Towaŕšny Spěwnik za serbski lud (Various)

Sheet Music


Editor First edition
Korla Awgust Fiedleŕ (1835–1917)
Publisher. Info. Budyšin: Maćica Serbska, 1878.
Editor 2nd edition
Korla Awgust Fiedleŕ (1835–1917)
Publisher. Info. Budyšin: Maćica Serbska, 1897.
Editor 3rd edition
Jan Rječka (1878–1915)
Publisher. Info. Budyšin: Maćica Serbska, 1915.
Editor 4th edition
Jurij Słodeńk (1873–1945)
Publisher. Info. Budyšin: Maćica Serbska, 1927.
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General Information

Work Title Towaŕšny Spěwnik za serbski lud
Alternative. Title
Composer Various
Internal Reference NumberInternal Ref. No. None [force assignment]
First Publication. 1878
Librettist Various
Language Upper Sorbian
Piece Style Traditional (folk)
Instrumentation voice

This collections also include songs translated from other languages. All songs are divided into groups (sorted by theme).

First edition 1878 [more...]

The librettist of the most songs is Handrij Zejler (=Seileŕ), otherwise the librettists’ names are given after the titles of the songs.
A. Wótčinstwo

1. Folk Songs: Serbow narodny spěw
2. Folk Songs: Nowe Serbstwo (libretto: Michał Domaška)
3. Kocor: Traće Serbowstwa
4. Hussite: Prawa serbskosć (libretto: Jan Arnošt Smoleŕ)
5. Folk Songs: Serbske barby (music like in #2)
6. Folk Songs: Słowjan sym a wostanu! (libretto: Jan Arnošt Smoleŕ)
7. Škroup: Mój statok (libretto: Jan Arnošt Smoleŕ)
8. Kocor: Na serbsku Łužicu (better known as Sorbian national anthem Rjana Łužica)
9. Folk Songs: Moje wjesela
10. Kocor: Serbow wótcny kraj
11. E. Frencl: Mój wótcny kraj
12. Kocor: Serbski kraj a lud
13. Folk Songs: Khrobły Serb (melody is marked as Czech, but according to editor's comment in the preface it's Croatian; libretto: Korla Awgust Fiedleŕ after Mikławš Cyž)
14. Folk Songs: Spěw Słowjanow (Czech libretto translated by Korla Awgust Fiedleŕ)

B. Pućowanje a přiroda

15. Kocor: Pućowaŕ w nalěću (there are alternative final bars in the preface recommended by the editor)
16. Kocor: Pućowanski spěw (libretto: Handrij Zejler or anonymous author according to the preface)
17. Kocor: Přezpolo jutrownych ćaharjow na raniši kemš
18. Kocor: Na trawičku
19. Folk Songs: Nalětni spěw
20. Kocor: Na róžu
21. Kocor: Spěw wo pčołkach
22. Smoleŕ: Khwalba hole (in the first three editions the composer's name is written as "J. K. Smoleŕ"; changed in the 4th edition 1927)
23. Kocor: Žnjeński spěw
24. Folk Songs: Žně
25. Kocor: Chor žnjeńcarjow
26. Kocor: Lěćny wječor
27. Folk Songs: Mróčelam a wětram
28. Kocor: Nazyma (music like in #17)
29. Kocor: Myslička nazymu
30. Folk Songs: Stysk a trošt

C. Wojeŕstwo a hajnistwo

31. Folk Songs: Serbski wojak a čěske holčo
32. Folk Songs: Wojak a jeho Hanka (libretto: Handrij Lubjenski)
33. Kocor: Rekrutski spěw
34. Kocor: Wojaŕske pacholo
35. Kocor: Rajtarjo moji mužojo
36. Kocor: Mi rajtar so najlěpje lubi
37. Kocor: Wojeŕski spěw
38. Kocor: Wójnski spěw
39. Kocor: Prync Jana Serbojo
40. Kocor: Honjeŕski spěw
41. Folk Songs: Hajńk a ptačatko

