
WV Cologne cover 1912
WV Munich cover 1912




This company operated in Cologne and Munich from about 1910. The name refers to Des Knaben Wunderhorn ("The boy's magic horn: old German songs") which is a collection of German folk poems and songs edited by Arnim and Brentano, and published in 1805-1808. The book was a favorite in German-speaking Europe. It is best known in the musical world as the source for Mahler's settings (1892-1901).

Wunderhorn Verlag published works by contemporary composers such as Joseph Haas and Sandor Jemnitz, in addition to historical works by WF Bach. The Cologne company was related, at least from the 1920s to Tischer & Jagenberg, as a vereinte Verlag (united or joint publisher) (they may have purchased T&J and used it as an imprint. In any case, moving T&J's post-1924 plate table to here, as in similar cases for now.)

The current Wunderhorn-Verlag in Cologne is a literary publisher founded quite recently.

Imprints, Addresses, Agencies

Plate Numbers

Wunderhorn's plate numbers are in the format of WV ### or W.V. ### M. Dates in italics are estimated.

Plate Composer Work Year
0064 Beer-Walbrunn Violin Sonata, Op.30 (sc&pt) 1911
0166 Ingenhoven Brabant und Holland (full score) 1912
0222 Haas Kammer-Trio, Op.38 1912
0296 Rüdinger Romantische Serenade, Op.9 1914
0592 Toch String Quartet in C, Op.26 (sc&pts) 1925
0695 Albrecht String Quartet in D major, Op.19 1925
0724 Toch String Quartet (on "BASS"), Op.28 (sc&pts) 1926
0726 Bergh Tragic Symphony, Op.50 (fs) 1926
0929 Unger Piano Concerto, Op.47 (reduction) 1926
0951 Thomassin Violin Sonata No.3 (sc&pt) 1927
1137 Brandts Buys Poetical Excursions, Op.50 (fs) 1931
1184 Schubert, H. Hymnus (vocal score) 1932
1392 Koczalski Piano Concerto, Op.83 (2-pf red.) 1936
