Wie Till Eulenspiegel lebte (Reznicek, Emil von)



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PDF typeset by Florian Bauer (...
Archytas (2013/6/30)

Editor Michael Wittmann
Publisher. Info. Wedemark: Musikverlag H.M. Fehrmann, 2013. Editio Reznicek 1003
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General Information

Work Title Sinfonisches Zwischenspiel in Form einer Overtüre
Alternative. Title
Composer Reznicek, Emil von
Internal Reference NumberInternal Ref. No. IER 69
Movements/SectionsMov'ts/Sec's 1
Year/Date of CompositionY/D of Comp. 1900-12-16
First Performance. 2014-2-24, Berlin (anticipated)
First Publication. 2013
Average DurationAvg. Duration 15 minutes
Composer Time PeriodComp. Period Romantic
Piece Style Early 20th century
Instrumentation Large orchestra

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Reznicek composed his opera "Till Eulenspiegel" between August 1898 and September 1900. This opera was premiered by Felix Mottl at Karlsruhe in 1902. Between September and December 1900 Reznicek also wrote the Symphonic Poem "Wie Till Eulenspegel lebte". This was intended as an Intermezzo between the 2nd and 3rd acts of "Till Eulenspiegel" but was omitted from the premiere of 1902 and any further representations of the opera. It is not included in the piano-vocal score of the opera either. Later Reznicek considered "Wie Till Eulenspiegel lebte" as an independent composition, suitable also for concert performances.