D. Lubosć
I. Lubosće horjo

42. Kocor: Brězyčka přede wsu
43. Kocor: Hancyna swěrnosć
44. Folk Songs: Zrudna holička (libretto: Anonymous)
45. Folk Songs: Wopytanje rowa (libretto: Anonymous)
46. Kocor: Jenajke lubosća, jenajke podeńdźenje (libretto: Jan Wehla)
47. Kocor: Žarowanje
48. Kocor: Dźělenje wot lubeje (music like in #46, libretto: Alois Vojtěch Šembera)
49. Folk Songs: Při rozpuću (music like in #60, libretto: Jan Wehla)
50. Folk Songs: Wrót a njewrót (music like in #41, libretto: Jan Wehla)
51. Kocor: Njeswěra
52. Folk Songs: Škowrončk (music like in #60, libretto: Jan Wehla)
53. Folk Songs: Njebože při lubosćach

II. Lubosće zbožo

54. Zejler: Lubka lilija
55. Kocor: Wowčeŕ při žitnym zahonje
56. Kocor: Serbske holičo
57. Kocor: Wuzwolenej (music like in #20, libretto: Korla Awgust Fiedleŕ)
58. Kocor: Čeho dla nic?
59. Kocor: Žedźenje po lubej (music like in #17, libretto: Korla Awgust Fiedleŕ)
60. Folk Songs: Lubosć jenička (libretto: Anonymous)
61. Folk Songs: Wuznaće róžičkam (music like in #64, libretto: Korla Awgust Jenč)
62. Folk Songs: Swěrna dźowka (libretto: Anonymous)
63. Folk Songs: Prašeń (music like in #60, libretto: Jan Wehla)
64. Folk Songs: Wopytanje
65. Folk Songs: Wotmołwa (music like in #60, libretto: Jan Wehla)
66. Kocor: Zastaničko
67. Folk Songs: Serenada (music like in #24, libretto: Korla Awgust Fiedleŕ)
68. Kocor: Hólčik a holčo

E. Kwas a mandźelstwo

69. Kocor: Serbska njewjesta
70. Kocor: Spěw při wužohnowanju njewjesty
71. Kocor: Njewjesćiny spěw
72. Folk Songs: Kwasarjow přezpolo k wěrowanju (music like in #111)
73. Kocor: Kwasarjow přispěw
74. Kocor: Kwasarjo w korčmje
75. Folk Songs: Jako słónki Leńku prěni čěpc stajachu (music like in #77)
76. Kocor: Radźena žeńtwa
77. Folk Songs: Khatržinka
78. Kocor: Njeradźena žeńtwa
79. Zejler: Nježenjenc (music like in #91)
80. Folk Songs: Dobra rada za hólcow (libretto: Anonymous)
81. Folk Songs: Dobra rada za holcy (music like in #80, libretto: Anonymous)

F. Towaŕšna radosć a žort

82. Zejler: Piwny spěw
83. Kocor: Khwalba piwa
84. Kocor: Winko a lubosć
85. Folk Songs: Slubatowaŕšny spěw młodych Serbow (music like in #24)
86. Zejler: Wjesela spěw
87. Zejler: Khwalba kurjenja
88. Folk Songs: Studentski spěw
89. Folk Songs: Rozmyslenje (music like in #88)
90. Zejler: Spěw studentow
91. Zejler: Dźewjeć rjemjesłnikow a dźesaty slěpc
92. Folk Songs: Žorty
93. Kocor: Nervus rerum
94. Folk Songs: Rada a wotrada
95. Folk Songs: Wojnaŕ (music like in #19)
96. Folk Songs: Serbska towaŕšnosć (music like in #77, libretto: Korla Awgust Fiedleŕ)
97. Folk Songs: Bjesadna radosć (music like in #2)
98. Folk Songs: Při bjesadnych zwjeselinach (music like in #77)
99. Folk Songs: Lětny swjedźeń serbskich Bjesadow (music like in #6, libretto: Korla Awgust Fiedleŕ)

