A. Büttner

typical Buttner cover (1850)
typical Rahter-Buttner cover (1885)




Presumably founded by A. Büttner, this St. Petersburg firm according to Hofmeister's Monatsberichte was active from 1850 to 1879. It was managed by Daniel Rahter (1828-1891), who later founded his own firm D. Rahter in Hamburg in 1879. From then on the two firms co-operated.

Büttner's catalog contained works by the many composers attracted from abroad to the Russian Empire: many dances and light pieces, many works by Nicolai von Wilm, several items for brass ensemble by Ludwig Wilhelm Maurer and Wurm, and cello pieces by C. Decker and C. Meyer. Later composers include Eduard Nápravník, Hans Huber, and Karl Nawrátil. Among the native Russians whose works were published by Buttner were César Cui, Nikolay Afanasyev, Nikolay Shcherbachyov, and Karl Davydov.

Imprints, Addresses, Agencies


  • A. Büttner


  • St. Petersburg

Engraving and Printing Partners

Plate Numbers

A. Büttner's plate numbers were issued in a regular chronological fashion. Plate numbers are in the format of #### . Dates in italics are estimated.

Plate Composer Work Year
Wilm 3 Instructive Sonatinas for piano, Op.20 1878
Wilm Romanzenkranz. 50 beliebte Romanzen 1878
Wilm Volkstöne. 150 russische Volks- u. Zigeuner-Lieder 1878
Wilm Я Помню Всё 1868
Rimsky-Korsakov 2 Choruses, Op.13 1875
Rimsky-Korsakov Practical Manual of Harmony 1886
0130 Pugni Catarina 1850
0150 Pettoletti Duettino sur un air de 'La sonnambula', Op.30 1850
0235 Pettoletti Impromptu, Op.29 1850
0370 Pettoletti Fantaisie sur une Romance favorite de Paschkoff, Op.31 1850-s
0987 De Santis Barcarolle 1861-1866
1097 Wilm Le Jeune Pianiste 1866
1400 Maurer 12 Kleine Stücke 1881?
1637 (a-h) Shcherbachyov Féeries et pantomimes, Op.8 1887?
1776 Nápravník Folk Dances, Op.20 1875
1782 Rimsky-Korsakov 4 Variations and Fughetta, Op.14 1875
1999 Kruziński Valse brillante, Op.14 1880
2022 Cui Petite suite, Op.14 1879
2070 Nápravník Concerto Symphonique, Op.27 1880
2176 Cui Marche solennelle, Op.18 (for 2 Pianos) 1881
2192 Ippolitov-Ivanov 7 Songs 1885
2195 Nápravník 4 Romances after Maykov, Op.35 (no.3) 1880
2265 Nápravník Fantasia on Russian Themes, Op.39 (for 2 Pianos) 1882
2289 Nápravník Fantasia on Russian Themes, Op.39 (Score) 1886
2290 Nápravník Fantasia on Russian Themes, Op.39 (Parts?) 1886
2441 Huber Cello Sonata No.2, Op.84 1885
2489 Minkus Nuit et jour 1883
2576 Cui Marche solennelle, Op.18 1881
2643 Schütt Scènes de Bal, Op.17 1886
2664 Cui 3 Lieder, Op.37 1887
2722 Gurlitt Intermezzo, Op.152 1887
2748 Korganov Mazurka No.3, Op.14 1887
2788 Vizentini Ordre du roi (arr. piano) 1887
2946-47 Korganov Für die Jugend, Op.21 1889
2950 Aloiz Berceuse, Op.18 1889
2951 Aloiz Tarantelle, Op.20 1889
3269 Mattei Le tourbillon, Op.22
A. 117-125 M. Dłuski 4 Romances 1891

Authority Control

Sources Consulted