21 songs:
- Doe not, O do not prize thy beautie
- Beautie sate bathing by a spring
- Goe to bed sweete muze, take thy rest
- Shall I looke to ease my griefe
- What if I sped where I least expected
- Sweete if you like and loue me still
- Sease troubled thoughts to sigh
- Scinthia Queene of seas and lands
- Blame not my cheekes
- There is a garden in her face
- Sweete loue my onely treasure
- Thinkst thou Kate to put me downe
- When will the fountaine of my teares be drye
- Flye from the world
- Happy he who to sweete home retirde
- Disdaine that so doth fill me
- Now let her change and spare not
- Since iust disdaine began to rise
- At her fayre hands how haue I grace intreated
- Oft haue I muzde the cause to finde
- Now haue I learnd with much adoo at last