G. Reje

100. Folk Songs: Serbska reja
101. Folk Songs: Nihdy dosć
102. Kocor: Reja
103. Kocor: Naš njeboh dźěd
104. Folk Songs: Žabjaca pólka
105. Kocor: Serbska meja

H. Dźělenje

106. Kocor: Swěrna myslička
107. Smoleŕ: Na domojhiće
108. Kocor: Dźělenje
109. Kocor: Trošt
110. Kocor: Dobra nóc tysac króć

I. Spěwy wšelakeho wopřijeća

111. Folk Songs: Swjateje Marina reja (libretto: Anonymous)
112. Kocor: Swjateje Marine sylzy
113. Kocor: Na nadźiju
114. Folk Songs: Spominanje na lubych (music like in #111)
115. Kocor: Róža a ptačik
116. Folk Songs: Wboha Hilža (music like in #45, libretto: Jan Wehla)
117. Folk Songs: Něhdźe a něhdy
118. Kocor: Wuznaće (music like in #69)
119. Folk Songs: Wumoženje (libretto: Anonymous))
120. Folk Songs: Zrudne ptačatko (libretto: Anonymous)
121. Folk Songs: Sydomlětna zasłužba (libretto: Anonymous)
122. Folk Songs: Ćeknjenaj (libretto: Anonymous)
123. Folk Songs: Dobry domojwrót (music like in #122, libretto: Jan Wehla)
124. Folk Songs: Wojowanje wo lubu (libretto: Anonymous)
125. Folk Songs: Trawaŕka (music like in #62, libretto: Jan Wehla)

J. Delnjołužiske spěwy

126. Folk Songs: Wbogi plějaŕ (libretto: Anonymous)
127. Folk Songs: Syrotka (librettist is not specified in the first three editions; according to the 4th edition the libretto is written "Po B. Krawcu" - after Bjarnat Krawc)
128. Folk Songs: Třo wo jadnu (libretto: Anonymous)
129. Folk Songs: Luby jako přosaŕ (libretto: Anonymous)
130. Folk Songs: Dobru noc (libretto: Anonymous)

K. Dodawk

131. Folk Songs: Trojake barby
132. Folk Songs: Zahrodka (music like in #64, libretto: Michał Domaška)
133. Folk Songs: Wosebnosć lubeje (music like in #60)
134. Folk Songs: Božemje (music like in #77)
135. Folk Songs: Mniška (music like in #62, libretto is attributed in the first three editions to Jan Wehla but in the 4th edition it's declared as anonymous)
136. Folk Songs: Přelča (music like in #122, libretto: Jan Wehla)
137. Folk Songs: Złamany slub (libretto: Mikławš Jacsławk)
138. Folk Songs: Zblědnjena róža (music like in #137, libretto: Mikławš Jacsławk)
139. Folk Songs: Tón mje lubuje (music like in #122)
140. Folk Songs: Horde holičo (libretto: Mikławš Jacsławk)
141. Folk Songs: Přaza a žeńtwa (music like in #45)
142. Folk Songs: Přaza (music like in #111)
143. Folk Songs: Dobre wotkazanje (music like in #131)
144. Folk Songs: Slěborny měsačk (music like in #24)
145. Folk Songs: Nalětni wětřik (music like in #45)
146. Zejler: Lěćo
147. Zejler: Khwalba burstwa
148. Zejler: Wostań w kraju
149. Folk Songs: Serbow strowjenje (music like in #24)
150. South-Slavic: Wutrobity Serb (libretto: Mikławš Cyž)
151. Folk Songs: Wójnska pěseń (music like in #13, note the editor’s comment about the origin of the melody; libretto: Mikławš Jacsławk)
152. Folk Songs: Maruška (music like in #121)
153. Folk Songs: Padnjeny pola Sadoweje
154. Folk Songs: Wonječko lubeje (music like in #153)
155. Folk Songs: Wojaŕske pacholo (music like in #158)
156. Folk Songs: Klukluk-ptačatko (music like in #53)
157. Zejler: Kukečanska piwaŕnja (music like in #87)
158. Folk Songs: Na dompuću (libretto: S[eileŕ?]. and Korla Awgust Fiedleŕ)
159. Folk Songs: Wjeseły dompuć (music like in #124)
160. Folk Songs: Radosć spěwanja (libretto: Korla Awgust Fiedleŕ)
161. Folk Songs: Wrót do Serbow (libretto: Korla Awgust Fiedleŕ after Křesćan Bohuwěr Pful)
162. Folk Songs: Na Łužicu (libretto: Korla Awgust Fiedleŕ)
163. Kocor: Žiwjenje - rejža (music like in #37)

