40 Capriccios and 2 Fugues for Violin, A-Wn Mus.Hs.21923 (Various)

Authorship Note
This manuscript collection is ascribed to Johann Stamitz; however, some Capriccios have been identified as the composition of Pietro Antonio Locatelli, from his Op.3; all pieces (except Nos.1, 2 and 8) also appear in D-B Mus.ms. 15861 attributed to Pietro Nardini.

Sheet Music


Publisher. Info. Manuscript, n.d.
Misc. Notes A-Wn Mus.Hs.21923
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General Information

Work Title Capriccios and Fugues for Solo Violin
Alternative. Title Diversi Capricci con Fughe per il Violino [D-B Mus.ms.211341]
Composer Various
Internal Reference NumberInternal Ref. No. None [force assignment]
Movements/SectionsMov'ts/Sec's see below
Piece Style Classical
Instrumentation violin solo
Related Works 89 Capriccios and 4 Fugues for Violin, D-B Mus.ms. 21134
95 Capriccios and 15 Fugues for Violin, D-B Mus.ms. 15861
30 Caprices for Violin
L'Arte del violino, Op.3
Extra Information Attributed to Johann Stamitz. Some are however by Locatelli, and others may be by Pietro Nardini.

Navigation etc.


  1. Capricio \relative c'' { \clef treble \key c \major \time 2/2
c16 c' b c g[ c e, g] c, e g, c e,[ g c, e] | g, b d g fis[ g f g] g, b d g fis[ g f g]   }
  2. Capricio \relative c'' { \clef treble \key f \minor \time 2/2
\times 2/3 { f8 c as } \times 2/3 { f[ c as] } \times 2/3 { as c f } \times 2/3 { as[ c f] } | \times 2/3 { f c as } \times 2/3 { f[ c as] } \times 2/3 { as c f } \times 2/3 { as[ c f] } |  \times 2/3 { e[ des bes] }  \times 2/3 { g e des }  \times 2/3 { g,[ bes des] } \times 2/3 { e g bes }   }
  3. Capricio \relative c'' { \clef treble \key d \minor \time 3/8
<g, d'>16 bes' g' bes, a' c, | <g, d'> d'' bes' d, g bes, |  <d, a'>8 <a' fis'> <bes g'> | <d, c'> <c' a'> <a fis'> | <g, d'> <d'' bes'> <bes g'> | <d, fis' a> <d fis' a> <d fis' a> |  
  } (No.83, Capricio 33 in 15861)
  4. Capricio \relative c'' { \clef treble \key g \major \time 6/8
g,8 g'' g g <d g> <d g> | <d g> <b d> < b d> <b d> <g b> <g b> | < g b> <d g> < d g> <d g> <b d> <b d> | <b d> g g g4. | g16 <g' b> <a c> <g b> <fis a> <g b> g,16 <g' b> <a c> <g b> <fis a> <g b>  } (No.64 (Capricio 14) in 15681)
  5. [Capricio] \relative c'' { \clef treble \key c \minor \time 3/4
c16 c' g c es, g c, es b, d' g, f' | es c' g c es, g c, es b, d' g, f' | es c c' g es c as' f, b f d' b,    } (No.54 (Capricio 4) in 15681)
  6. Capricio \relative c'' { \clef treble \key c \minor \time 3/4
c,16 g' c g es' g, es g c, g' c g | b, g' d' g, f' g, d g b, g' d' g, | c, g' c g es' g, es g c, g' c g  } (No.58 (Capricio 8))
  7. [Capricio] \relative c'' { \clef treble \key e \major \time 3/4
e,32 gis b e( e) b gis e e gis b e( e) b gis e e gis b e( e) b gis e | <dis fis b fis'>2. | <e gis b e>2. | <b fis' dis' fis>2 r8 b'  }(No.66 (Capricio 16)) Locatelli - DunL 49.4/3 (see also RISM 452510904)
  8. [Capricio] \relative c'' { \clef treble \key e\major \time 3/4
e16 b gis b e b gis' b, b' b, gis' b, | e b gis b e b gis' b, b' b, gis' b, | dis b fis b dis b fis' b, b' b, fis' b,  }
  9. [Capricio] \relative c'' { \clef treble \key d \minor \time 3/8
<d, f' d'>8 a''16 g f e | d8 a16 g f e | d8 a''16 g f e | d4 a'8 |   << \new Voice = "first"
