All-Night Vigil, Op.37 (Rachmaninoff, Sergei)




MP3 file (audio)
Stenov (2019/6/11)

Performer Pages Cantores Carmeli Linz (chorus)
Michael Stenov (director)
Publisher Info. Michael Stenov
Misc. Notes Live recording from the Karmelitenkirche Linz 2006
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Sheet Music



PDF scanned by Tarakanov
Albrights (2021/7/11)

16 more: Complete Score • 1. Приидите поклонимся • 2. Благослови, душе моя, Господа • 3. Блажен муж • 4. Свете тихий • 5. Ныне отпущаеши • 6. Богородице Дево, радуйся • 7. Шестопсалмие • 8. Хвалите имя Господне • 9. Благословен еси, Господи • 10. Воскресение Христово видевше • 11. Величит душа Моя Господа • 12. Славословие великое • 13. Тропарь: Днесь спасение • 14. Тропарь: Воскрес из гроба • 15. Взбранной воеводе

PDF scanned by Tarakanov
Music Addict (2018/3/6)

PDF scanned by Tarakanov
Carolus (2009/5/9)

PDF scanned by Tarakanov
Carolus (2009/5/9)

PDF scanned by Tarakanov
Carolus (2009/5/9)

PDF scanned by Tarakanov
Carolus (2009/5/9)

PDF scanned by Tarakanov
Carolus (2009/5/9)

PDF scanned by Tarakanov
Carolus (2009/5/9)

PDF scanned by Tarakanov
Carolus (2009/5/9)

PDF scanned by Tarakanov
Carolus (2009/5/9)

PDF scanned by Tarakanov
Carolus (2009/5/9)

PDF scanned by Tarakanov
Carolus (2009/5/9)

PDF scanned by Tarakanov
Carolus (2009/5/9)

PDF scanned by Tarakanov
Carolus (2009/5/9)

PDF scanned by Tarakanov
Carolus (2009/5/9)

PDF scanned by Tarakanov
Carolus (2009/5/9)

PDF scanned by Tarakanov
Carolus (2009/5/9)

Language Church Slavonic
Publisher. Info. Moscow: Muzgiz, n.d.(ca.1991). Plate 14226.

This is an urtext/critical/scholarly/scientific edition (or a simple re-engraving). Any commentary or critical apparatus, if protected by copyright, should not be included in the scan(s) available here.

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PDF scanned by Google (Harvard)
Feldmahler (2009/4/15)

Language English
Translator Charles Winfred Douglas (1867–1944), English text
Publisher. Info. New York: H.W. Gray Co., 1920.
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Language Church Slavonic / English
Translator Charles Winfred Douglas (1867–1944), English text
Publisher. Info. Moscow: Russkie Muzikalnoye Izdatielstvo, n.d.(1915). Plate R.M.I. 275-276.
Reprinted Washington: Choral Arts Society, 1980.
Misc. Notes This file is from the MIT archive project.
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PDF typeset by editor
Bmames00 (2014/9/3)

6 more: 2. Благослови, душе моя • 3. Блажен муж • 4. Свете тихий • 5. Ныне отпущаеши • 6. Богородице Дево, радуйся • 7. Шестопсалмие

PDF typeset by editor
Bmames00 (2014/9/1)

PDF typeset by editor
Bmames00 (2014/9/6)

PDF typeset by editor
Bmames00 (2014/9/8)

PDF typeset by editor
Bmames00 (2014/9/11)

PDF typeset by editor
Bmames00 (2014/9/12)

PDF typeset by editor
Bmames00 (2014/9/23)

Editor Brian Ames
Language Church Slavonic (Cyrillic), with transliteration
Publisher. Info. Brian Ames
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PDF typeset by editor
Dean Shannon (2013/1/31)

Editor Dean Shannon
Language Church Slavonic
Publisher. Info. Dean Shannon
Misc. Notes Typeset in Cyrillic with IPA Phoneticization
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PDF typeset by editor
Stenov (2019/6/20)

Editor Michael Stenov
Publisher. Info. Michael Stenov
Misc. Notes German phonetic transcription
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PDF typeset by editor
Micah Walter (2013/5/30)

PDF typeset by editor
Micah Walter (2013/5/30)

Editor Micah Walter
Language Church Slavonic
Publisher. Info. Micah Walter
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Arrangements and Transcriptions

Ныне отпущаеши (Nunc dimittis, No.5)

For Piano

PDF scanned by Unknown
Dmitterd (2015/2/17)

