Dances, K.267/271c (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- 6 Country Dances, K.462/448b (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- 9 Country Dances, K.510/Anh.C 13.02 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- 2 Country Dances, K.603 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- 5 Country Dances, K.609 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- Dans un bois solitaire, K.308/295b (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- Daphne, deine Rosenwangen, K.52/46c (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- De profundis clamavi (Reutter, Georg)
- Dir, Seele des Weltalls, K.429/468a (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- Divertimento in B-flat major, K.186/159b (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- Divertimento in B-flat major, K.240 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- Divertimento in B-flat major, K.270 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- Divertimento in B-flat major, K.287/271H (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- Divertimento in C major, K.187/Anh.C 17.12 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- Divertimento in C major, K.188/240b (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- Divertimento in D major, K.131 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- Divertimento in D major, K.205/167A (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- Divertimento in D major, K.251 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- Divertimento in D major, K.334/320b (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- Divertimento in E-flat major, K.113 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- Divertimento in E-flat major, K.166/159d (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- Divertimento in E-flat major, K.252/240a (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- Divertimento in E-flat major, K.289/271g (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- Divertimento in F major, K.213 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- Divertimento in F major, K.247 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- Divertimento in F major, K.253 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- Double Canon for 4 Voices, K.228/515b (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- Ecco quel fiero istante, K.436/Anh.A 47/03 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- Ein deutsches Kriegslied, K.539 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- Ein musikalischer Spaß, K.522 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- Ergo interest, K.143/73a (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- Exsultate, jubilate, K.165/158a (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
| G cont.
- 6 German Dances, K.509 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- 6 German Dances, K.536 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- 6 German Dances, K.567 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- 6 German Dances, K.571 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- 12 German Dances, K.586 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- 6 German Dances, K.600 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- 4 German Dances, K.602 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- 3 German Dances, K.605 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- 12 German Dances, WoO 8 (Beethoven, Ludwig van)
- Gesellenreise, K.468 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- God is Our Refuge, K.20 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- Grazie agl'inganni tuoi, K.532/Anh.A 54 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- Die grossmütige Gelassenheit (Mozart, Leopold)
- Das Kinderspiel, K.598 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- 2 Kirchenlieder, K.343/336c (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- Die kleine Spinnerin, K.531 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- Des kleinen Friedrichs Geburtstag, K.529 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- Komm, liebe Zither komm, K.351/367b (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- Kommet her, ihr frechen Sünder, K.146/317b (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- Kyrie in C major, K.Anh.15/323 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- Kyrie in D minor, K.341/368a (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- Kyrie in E-flat major, K.322/296a (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- Kyrie in F major, K.33 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- Kyrie in G major, K.89/73k (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- 6 Ländlerische Tänze, K.606 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- Der Liebe himmlisches Gefühl, K.119/382h (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- Lied der Freiheit, K.506 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- Das Lied der Trennung, K.519 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- Litaniae de venerabili altaris sacramento, K.125 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- Litaniae de venerabili altaris sacramento, K.243 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- Litaniae Lauretanae, K.109/74e (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- Lobegesang auf die feierliche Johannisloge, K.148/125h (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- Ludwig van Beethovens Werke (Beethoven, Ludwig van)
- March in C major, K.214 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- March in D major, K.189/167b (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- March in D major, K.215/213b (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- March in D major, K.237/189c (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- March in D major, K.249 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- March in D major, K.290/167AB (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- March in D major, K.445/320c (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- March in F major, K.248 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- 2 Marches, K.335/320a (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- 3 Marches, K.408 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- Mass in C major, K.257 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- Mass in C major, K.262/246a (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- Mass in C major, K.317 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- Maurerische Trauermusik, K.477/479a (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- Mi lagnerò tacendo, K.437/Anh.A 47/04 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- Mia speranza adorata, K.416 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- Minuet in C major, K.409/383f (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- Minuet in E-flat major, K.122/73t (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- 3 Minuets, K.363 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- 6 Minuets, K.461/448a (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- 2 Minuets, K.463/448c (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- 12 Minuets, K.568 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- 12 Minuets, K.585 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- 6 Minuets, K.599 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- 4 Minuets, K.601 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- 2 Minuets, K.604 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- Misera, dove son!, K.369 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- Miserere in A minor, K.85/73s (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- Misericordias Domini, K.222/205a (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- Misero me, K.77/73e (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- Misero! o sogno, K.431/425b (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- Missa brevis in B-flat major, K.275/272b (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- Missa brevis in C major, K.220/196b (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- Missa brevis in C major, K.258 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- Missa brevis in C major, K.259 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- Missa brevis in F major, K.192/186f (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- Missa solemnis in C major, K.337 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- Musik zu einer Pantomime, K.446/416d (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- Nehmt meinen Dank, K.383 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- No, no, che non sei capace, K.419 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- Notturno in D major, K.286/269a (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- Nun, liebes Weibchen, K.625/592a/Anh.A 64 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- O temerario Arbace, K.79/73d (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- Oiseaux, si tous les ans, K.307/284d (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- Ombra felice, K.255 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- Or che il dover, K.36/33i (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- Overture and 3 Country Dances, K.106/588a (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- Per pietà, bell'idol mio, K.78/73b (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- Per pietà, non ricercate, K.420 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- Più non si trovano, K.549 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- Popoli di Tessaglia, K.316/300b (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- Sancta Maria, mater Dei, K.273 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- Scande coeli limina, K.34 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- Schlafe, mein Prinzchen, schlaf ein (Flies, Bernhard)
- Se tutti i mali miei, K.83/73p (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- Sehnsucht nach dem Frühling, K.596 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)