The World's Best Composers: Contents Listing

This is a detailed listing of the items contained in the 8 volumes of the collection The World's Best Composers plus that of the expanded collection The World's Best Music




Volume 2
  1. J. Ascher: The Fifers of the Guard
  2. J. Ascher: Second polka militaire
  3. Johann Christian Bach: Andante
  4. Morris Baer: Colonial gavotte
  5. Charles Bohm: La grâce, quasi gavotte
  6. Brahms: 3 Hungarian dances
  7. Brahms: Intermezzo
  8. Frederic Chopin: Nocturne, Op.55
  9. Frederic Chopin: Nocturne, Op.15 No.3
  10. Leo Delibes: Intermezzo, et valse lente (from Sylvia)
  11. Frederic Emerson Farrar: Berceuse
  12. John Field: Nocturne (ed. Fannie Morris Smith)
  13. Elsa Flemming: La fête des fleur, valse elegante
  14. Charles Gounod: Ave Maria after J.S. Bach
  15. Christoph Glück: Chorus from Iphigenie in Aulis
  16. Grieg: Norwegian bridal procession
  17. Grieg: Funeral march in memory of Richard Nordraak
  18. Grieg: Morning (from the Peer Gynt suite)
  19. Grieg: Anitra's dance (from the Peer Gynt suite)
  20. Grieg: Ase's death (from the Peer Gynt suite)
  21. Alex Guilmant: Tarantelle, Op.48
  22. A. Henselt: Spring song
  23. Robert A. Keiser: "Fashions," caprice
  24. Edgar Stillman Kelley: Album leaf, "Happy New Year"
  25. E. Ketterer: Valse des fleur
  26. W. Kuhe: Cujus animam, "Stabat mater"
  27. Th. Kullak: Russian melody
  28. Anatoly Lyadov: Berceuse, Op.24 No.2
  29. Allan Macbeth: Forget-me-not (Intermezzo)
  30. Pietro Muscagni: Intermezzo sinfonico, from "Cavalleria Rusticana"
  31. Jules Massenet: Aragonaise from "Ballet du Cid (ed. Fannie Morris Smith)
  32. G. Meyerbeer: Chorus from Dinora: "O lowly maiden"
  33. G. Meyerbeer: Coronation march (from the Prophet)
  34. Mendelssohn: Spring song
  35. Mendelssohn: Priests' march from Athalia
  36. Mendelssohn: Hunting song (Song without words)
  37. Mendelssohn: The wedding march
  38. Th. Michaelis:Turkish patrol, march
  39. Mozart: "Turkish march," from Sonata in A major
  40. G Pierné: Serenade
  41. David Popper: Gavotte
  42. Sergei Rachmaninoff: Prelude
  43. Joachim Raff: La fileuse
  44. Joachim Raff: Cachoucha caprice
  45. Johann Resch: Etude
  46. Johann Resch: Arabesque
  47. Carl Reinecke: Sleep, Dolly, sleep
  48. Carl Reinecke: Making wreaths
  49. Anton Rubinstein: Kamennoi-ostrow
  50. Anton Rubinstein: Etude II, Op.23
  51. Harry Sanderson: Vale
  52. Franz Schubert: Adieu
  53. Ludwig Schytté: Berceuse
  54. A. Scriàbine: Prelude
  55. Aug. Söderman: Swedish wedding march
  56. S. Thalberg: Neapolitan song, Op.70
  57. Peter Tchaikovsky: Original theme and variations (Abridged)
  58. T. Valentine: Aria, Alla Scozzese
  59. Richard Wagner: Tannhauser march
  60. Emile Waldteufel: Mon-rêve, waltz
  61. G.D. Wilson: The wayside chapel
  62. O. Zapff: Berceuse
Volume 3 (WBC)
  1. J. de Anguera: Spanish retreat
  2. Anonymous: Silver Lake waltz
  3. Anonymous: Spanish dance
  4. N. Artciboucheff: Mazurka
  5. Paul Beaumont: Con amore, melodie