Second edition 1897 [more...]

Contains 13 new songs (libretto by Handrij Zejler):

20. Kocor: Dróhowanje w podlěću
22. Kocor: Po puću na hory
28. Kocor: Rěč přirody
33. Kocor: Při pohladźe na prějnu kłósku
41. Kocor: Syrotka
44. Kocor: Ryćeŕski hólčik
59. Kocor: Hońtwjeŕski spěw
98. Kocor: Njewjestny wěnc
101. Kocor: Nawoženjowy spěw
102. Kocor: Ducy k wěrowanju
143. Kocor: Před dźělenjom
156. Kocor: Spokojnosć
167. Folk Songs: Přazny spěw

There is an alternative version of first two bars for song No. 47 in the preface, recommended by editor.

Third edition 1915 [more...]

About 65 songs from previous edition(s) are not included to the 3rd edition. It contains ca. 40 new songs (see the list below). Almost all of them are Folk Songs, their librettists are unknown (anonymous); otherwise they are specially given in the list.

18. Folk Songs: Serbow strowjenja (libretto: Handrij Zejler)
19. Carey (attr.): Krala Bóh požohnuj (libretto: F[iedleŕ?].; this song is an Upper Sorbian adaptation of God Save the King)
20. Carey (attr.): Kralowska hymna pruskich Serbow (libretto: M. A.; music like in #19, so this song is also an adaptation of God Save the King)
21. Kocor: Kralowska hymna sakskich Serbow (libretto: Jakub Bart-Ćišinski; version for single voice)
22. Lvov: Za kejžora a kraj (libretto: F[iedleŕ?].; this song is an Upper Sorbian adaptation of God Save the Tsar)
Sława (This song follows the #22 and has no own number but is included to the index (Pokazaŕ). Its composer and librettist are not given in the book. Musical stuff contains 5 bars and 1 text line.)
37. Zejler: Myslička nazymna (libretto: Handrij Zejler; this song was included to the previous editions as Myslička nazymu, with the music by Kocor)
50. Folk Songs: Zrudna kermuša (libretto: F[iedleŕ?].)
51. Folk Songs: Zemrjeta njewjesta
52. Folk Songs: Žarowace holčo
55. Folk Songs: Spomniš-li na mnje
56. Folk Songs: Zhubjeny luby
57. Folk Songs: Božemje lubej
59. Folk Songs: Stoji topoł zeleny
60. Folk Songs: Šoł je knjez hólčik na piwo
61. Folk Songs: Što płačeš, rjane holičo
64. Folk Songs: Rano domoj
65. Folk Songs: Horjo a radosć
66. Folk Songs: Wječor je blizko
67. Folk Songs: Z wječorka
68. Folk Songs: Ćma tak wulka je
69. Folk Songs: Swěćiła hwězdźička
70. Folk Songs: Swěrnaj
71. Folk Songs: Trawaŕka
73. Folk Songs: Tam je dobra hospoda
75. Folk Songs: Rjeńše holčo, njerudź so
85. Folk Songs: Wyše Wósporka
86. Folk Songs: Jědnaće ćepješe
87. Folk Songs: Mi róžička je zakćeła
88. Folk Songs: Wobstajnosć
98. Folk Songs: Při stajenju čěpca (libretto: Handrij Zejler)
102. Folk Songs: Ptači kwas
103. Folk Songs: Što to rěka
104. Folk Songs: Kwasny spěw
105. Folk Songs: Mandźelstwo
106. Folk Songs: Zrudny kwas
107. Folk Songs: Kwasny spěw
108. Folk Songs: Kwasny spěw
109. Słodeńk: Piwny spěw (libretto: Handrij Zejler; this song was included to previous editions, but the melody was by Zejler)
123. Folk Songs: Na dompuću (libretto: Handrij Zejler and Korla Awgust Fiedleŕ; this song was included to the 1st edition but not to the 2nd one)
137. probably Jan Arnošt Smoleŕ (J. K. Smoleŕ): Přečki (libretto: Handrij Zejler; this song is a "variation" of Na domojhiće included to the both first editions)
143. Folk Songs: Hilžička
145. Folk Songs: Tujawka (comment: "E. Muka [=Arnošt Muka], Opatija - 10.3.14")

