14 hymns / psalms:
- Introduction (harp)
- Awake my glory, harp and lute (Ps.57, Luther)
- To Father, Son, and Holy Ghost
- Have mercy gracious Lord (Ps.51, Luther)
- How blest is he who ne'er consents (Ps.1, Courtville)
- Do thou unlock my lips (Ps.51, Meyer)
- Lord hear the voice of my complaint (Ps.5, Handel)
- With penitential grief (Corelli)
- With glory clad (Haydn)
- How are they servants blest, O Lord (Meyer)
- O thou to whom all creatures bow (Ps.8, Meyer)
- How beautiful are the feet (Handel)
- I'll proclaim the wond'rous story (Handel)
- Holy, holy, Lord God almighty (Handel)