    { \voiceOne <d, bes'>4. |   }
  \new Voice= "second"
    { \voiceTwo g,4 f8 |   }
>>  <e c' bes'>8 c''16 bes a g |   } No.105 (Capricio 55)
  10. Capricio \relative c'' { \clef treble \key bes \major \time 3/4
bes16 d f bes bes, d f bes f, a c f | g, bes d g g, bes d g d, f a d | es, g bes es es, g bes es bes, d f bes |  } No.63 (Capricio 13)
  11. Capricio \relative c'' { \clef treble \key c \major \time 3/8
<e g>8 \grace <e g>8 <d f>4 | <c e>16 a <b d>4 |  << \new Voice = "first"
    { \voiceOne c8 f8. e16 | \grace e8 d4 f,8 | c'16 d e d c b | a4 r8 |  }
  \new Voice= "second"
    { \voiceTwo a8 d,4 | g4 r8 | e4 r8 | f16 g a g f e |   }
>>  } No.41
  12. Capricio \relative c'' { \clef treble \key bes \minor \time 6/8
bes8 f' a, bes f es | des f a, bes4 f''8 | ges es, es es a' bes | f des, des des a'' bes | es, c, c c a'' bes | bes,, c' des c, des' es   } No.96 (Capricio 46)
  13. Capricio \relative c'' { \clef treble \key a \minor \time 12/8
\partial 8 e8 | c b a b a gis a e c a4 a''8 | gis b f \grace f8 e4 d8 \grace d8 c4 b8 \grace b8 a4 e'8 | f d, d' b g, g'' e c, c' a f f'   } No.110 (Capricio 60)
  14. Capricio \relative c'' { \clef treble \key e \major \time 4/4
e16 e, \times 2/3 { gis fis e } b e \times 2/3 { gis fis e } a8 b16 cis \grace cis16 b8 \times 2/3 { e16 dis e } | \times 2/3 { fis e dis } \times 2/3 { dis[ cis b] } a fis' dis a \times 2/3 { gis fis e } e4 e'8 | gis dis, gis b   } No.93 (Capricio 43)
  15. Capricio \relative c'' { \clef treble \key es \major \time 2/4
es,32 g f es bes' d c bes es[ g f es bes' d c bes] | es, es' d c bes as g f  es g' f es d c bes as |    } No.94 (Capricio 44)
  16. Fuga \relative c'' { \clef treble \key g \major \time 2/2
g1  << \new Voice = "first"
    { \voiceOne a2. g8 a |   }
  \new Voice= "second"
    { \voiceTwo d,1  }
>> b'4 g b c  
<< \new Voice = "first"
    { \voiceOne d1 | d4 c8 b c2 | c b | a2    }
  \new Voice= "second"
    { \voiceTwo r4 d,8 e fis4 d | e2 e4 a | fis d g2 | g fis  }
>>    } No.107 (Fuga No.57)
  17. Capricio \relative c'' { \clef treble \key d \major \time 3/4
fis16 d e32 d cis d d,16 d' e32 d cis d fis16 d e32 d cis d   << \new Voice = "first"
    { \voiceOne   g4 e, g' | a fis, a' | b g, b' | a fis, a'  }
  \new Voice= "second"
    { \voiceTwo  d,2. | d | d | d |   }
>>    } No.108 (Capricio 58)
  18. Capricio \relative c'' { \clef treble \key g \major \time 4/4
 << \new Voice = "first"
    { \voiceOne <b d>1 | <b d> | <b d> | <b d> |  }
  \new Voice= "second"
    { \voiceTwo g,4 a b c | d c b a | g a b c | d c b a |  }
>>  g8 <g'' b> <g b> <g b> d, <fis' a> <fis a> <fis a> | a,, <e'' g> <e g> <e g> <e g>8. <d fis>16 <d fis>4\fermata    } No.107 (Capricio 57)
  19. Capricio Fuga \relative c'' { \clef treble \key g \major \time 2/2
g1 | fis | g2 d |e1 << \new Voice = "first"
    { \voiceOne d'1 | cis | d2 b | a1\trill | g' | fis |  }
  \new Voice= "second"
    { \voiceTwo r4 d, fis gis | a e a g | fis d g2 | g fis | r4 g b c | d a d c  }
>>  } No.72 (Capricio 26)
  20. Capricio \relative c'' { \clef treble \key c \major \time 3/4
\partial 16 <c e>16 | << \new Voice = "first"
    { \voiceOne <g c e>2.  }
  \new Voice= "second"
    { \voiceTwo c,4 e c  }
>> r32 c[ e g] c e g c g[ e c g] e c g16 r8 <c' f> | << \new Voice = "first"