Fourth Edition 1927 [more...]

The most songs included to the 4th edition are arranged for 2 or more voices (or rearranged, if they already were presented in previous editions). About 30 songs from previous editions are not included to the 4th one. New songs (ca. 60) are in the list below, some of them already were published in the 1st and/or the 2nd edition but not included to the 3rd one. Songs which were only rearranged are not listed.

10. Mencl: Božo, škituj Serby moje! (libretto: Jurij Mencl)
17b. Słodeńk: Naše hesło (libretto: Handrij Zejler, taken from #4; melody is transposed to As-dur and arranged for 4 male voices)
21. Kocor: Po puću na hory (libretto: Handrij Zejler, this song already was presented in the 2nd edition)
23. Kocor: Na trawičku (libretto: Handrij Zejler, this song already was presented in the first two editions)
33. Folk Songs: Wječorny spěw (libretto: Anonymous)
35a. Kocor: Myslička nazymna (libretto: Handrij Zejler; this song was included to the 1st and 2nd editions as "Myslička nazymu" and replaced in the 3rd edition with the version of Zejler. 4th edition presents both versions as #35a and #35b with the same title.)
36. Zejler: Lěćo (libretto: Handrij Zejler, this song already was presented in the first two editions)
37. Folk Songs: Kokula (libretto by Michał Nawka)
38. Folk Songs: Rólnik w nalěću (libretto translated by Michał Nawka)
39. Folk Songs: Słyšała sym ptačka pěć (libretto translated by Michał Nawka)
41. Wowčeŕk: Jakub a Leńka (libretto: Jan Hajnca)
42. Wowčeŕk: Lišcyne njezbožo (libretto: Jan Hajnca)
60b. Folk Songs: Swěrna luba (libretto: Anonymous; version for 4 male voices by Jurij Słodeńk)
63. Kocor: Hancyna swěrnosć (libretto: Handrij Zejler; this song already was presented in the first two editions)
64. Kocor: Žarowanje (libretto: Handrij Zejler; this song already was presented in the first two editions)
65. Folk Songs: Njezbože při lubosćach (libretto: Handrij Zejler; melody like in #55 but transposed to G-dur)
67. Wowčeŕk: Tři holčki (libretto: Jan Hajnca)
68. Wowčeŕk: Hanka, stražuj njewinu! (libretto: Jan Hajnca)
69. Folk Songs: Namakana sotra (libretto: Anonymous)
70. Wowčeŕk: "Maruška". Zahrodnikowe horjo (libretto: Jan Hajnca)
71. Wowčeŕk: Zo ja će njelubuju? (libretto: Jan Hajnca)
73. Kocor: Serbske holićo (libretto: Handrij Zejler; this song was included to the first 2 editions)
76. Folk Songs: Mniška (libretto according to this edition: Anonymous; this song already was presented in the first two editions but Jan Wehla was given as its librettist; music like in #75)
77. Folk Songs: Panik w Delanach (libretto: Michał Nawka)
80. Nawka: Wineta (libretto: Korla Awgust Fiedleŕ)
82. Folk Songs: Khuda, ale rjana (libretto translated by Michał Nawka)
83. Folk Songs: Próstwa (libretto translated by Michał Nawka)
