User talk:Diapason

Mi trovate anche sulla versione italiana di wikipedia. Nel caso noterete un mio momento di assenza (caso più unico che raro) lasciate un messaggio nella mia pagina di discussione.

Hi Diapason ! I saw that you started to upload Mozart files from NMA. It might not be a bad idea (apart from the fact that it's put on low priority as stated on the Mozart page) but are you aware that these files are avalaible as high-quality multi-pages pdf files on the NMA site ? It looks like you downloaded the low-quality screen version page-by-page and tranfrom it to pdf. This is a painfull job which only provides low-quality scores. To access the high quality pdfs, just clik on the "i" icon instead of the notehead icon. If my explanation are unclear, feel free to ask me. Cheers,Matthieu 12:36, 3 October 2007 (EDT)

Thank you for the interesting, but the "high-quality multi-pages pdf files" are not aviable on the NMA site. Cheers --Diapason 10:03, 4 October 2007 (EDT)
Actually, they are, just very well hidden. For example, the first part of the K.63 that you just submitted can be found as a PDF file here. Basically, to get the PDF file you just have to open up the Band (searching does not work!), and click on the 'i' symbol instead of the note. Then you should see PDF icons next to every piece :) --Feldmahler 10:39, 8 October 2007 (EDT)
I'm understand, but this version is not uploading. Cheers --Diapason 11:12, 8 October 2007 (EDT)
I must ask you again to use the PDF files on the DME site itself. What did you mean by the version not uploading?
In any case, what you are doing now has to be redone by the DME project, so essentially it would be better not to submit them... since we will have to remove them anyway (and reupload the ones from DME). I'm sorry if this sounds harsh, but I just don't want to waste your time and the DME project member's time :) --Feldmahler 13:09, 9 October 2007 (EDT)
Anyway,the files that I've inserted can remain in the page till the members of the Dme progect don't replace them --Diapason 14:20, 10 October 2007 (EDT)

Neue Mozart Ausgabe project

Hi, I noticed yesterday you'd uploaded Mozart's K1 - unfortunately that volume of the edition is still under copyright! You might want to have a read of this thread regarding the Mozart edition. Regards, Philip Legge @ © Φ 03:17, 4 October 2007 (EDT)

Ciao, giusto per chiarire (ho appena visto la discussione nel forum): Si sta discutendo come acquisire sistematicamente i volumi della NMA che sono di pubblico dominio. Se ti va di partecipare, leggi il thread che ti ha indicato Philip (se hai problemi con l'inglese, prova ad usare un traduttore automatico (Google, Babelfish,...). Se poi anche così ti rimangono dei dubbi, al massimo chiedi a me di tradurre). --Leonard Vertighel 04:41, 4 October 2007 (EDT)
Grazie ancora per l'interessamento vedrò in questi giorni di partecipare alla discussione. Alla prossima! --Diapason 10:03, 4 October 2007 (EDT)