(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Ganganelli, Antonio.)
Antonio Ganganelli
(fl. 1803-1812)
External links
- Detailed biography: None given
See also
- WorldCat
- VIAF (gives "Ornesto Talesio" as an alternate name or perhaps "Ornisto Falesio")
- Lexicon pseudonymorum Wörterbuch der Pseudonymen aller Zeiten und Völker oder Verzeichniss jener Autoren, die sich falscher Namen bedienten. Regensburg 1886
Miscellaneous information
- Antonio Ganganelli is the author of lyrics for a number of vocal compositions by Georg Gerson. The editor of Gerson's works has not been able to find any other sources of these texts nor any other references to the poet. Ganganelli is definitely not identical with Pope Clement XIV (1705-1774), born Giovanni Vincenzo Antonio Ganganelli. He is most likely Antonio Ganganelli, Accademico Fiorentino, E Pastor' Arcade Di Roma, Sotto Il Nome D'Ornisto Falesio, the author of a collection, Raccolta Di Prose, E Poesie Di Vario Genere, Ad Uso De' Studiosi Della Lingua Toscana published in Hamburg 1810 while Georg Gerson was there studying music and business. Through Hamburgisches Adress-Buch we know that he was living as a Latin- and Italian teacher in Hamburg 1803-1812, i.e. during the French occupation.