(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Nardini, Pietro .)
Pietro Nardini (12 April 1722 — 7 May 1793)
Name in Other Languages: Пьетро Нардини , ピエトロ・ナルディーニ , Πιέτρο Ναρντίνι , پيترو ناردينى
Aliases: Нардини Пьетро , Nardini , Pietro Antonio Pasquale Nardini
Authorities - WorldCat , Wikipedia , VIAF : 66580145 , LCCN : n84041939 , ISNI : 0000000108582277 , [8 more... ] GND : 119443880 , SUDOC : 155721879 , BNF : 125508565 , MusicBrainz : 3c729187-c1ea-4599-96dc-9f7a5f840898 , NKC : xx0023571 , ICCU : LO1V131780 , BNE : XX1472445 , IATH : w6rz0043
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P-numbers are taken from Pietro Nardini: seine Werke und sein Leben by Clara Pfäfflin, 1930/35 (Stuttgart).
Extensive work list can be found in Federico Marri/Marie Rouquie: Pietro Nardini (1722-1793) da Livorno all'Europa - Catalogo tematico delle opere, 2017 (Livorno) .
Pages in category "Nardini, Pietro/Collections"
The following 28 pages are in this category, out of 28 total.
❉ – All (28) 𝐍 – Naxos (3) S – Scores (19) P – Parts (12) A – Arrangements and Transcriptions (6) 🔀 📻
A B C H K M R S T V Les vieux maîtres du violon (Moffat, Alfred) Violin Concerto in E minor (Nardini, Pietro) 6 Violin Concertos, Op.1 (Nardini, Pietro) 6 Violin Duos (Nardini, Pietro) 2 Violin Sonatas (Nardini, Pietro) 12 Violin Sonatas (Nardini, Pietro) 6 Violin Sonatas, Op.2 (Nardini, Pietro) 6 Violin Sonatas, Op.5 (Nardini, Pietro) Violin und Viola-Sonaten ältere Meister (Zellner, Leopold Alexander)W