Convert a bunch of tiff files to a pdf. Uses the libtiff tools tiffcp and tiff2pdf.
#!/usr/bin/env ruby #first - tiff which will be first page of pdf #last - tiff while will be last page of pdf #prefix - prefix of all tiff files #filename - name of pdf file (no spaces) def make_pdf(first, last, prefix, filename) unless(File.exists?(filename+'.pdf')) puts filename files = (first..last){|i| prefix+("%04d"%i)+'.tiff'} `tiffcp #{files.join(' ')} #{filename}.tiff` `tiff2pdf #{filename}.tiff -t"#{filename.gsub('_', ' ')}" -z -o #{filename}.pdf` `rm #{filename}.tiff` end end #Example: #Files are named BookIV-0001.tiff through BookIV-0040.tiff make_pdf(1, 40, 'BookIV-', "Schantl-School_for_the_Horn_Book_IV_a")
Convert a pdf file to a bunch of tiffs. With this method you need to manually figure out the dpi.
#!/bin/sh #usage $0 <input> <prefix> [other options] PREFIX=$2 DPI=300x300 pdfimages $1 $PREFIX for i in $PREFIX*.ppm do cmd="convert -density $DPI -units PixelsPerInch $i $3 -monochrome -compress Group4 `echo $i | sed -e 's_\.[^.]*$_.tiff_'`" echo $cmd eval $cmd done for i in $PREFIX*.pbm do cmd="convert -density $DPI -units PixelsPerInch $i $3 -compress Group4 `echo $i | sed -e 's_\.[^.]*$_.tiff_'`" echo $cmd eval $cmd done rm $PREFIX*.pbm $PREFIX*.ppm