  6. Ludwig van Beethoven: Spirit waltz
  7. Jackues Blumenthal: Song of the swan, melodie plaintive
  8. F.C. Baumann: Serenata, Op.6
  9. H. Bohlman: L'enfer quadrilles
  10. Carl Bohm: Harlequin polka, Op.331 No.6
  11. F.H. Browne: Love not the quickstep
  12. V. Dolmetsch: Valse lente, Op.23
  13. Aug. Durand: "Pomponnette," air à danser, style Louis XV, Op.80
  14. Aug. Durand: Waltz, Op.83
  15. Arthur Farwell: Northern song
  16. Alexandre de Fielitz: Berceuse
  17. Gabriel-Marie: Serenade badine
  18. Ernest Gillet: In the mill
  19. Benjamin Godard: Novellozza
  20. Louis Gregh: Quietude (Romance without words)
  21. Edvard Grieg: Solvejg's song, Op.52
  22. Edvard Grieg: Spring dance
  23. Edvard Grieg: The old mother
  24. Edvard Grieg: Love
  25. E. Haberbier: A flower of spring, Op.53 No.3
  26. M. Hauser: Cradle song
  27. A. Henselt: Canzonetta
  28. J.N. Hummel: Caprice, Op.49
  29. Th. Kirchner: Berceuse (lullaby), Op.13 No.7
  30. W. Kuhe: Etude de concert
  31. Calixa Lavallée: "The butterfly" (Le papillon), etude de concert, Op.18
  32. Gustav Lange: Flower song
  33. Louis J.A. Lefébure-Wely: Les cloches du monastère (Monastery bells) nocturne, Op.54
  34. J. Leybach: Fifth nocturne
  35. Ch. B. Lysberg: La baladine
  36. E.A. MacDowell: Witches' dance, Op.17 No.2
  37. Felix Mendelssohn: Nocturne from Midsummer's night's Dream (arr. Sydney Smith)
  38. Felix Mendelssohn: The spinning wheel (Song without words)
  39. Gustav Merkel: Song of Spring
  40. Erik Meyer-Helmund: Dance
  41. Moritz Moszkowski: Romanze
  42. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: Rondo
  43. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: Minuet (from Don Juan)
  44. Theodor Oesten: Forest roses
  45. Theodor Oesten: Gondolied
  46. I.J. Paderewski: Melodie, Op.8 No.3
  47. E. Pauer: La cascade, Op.37
  48. Carl Reinecke: Peace at even
  49. Joseph L. Roeckel: "Air du Dauphin" (ancient court dance)
  50. Philip Scharwenka: Polish mazurka, Op.33 No.1
  51. Jos. Schulz-Weida: Love song, Op.216
  52. Jos. Schulz-Weida: Longing, Op.216
  53. Jules Schulhoff: Valse brillante
  54. Robert Schumann: Choral
  55. Ed. Schütt: Reverie, Op.34 No.5
  56. Rossini: Prayer from Otello (arr. M. Strakosch)
  57. Johann Strauss: One heart, one mind, polka-mazurka, Op.233
  58. Johann Strauss: Thousand and one nights, waltzes, Op.346
  59. S. Thalberg: Nocturne, Op.21
  60. Verdi: Quartette from Rigoletto (arr. Fritz Spindler, Op.207 No.4)
  61. Chas. Voss: Waltz, from opera "Romeo and Juliette," Op.304
  62. Richard Wagner: Elsa's wedding procession from Lohengrin (arr. Liszt)
  63. C.M. von Weber: Last waltz
Volume 3 (WBM)
  1. Grieg: The old mother
  2. Grieg: Spring dance
  3. Grieg: Solvejg's song, Op.52
  4. Lange: Flower song
  5. Durand: Waltz, Op.83
  6. Artsybushev: Mazurka
  7. Kirchner Album leaf
  8. Mozart: Minuet from 'Don Giovanni'
  9. Thalberg: Nocturne, Op.21
  10. Wagner: Elsa's Wedding Procession from 'Lohengrin' (arr. Liszt)