Publisher. Info. London: G. Allen &​ Unwin, 1934.
Misc. Notes Rachmaninoff's own arrangement of the Nunc dimittis (movement 5 of the Vigil), included on page 252 of Rachmaninoff's Recollections as told to Oskar von Reisemann.
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Ave maria (No.6)

For 6 Recorders (Wiebes)

PDF scanned by arranger
Zandeavande (2018/8/9)

Arranger Jaap Wiebes
Publisher. Info. Jaap Wiebes
Misc. Notes section 6
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For 3 Clarinets and Bass Clarinet (Gorrie)

PDF typeset by arranger
Jongorrie (2024/10/30)

Arranger Jon Gorrie (b. 1977)
Publisher. Info. Jon Gorrie, 2019.
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Now Lettest Thou Depart

For 2 Horns, 3 Trumpets, 3 Trombones and Tuba (Davanzo)

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IsaacDavanzo (2017/11/17)

PDF typeset by arranger
IsaacDavanzo (2017/11/17)

Arranger Isaac Davanzo (b. 2001)
Publisher. Info. Isaac Davanzo, 2017.
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General Information

Work Title All-Night Vigil
Alternative. Title Всенощное бдение (Vsenoshchnoye bdeniye)
Name Translations Las vísperas; Vigilia; Les Vêpres; 徹夜祷; Vsenočno bdenje; Свеноћно бденије (Рахмањинов); Все́нощное бде́ние; Das große Abend- und Morgenlob; Veglia per tutta la notte; Les vespres; 徹夜禱; سهر طوال الليل (رحمانينوف); Ολονύχτια αγρυπνία
Name Aliases Las visperas; All-Night Vigil (Rachmaninoff); Vsénoshchnoye bdéniye; Vespers, Op. 37; All-Night Vigil, Op. 37; Vigilia (Rahmaninov); Всенощное бдение; Всенощное бдѣніе; Große Abend- und Morgenlob, das; Ganznächtliche Vigil; Vesper; 晩祷
Authorities WorldCat; Wikipedia; VIAF: 183264559; LCCN: no89005249; GND: 300124244; BNF: 139176282
Composer Rachmaninoff, Sergei
Opus/Catalogue NumberOp./Cat. No. Op.37
Internal Reference NumberInternal Ref. No. ISR 2
Movements/SectionsMov'ts/Sec's 15 movements:
  1. Приидите, поклонимся (Priidite, poklonimsya)
    O Come, Let Us Worship (Venite adoremus)
  2. Благослови, душе моя (Blagoslovi, dushe moya)
    Praise the Lord, O my soul (Benedic anima mea)
  3. Блажен муж (Blazhen muzh) / Blessed is the Man (Beatus vir)
  4. Свете тихий (Svete tikhiy) / Gladsome Light
  5. Ныне отпущаеши (Nyne otpushchayeshi) / Nunc dimittis
  6. Богородице Дево, радуйся (Bogorodishche Devo, raduysya) / Ave Maria
  7. Шестопсалмие (Shestopsalmiye) / Glory be to God
  8. Хвалите имя Господне (Khvalite imya Gospodne)
    Praise be the name of the Lord (Laudate Dominum)
  9. Благословен еси, Господи (Blagosloven yesi, Gospodi)
    Blessed be the Lord
  10. Воскресение Христово видевше (Voskreseniye Khristovo videvshe)
    The Veneration of the Cross
  11. Величит душа Моя Господа (Belichit dusha Moya Gospoda) / Magnificat
  12. Славословие великое (Slavosloviye velikoye) / Gloria in Excelsis
  13. Днесь спасение (Dnes' spaseniye) / The Day of Salvation
  14. Воскрес из гроба (Voskres iz groba) / Christ is Risen
  15. Взбранной воеводе (Vzbrannoy voyevode) / To the Mother of God
Year/Date of CompositionY/D of Comp. 1915
First Performance. 1915 (March)
First Publication. 1915
Language Russian Church Slavonic
Dedication Stepan Vasilyevich Smolensky (1848–1909)
Average DurationAvg. Duration 59 minutes
Composer Time PeriodComp. Period Romantic
Piece Style Romantic
Instrumentation alto, tenor, mixed chorus (SATB), piano (ad lib.)
External Links Wikipedia article
The Lied, Art Song, and Choral Texts Archive
Extra Information Sometimes called Vespers, but inaccurately, as with Tchaikovsky's work.

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Vocal Music by Sergei Rachmaninoff
  • Esmerelda (1888, incomplete)
  • Monna Vanna (1906–08, incomplete)
Solo Songs and Romances