UCLA class of 2023 graduate and amateur musician. Passionate about music, history, and music history, especially from the Renaissance and Baroque eras. Played baroque cello and sung with the UCLA Early Music Ensemble.
Current transcription projects I am working on:
- Motets from the Novi thesauri musici, Libro 3
- Cafaro's Cantata per la traslazione del sangue di S. Gennaro, 1769 (started back in 2019, wish to finally finish)
- Cello pieces by Chiabrano, Avondano, and other lesser known Baroque composers
en | This user speaks English at a native level. |
la | Hic usor lingua Latina velut sermone patrio utitur. |
es | Este usuario habla español. |
vcl-2 | This user is an intermediate violoncellist. |
org-2 | This user is an intermediate organist. |
pno-2 | This user is an intermediate pianist. |
ebs-1 | This user is a novice electric bassist. |
Contact: kaiusspencerian@gmail.com