86. Folk Songs: Wowčerjowa Hanka (libretto translated by Michał Nawka)
87. Folk Songs: Falšnej woči (libretto translated by Michał Nawka)
90. Folk Songs: Holčo w stysku (libretto translated by Michał Nawka)
91. Folk Songs: Hrozna ćeta (libretto: Michał Nawka)
101. Frajšlag: Spokojnosć (libretto: Handrij Dučman)
106. Folk Songs: Kwasarjow přezpolo k wěrowanju (libretto: Handrij Zejler; this song was included to the first 2 editions)
110. Kocor: Spěw při wyžohnowanju njewjesty (libretto: Handrij Zejler; this song was included to the first 2 editions)
111. Folk Songs: Mandźelstwo (libretto: Anonymous; melody and libretto differ a little from the version of this song presented in the previous edition)
113. Kocor: Kwasarjow přispěw (libretto: Handrij Zejler; this song was included to the first 2 editions)
114. Kocor: Njewjestny wěnc (libretto: Handrij Zejler; this song was included to the 2nd edition)
146. Kocor: Na nadźiju (libretto: Handrij Zejler; this song was included to the first 2 editions)
151. Kocor: Swjateje Marine sylzy (libretto: Handrij Zejler; this song was included to the first 2 editions)
154. Kocor: Wuznaće (libretto: Handrij Zejler; this song was included to the first 2 editions)
156. Folk Songs: Spominanje na lubych (libretto: Handrij Zejler; this song was included to the first 2 editions)
157. (Composer not specified): Wuznaće wěrjaceho křesćana (libretto: Handrij Zejler)
158. Folk Songs: Pod dubom (libretto translated by Michał Nawka)
159. Folk Songs: Dźělenje (libretto translated by Michał Nawka; not to be confused with the song of the same name by Kocor and Handrij Zejler presented in the previous three editions)
160. South-Sorbian (Serbian?): Młodźi hólcy (libretto translated by Michał Nawka)
161. Folk Songs: Kači spěw (libretto: Michał Nawka)
162. Folk Songs: Naš nan (libretto translated by Michał Nawka)
163. Folk Songs: Dočakała (libretto translated by Michał Nawka)
164. Fr. J. Pelz: Nět z mocu lawa, Sokoljo (libretto translated by Arnošt Holan)
165. (Composer not specified): Hoj horje serbski Sokole (libretto translated by Michał Nawka)
166. (Composer not specified): Sokole, z połdnja k nam (libretto translated by H. Šlec)
167. Słodeńk: Młodym Serbam (libretto: Jakub Bart-Ćišinski)
168. South-Slavic: Leći Sokoł (libretto: Anonymous)
169. Folk Songs: Pój do Sokoła (libretto: Pawoł Pjetaš)
170. Kocor: Ty mója góla (libretto: "Dr. Sauerwein")
175. Folk Songs: Ducy z jagodkow (libretto: Anonymous)
177. Folk Songs: Čornoboha stysk a nadźija (libretto: Mikławš Hajna)
178. Krawc after Kilian: Zbudźenje za Serbow (libretto: Jan Kilian, note: "Jozua 24, 20-24")
179. Frajšlag ("A. Frajšlak"): Powitanje Łužicy (libretto: Jan Ćesla)
180. Słodeńk: Wječorny spěw (libretto: Michał Nawka)
181. J. Klajbr: Mój domčk (libretto: Jakub Kumor)