
Hi! I'm here in order to upload my engravings of interesting (but sometimes almost unreadable) manuscripts, and to share my own compositions.
On my YouTube channel you'll find ~1,900 score videos (!) of forgotten composers and their forgotten massterworks.
Here is my page on IMSLP, where you can find my scores and my editions.
Here is my page on Patreon, where you can support my work.
Here are some other useful links.

Sibelius logo.png
This user uses Sibelius.
This user uses MuseScore.
it Questo utente parla italiano a livello di lingua madre.
en This user speaks English at a native level.
de Dieser Benutzer spricht Deutsch.
sl Uporabnik govori slovenski jezik.
es Este usuario habla español.
com-4 This user is a professional composer.
pno-2 This user is an intermediate pianist.
gui-1 This user is a novice guitarist.