W. Vobach

Die Musik-Mappe cover ca.1905
Fashion magazine cover 1930s



Vobach & Co was a Berlin magazine publisher in the early 20th century.

It was formed in 1898 by the merger of O. de Liagre, formed only two years earlier by Oscar de Liagre (1870-1940) with W. Vobach. This firm published many successful magazines, such as Sonntagszeitung für Deutschlands Frauen which had a circulation of 130.000 by 1913.

Vobach's only musical publication was the journal Die Musik-Mappe (The Music folder) which included a musical score in each number. It was edited by Felix Lederer-Prina, and appeared from January 1904 until May 1911.

Between the wars Vobach became part of Kurt Herrmann (1888-1959)’s business empire: in 1927 W. Vobach & Co. joined Bernhard Meyer of Leipzig and Curt Hamel to form Universal­verlag GmbH Berlin. This grew into a vast magazine business, with 25 titles, seven fashion magazines and 18 Insurance magazines (Versicherungszeitschriften) with a total circulation of nearly five million.
Herrmann, although a respected Prussian Staatsrat was suspected of tax evasion, changed his nationality to Liechtenstein, and by 1939 had become the owner of Gebr. Friedländer, a Berlin jeweler, and also of the great music publisher C. F. Peters as a result of Nazi aryanization policies. This Spiegel article gives more details.


Imprints, Addresses, Agencies


  • W. Vobach


  • Berlin

Plate Numbers

Authority Control

Sources Consulted

  • Wikipedia, DNB