    { \voiceOne <b f'>2.  }
  \new Voice= "second"
    { \voiceTwo g,4 b g  }
>> r32 c''' g e c[ e, c g] e16 c r8 } No.80 (Capricio 30)
  21. Capricio \relative c'' { \clef treble \key c \major \time 2/4
\partial 8 <e g>8 | <d f> <c e> r <g e'> | <f d'> <e c'> r g' | \grace b16 a8. f16 \grace a16 g16 e f d | \grace f16 e8. c16 \grace e16 d16 b \grace d16 c16 a | g8 f16 e d c b a |   } No.100 (Capricio 50)
  22. Capricio \relative c'' { \clef treble \key d \minor \time 3/4
<d, f a>2. | <d g bes e>4\fermata r r | <cis g' a e'>2. | <d f a f'>4\fermata r r |     << \new Voice = "first"
    { \voiceOne d'4 d c | <g bes> <f a> <g cis> | d'4. d8 d8. a'16  }
  \new Voice= "second"
    { \voiceTwo <bes,, f'>2 <a f'>4 | g a a | <d f>4. f8 <d f>4  }
>>  } No.97 (Capricio 47) - apparently based on J.S. Bach's Ciaconna in D minor
  23. Capricio \relative c'' { \clef treble \key a \minor \time 2/4
a'16 a,, c e a c e a | gis b,, e gis b e gis b | a a,, c e a c e a | \times 2/3 { gis16 f e } e8 r e | \times 2/3 { c16 b a } \times 2/3 {a'[ g f] } \times 2/3 { f e d } \times 2/3 { d[ c b] }    } No.90 (Capricio 40)
  24. Capricio \relative c'' { \clef treble \key bes \major \time 3/4
\partial 8 f,8 | bes16 c \times 2/3 { d c bes } f' g \times 2/3 { a g f } bes8 <d, f> | es,16 bes' g' f <d, d' f>4 r8 f | bes16 c \times 2/3 { d c bes } a' bes \times 2/3 { c bes a } c8 <c, es>   } No.89 (Capricio 39)
  25. Capricio \relative c'' { \clef treble \key bes \major \time 4/4
<f, bes>8 <d f>4 <c es>8 <bes d> <bes' d>4 <a c>16 <g bes> | <a c>8 <f a>4 <c g'>8 <a f'> <c' es>4 <bes d>16 <a c> | <bes d>8 <d, bes'>4 <d' f>8 <d, bes' g'>8. g'16 <c,, g' es'>8. c''16  } No.88 (Capricio 38)
  26. Capricio \relative c'' { \clef treble \key g \major \time 4/4
<g b g'>4 <d a' fis'> <g, d' b' g'> r8 << \new Voice = "first"
    { \voiceOne b'16 c | d8 d d d d c16 b c8 a16 b | <a c>8 <a c> <a c> <a c> <a c> <g b>16 <fis a> <g b>8 <g b>16 <a c> |  }
  \new Voice= "second"
    { \voiceTwo g16 a | b d, b' d, b' d, b' d, b' d, a' g a8 fis16 g | d1 }
>>  } No.86 (Capricio 36) - DunL 51.9/1 - Locatelli
  27. Capricio \relative c'' { \clef treble \key c \major \time 4/4
\partial 8 g8 | c \times 2/3 { e16 d c } e g c8 \grace c8 b4. a8 | \times 2/3 { g16 f e } \times 2/3 { f[ e d] } \times 2/3 { e d c } \times 2/3 { b[ a g] } c8 c, r g' | c \times 2/3 { e16 d c } e g a'8 \grace a8 g4. f8  } No.79 (Capricio 29)
  28. Capricio \relative c'' { \clef treble \key es \major \time 4/4
\partial 8 bes8 | es32[ f es d] es8.[ c'16 bes d,] \times 2/3 { f16[ es d] } es8.[ c'16 bes d,] | es16 es' d c bes8.\trill as16 g es' es,4 bes'8 | \times 2/3 { c16[ es, as,] } as16.\trill es'32   } No.78 (Capricio 28)
  29. Capricio \relative c'' { \clef treble \key e \major \time 2/4
<b e>4 <gis b> | \grace <gis b>8 <fis a>4. r8 | <b, fis' a fis'>4 <fis' a> | \grace <fis a>8 <e gis>4. r8 |   } No.61 (Capricio 11)
  30. Capricio \relative c'' { \clef treble \key a \major \time 4/4
e16 b gis b e, b' e b g' b, e, b' e b e, b' | fis' b, fis b dis, b' fis' b, a' b, dis, b' fis' b, dis, b'  } No.60 (Capricio 10) (key signature erroneously 3 sharps)
  31. Capricio \relative c'' { \clef treble \key e \minor \time 3/4
