Vorstudien zur hohen Schule des Violinspiels (David, Ferdinand)

Sheet Music

Scores and Parts


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Schalltrichter (2018/5/2)

Publisher. Info. Leipzig: Breitkopf und Härtel, n.d. Plate V.A. 376.
Misc. Notes monochrome
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Piano Scores: Selections

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Schalltrichter (2018/5/1)

11 more: 2. Leclair Selections in F major and G major • 3. Leclair Selections in D major and B♭ major • 3a. Leclair Selections in D major • 3b. Leclair Selections in B♭ major • 4. Aubert Selections in E minor • 5. Leclair selections in B♭ major • 6. Leclair Selections in A major • 7-9. Corelli 3 Sonatas • 10. Leclair Selections in B minor • 11. Leclair Selections from Op.5 • 12-13. Corelli 2 Sonatas

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Schalltrichter (2018/5/2)

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Schalltrichter (2018/8/24)

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Schalltrichter (2018/5/2)

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Schalltrichter (2018/5/2)

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Schalltrichter (2018/5/3)

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Schalltrichter (2018/5/3)

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Schalltrichter (2018/5/4)

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Schalltrichter (2018/5/4)

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Schalltrichter (2018/5/4)

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Schalltrichter (2018/5/4)

PDF scanned by PL-Wn
Schalltrichter (2018/5/4)

Publisher. Info. Leipzig: Breitkopf und Härtel, n.d. Plate V.A. 376.
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General Information

Work Title Vorstudien zur hohen Schule des Violinspiels
Alternative. Title Preliminary pieces /leichtere Stücke aus Werken berühmter Meister des 17. u. 18. Jahrhunderts ; zum Gebrauch am Conservatorium der Musik zu Leipzig
Composer David, Ferdinand
Internal Reference NumberInternal Ref. No. IFD 35
Movements/SectionsMov'ts/Sec's 13 studies:
  1. Leclair Allegretto. Giga. Adagio. Corrente. Gavotta. (Op.1 Nos.1-2)
  2. Leclair Allemanda. Aria. Giga. Mussette. Gavotta. (Op.1 Nos.7-8)
  3. Leclair Allegro. Sarabanda. Allegro. Scherzo. Gavotta. Giga. (Op.1 Nos.10-11)
  4. Aubert (père) Aria. Presto. Gavotta. Giga. Presto. (Livre 4 No.1, Livre 5 Nos.1,5)
  5. Leclair Largo. Gavotta. Largo. Aria. Giga. (Op.1 No.3, Op.2 No. 7)
  6. Leclair Sarabanda. Giga. Allegro. Sarabanda. Allegro. (Op.1 Nos.5, 6, 9)
  7. Corelli Suite No.1, Preludio, Corrente, Sarabanda, Giga. (Op.5 No.7 complete)
  8. Corelli Suite No.2, Preludio, Allemande, Sarabanda, Giga. (Op.5 No.8 complete)
  9. Corelli Suite No.3, Preludio, Allegretto, Adagio, Gavotta. (Op.5 No.9 complete)
  10. Leclair Aria. Allegro. Prestissimo. Adagio. Gavotta. (Op.2 No.11, Op.5 No.5, Op.5 No.7)
  11. Leclair Aria. Allegro. Giga. Andante. Aria. (Op.5 Nos.1-3)
  12. Corelli Suite No.1, Preludio, Allemanda, Sarabanda, Gavotta, Giga. (Op.5 No.10 complete)
  13. Corelli Suite No.2, Preludio, Allegro, Adagio, Vivace, Gavotta. (Op.5 No.11 complete)
First Publication. 1872 (Books 1, 2)

1873 (Books 3-10) 1876 (collected?)

Composer Time PeriodComp. Period Romantic
Piece Style Baroque
Instrumentation violin, piano (arr)
Extra Information Selections from Baroque sonatas
Included in the category Intermediate Works for Violin.
The violin part(s) is in 1st to 3rd position.

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Books 1-2 contain various works by Leclair (possibly the younger) - "Leclair, Allegretto. Giga. Adagio. Corrente. Gavotta. No. 2. Leclair, Allemanda. Aria. Giga. Mussette. Gavotta" - Books 3 is 6 sonata movements by Jean-Marie Leclair (explicitly specified, possibly a different Leclair than in books 1 and 2); book 4 is 5 movements by Aubert père (presumably Jacques Aubert) ; book 5, J-M Leclair again; book 6, 8, and 9, Leclair; book 7 and 10, Corelli. RISM may have aided in identifying the specific works arranged.