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Salomon Jadassohn
(13 August 1831 — 1 February 1902)
Alternative Names/Transliterations: Solomon Jadassohn, Hector Ollivier
Name in Other Languages: 萨洛蒙·雅达松, 薩洛蒙·雅達松, Саломон Ядассон, ザーロモン・ヤーダスゾーン, سالومون چاداسوهن, زالومون یاداسون
Aliases: 雅达松, Ядассон Саломон, Ядассон, ザロモン・ヤーダスゾーン, ゾロモン・ヤーダスゾーン, Jadassohn, L. Lubbenau, L. Lübbenau, H. Olivier, Hector Ollivier, Oliver
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 41951798, LCCN: n88613906, ISNI: 0000000368542394, GND: 119258021, SELIBR: 304533, SUDOC: 034621768, BNF: 12535855m, BIBSYS: 3120213, MusicBrainz: 2ad7a7bf-8ca2-4cf9-aa6d-bd6785dc0a5a, NLA: 35714040, NDL: 00522925, NKC: xx0064082, BNE: XX1725413, CiNii: DA05714955, IATH: w6057svx
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