\times 4/6 { e,16 g b e b g } <e g b e>2 | <dis fis b fis'>2. | <e b' e g> | <b fis' dis' fis> | <e g b e> | <dis fis b fis'> } No.81 (Capricio 31)
  32. [Capricio] \relative c'' { \clef treble \key g \major \time 4/4
\partial 8 d8 | g,16 a \times 2/3 { b a g } b c \times 2/3 { d c b } | g'8 d32 c b a g8 d32 c b a | g4 r8 <b' d> <c e>32[ e, <c' e>16] <b d>32 d, <b' d>16 <a c>32[ c, <a' c>16] <g b>32 a, <g' b>16 |     } No.84 (Capricio 34)
  33. Fuga \relative c'' { \clef treble \key d \major \time 4/4
d1 | cis2 a | b4 fis g a | d, d' cis b | a a8 b cis b cis d | << \new Voice = "first"
    { \voiceOne e1 | e4 d8 cis d2 | d4 cis8 b cis2  }
  \new Voice= "second"
    { \voiceTwo r4 e,8 fis g4 e | fis2 r4 fis8 g | a2 r4 a  }
>>  } No.77 (Capricio 27)
  34. [Capricio] \relative c'' { \clef treble \key e \major \time 4/4
r8 <e, b' e>8 <e b' e> <e b' e> <e gis b e>16 e fis32 e dis e  b'16 e, dis e | e'8 <e, gis b e> <e gis b e> <e gis b e> <e gis b e>16 e fis e e' e, fis e  } No.67 (Capricio 17) - Locatelli
  35. Capricio \relative c'' { \clef treble \key f \major \time 3/4  
g,16 bes d g bes g' bes g fis d, a'' fis, | g,16 bes d g bes g' bes g fis d, a'' fis, | g g' bes f, e g' bes d,, cis[ g''] \times 2/3 { bes16 a g } | fis32[ e d cis] d8   } No.9
  36. Capricio \relative c'' { \clef treble \key a \major \time 3/8
a32 e fis gis a[ b cis d] e fis gis e | a[ a,] a'16. a,32 a'16[ a,] a' | b32 a gis fis e[ b' gis b] e, fis' e d | cis a e cis a[ e cis a] cis e a cis    } No.95 (Capricio 45)
  37. Capricio \relative c'' { \clef treble \key e \major \time 4/4
\partial 8 b8 | gis32 b a b e,[ b' a b] e b a b gis'[ b, a b] << \new Voice = "first"
    { \voiceOne b2 | b b |  }
  \new Voice= "second"
    { \voiceTwo fis8 dis fis'[ a] | gis,[ e] e' gis fis,[ dis] fis' a |  }
>> gis8 \grace a16 \times 2/3 { gis16\trill fis gis } a16 fis gis e <b, e a fis'>4\fermata r8 b'  } No.73 (Capricio 23)
  38. Capricio \relative c'' { \clef treble \key g \major \time 4/4
\partial 8 a'8 | d8 d, d e16 fis g8 fis16 g g,,8 \times 2/3 { g''16 a b } | a16 g a8 d,, \times 2/3 { a''16 b c } b a b8 g, b' | c16 a,8 c'16 b g,8 b'16 b8\trill a r d    } No.99 (Capricio 49)
  39. Capricio \relative c'' { \clef treble \key c \major \time 2/4
\partial 8. g16 a b | c g e g c, g' c e | d g, d g b, g' d' f | e g, e g c, g' e' g | a b b8\trill c <f, a> | <f a> <e g>4 g,8     } No.98 (Capricio 48)
  40. [Capricio] \relative c'' { \clef treble \key a \minor \time 2/4
\partial 8 e8 | \times 2/3 { c16 b a } \times 2/3 { a'[ gis a] } \times 2/3 { e c a } \times 2/3 { c'[ b a] } | \times 2/3 { gis a b } \grace f8 e4 gis16 a | \times 2/3 { b gis e } \times 2/3 { d[ f e] } \times 2/3 { b, d' b } \times 2/3 { gis,[ b' d] }      } No.101 (Capricio 51)
  41. [Capricio] \relative c'' { \clef treble \key c \minor \time 2/4
c8 \times 2/3 { es16 d c } \times 2/3 { g'[ es c] } \times 2/3 { f g as } | c,8 \times 2/3 { es16 d c } \times 2/3 { g' es c } \times 2/3 { f[ g as] } | \times 2/3 { g es c } \times 2/3 { es[ g c] } \times 2/3 { b g d } \times 2/3 { g[ b d] }  } No.92 (Capricio 42)
  42. [Capricio] \relative c'' { \clef treble \key a \major \time 3/8
e16 a,, cis e' d, fis' | e cis, b d' gis,, b' | cis a, cis e' d, fis' | e cis, b d' gis,, b' | cis32 a cis e a[ gis fis e] fis e d cis |    } No.103 (Capricio 53)