


Music Typeset in SCORE

Click on the page thumbnails below to view the scores.


Frédéric Chopin, Prelude in E minor, Op. 28, No. 4



Frédéric Chopin, Prelude in B minor, Op. 28, No. 6



Felix Mendelssohn, Spinning Song, from Songs without Words, Op. 67, No. 4 [1845]



Domenico Scarlatti, Sonata in B♭ major, K.422/L.319


SCORE data

[SCORE] is a graphical notation editor created by Leland Smith at Stanford University. It was popular for high-end music publishing in the 1990's, and is still used in many large-scale projects. The following are sample works which I have typeset in SCORE. The original SCORE data files are attached to the PDF files. In Adobe Acrobat, go to the Attachments tab on the right side of the viewing window; there will be a text file attachment which you can double click to view the data. The following image shows the Attachment list in Adobe Acrobat (Professional), were the PMX data file "chopin2804.txt" is listed:


Below is sample data in the SCORE format. Each line represents a musical item. The first number on a line indicates the item type (or "t" for text items). For example "1" means a note, "8" means staff lines, "14" means a barline, "3" means clef, "17" means key signature. The second number on the line indicate which staff the item belongs to. In this case the top staff on the page is "12", and the left-hand staff is numbered "11". The third number on a line is its horizontal position of the item on the page, with 0 being the left margin and 200 being the right margin. The fourth number is the vertical position on the staff, with "3" being the bottom line of the staff, "4" being the bottom space on the staff, and "11" being the top line of the staff. Other number will have different meanings depending on the item type found at the start of the line.

  1. t 11 3.75 15.125 1 2.36 0 0 0 0 0 0 5
  2. _016
  3. 8 11 15 6.34 0.75 114.71
  4. 14 11 15 2
  5. 14 11 15 2 8
  6. 8 12 15 5.84 0.75 114.71
  7. 3 11 16 0 1
  8. 3 12 16
  9. 17 11 21.99 0 2 1 0.9
  10. 17 12 21.99 0 2 0 0.9
  11. 18 11 26.39 0 3 4
  12. 18 12 26.39 0 3 4
  13. t 12 26.429 18.5 1 1.18 0 0 0 0 0 0 15
  14. _00Lento assai
  15. 5 11 29.137 9.88 8.25 109.14 8.5 -2 0 0.45 0 0 0.65
  16. t 12 32.13 -5 1 1 0 0 0 0 1.5 0 14
  17. _02sotto voce
  18. 1 11 32.137 5 20 0 0.25 -0.5
  19. 6 11 32.137 5.5 8 43.77 22
  20. 4 11 33.137 -3.5 999 51.98 0 0 -9
  21. 1 11 35.846 7 20 0 0.25 -0.8
  22. 1 11 39.806 9 20 0 0.25 0.35
  23. 1 11 43.766 12 20 0 0.25 4
  24. 1 11 47.975 14 20 0 1
  25. 6 11 60.545 13.5 14 71.03 21 0 0 11 0 71.03
  26. 1 11 60.545 13 20 0 0.75 -0.5 10
  27. 1 11 71.034 14 20 0 0.25
  28. 14 11 75.264 2
  29. 1 11 76.953 12 20 0 1.5 0 10
  30. 4 11 77.953 0.5 999 104.09 -1 0 4
  31. 6 11 95.822 9 6.5 108.39 21
  32. 1 11 95.822 9 20 0 0.5
  33. 1 11 102.091 7 20 0 0.5 -0.75
  34. 1 11 108.391 6 20 0 0.5 -0.5
  35. 14 11 114.71 2
  36. 5 12 32.137 14.75 14.75 40.06 0.75 -4 0 0 0 0 0.65
  37. 1 12 32.137 2 0 0 1
  38. 1 12 32.137 7 10 0 0.5 -0.5 0 0 -5 0 0 1
  39. 6 12 32.137 6.5 6.5 39.56 11
  40. 1 12 32.137 4 20 0 1 0.5
  41. 1 12 39.556 7 10 0 0.5 -0.5
  42. 1 12 47.976 7 10 0 0.5 -0.5 0 0 -5 0 0 1
  43. 1 12 47.976 4 20 0 1 -1.5
  44. 6 12 47.976 6.5 6.5 54.28 11
  45. 5 12 47.976 14.75 14.75 54.28 0.75 -4 0 0 0 0 0.65
  46. 1 12 54.275 7 10 0 0.5 -0.5
  47. 5 12 60.544 14.75 14.75 66.84 0.75 -4 0 0 0 0 0.65
  48. 1 12 60.544 7 10 0 0.5 -0.5 0 0 -5 0 0 1
  49. 6 12 60.544 6.5 6.5 66.84 11
  50. 1 12 60.545 4 20 0 1 -1.5
  51. 1 12 66.844 7 10 0 0.5 -0.5
  52. 1 12 76.953 4 20 0 1 0.5
  53. 1 12 76.953 2 0 0 1
  54. 1 12 76.953 7 10 0 0.5 -0.5
  55. 6 12 76.953 6.5 6.5 83.25 11
  56. 1 12 83.253 7 10 0 0.5 -0.5
  57. 1 12 89.522 7 10 0 0.5 -0.5
  58. 6 12 89.522 6.5 6.5 95.82 11
  59. 1 12 89.523 2 0 0 1
  60. 1 12 89.523 4 20 0 1 0.5
  61. 1 12 95.822 7 10 0 0.5 -0.5
  62. 1 12 102.091 7 10 0 0.5 -0.5
  63. 6 12 102.091 6.5 6.5 108.39 11
  64. 1 12 102.092 4 20 0 1 0.5
  65. 1 12 102.092 2 0 0 1
  66. 1 12 108.391 7 10 0 0.5 -0.5

Graphical rendering of the data on the left. Notice the French stemming on the first beam in the bass-clef staff where the stems stop at the first beam rather than the last (in homage to Chopin's French side).