  11. Mozart: Rondo
  12. Lavallée: The butterfly = Le papillon (etude de concert), Op.18
  13. Alex Ilynsky: Berceuse (Lullaby), Op.12 No.7
  14. Durand: Pomponnette, air à danser, style Louis XV, Op.80
  15. Scharwenka: Polish mazurka, Op.33 No.1
  16. Merkel: Song of spring
  17. V. Dolmetsch: Valse lente, Op.23
  18. Oesten: Gondolied
  19. Grieg: Love
  20. Johann Strauss: One heart, one mind (polka-mazurka), Op.233
  21. Benjamin Godard: Novellozza
  22. A. Henselt If I were a bird = Si oiseau j'etais
  23. Ch. B. Lysberg La baladine
  24. Rossini: Prayer from 'Otello' (arr. M. Strakosch)
  25. Gabriel-Marie Serenade badine
  26. J. Leybach Fifth nocturne
  27. H. Bohlman L'enfer quadrilles
  28. E.A. MacDowell Witches' dance, Op.17 No.2
  29. Ed. Schütt Reverie, Op.34 No.5
  30. Mendelssohn The spinning wheel (from Songs without Words)
  31. Robt. Schumann Choral
  32. Arthur Farwell Northern song
  33. Anonymous Silver Lake waltz
  34. Mendelssohn: Nocturne (from Midsummernights' dream (arr. Sydney Smith)
  35. Beethoven Spirit waltz
  36. I.J. Paderewski Melodie, Op.8 No.3
  37. W. Kuhe Etude de concert
  38. Louis Gregh Quietude (Romance without words)
  39. C. Reinecke Peace at even
  40. Lefébure Wely: Les cloches du monastére = Monastery bells
  41. Lefébure Wely Nocturne, Op.54
  42. Carl Bohm Harlequin polka, Op.331 No.6
  43. Jos. Schulz-Weida Longing, Op.216
  44. Alexandre de Fielitz Berceuse
  45. Jacques Blumenthal Song of the swan (melodie plaintive)
  46. C.M. Von Weber Last waltz
  47. F.C. Baumann Serenata, Op.6
  48. E. Pauer La cascade, Op.37
  49. F.H. Browne Love not (quickstep)
  50. V. Hollaender Canzonetta
  51. L. Spohr Rondoletto, Op.149
  52. Jules Schulhoff Valse brillante
  53. M. Hauser Cradle song
  54. Johann Strauss Thousand and one nights (waltzes), Op.346
  55. E. Haberbier A flower of spring
  56. Erik Meyer-Helmund Dance
  57. Joseph L. Roeckel Air du Dauphin (ancient court dance)
  58. Moritz Moszkowski Romanze
  59. Chas. Voss Waltz (from the opera Romeo and Juliette), Op.304
  60. J.N. Hummel Caprice, Op.49
  61. Fritz Spindler Quartette (from Rigoletto), Op.207 No.4
  62. Anguera Spanish retreat
  63. Jos. Schulz-Weida Love song, Op.216
  64. Anonymous Spanish dance
  65. Paul Beaumont Con amore (melodie)
  66. Theodore Oesten Forest roses
  67. Ernest Gillet: In the mill
Volume 4
  1. Herrmann Scholtz: Variations on a Norwegian air
  2. The two angels / Jacques Blumenthal --
  3. Gondoliera / Moritz Moszkowski --
  4. Amaryllis (air du Roi Louis XIII) / Henry Ghys --
  5. Serenade / Adolf Jensen --
  6. Gigue ; Sonata / Balthasar Galuppi --
  7. Sonata ; Gavotte / Padre Giovanni Battista Martini --
  8. The fairy (polka de salon) / A. Jaell --
  9. Little romance / Robert Schumann --
  10. Air Bohemien / Theo Kullak --
  11. Nocturne, Op.27 / Fr. Chopin --
  12. Barcarolle, Op.8 / Jules Schulhoff --
  13. Balletto / Padre Giovanni Battista Martini --
  14. Ballet music from "Magic love" / Eduard Lassen --
  15. Valse styrienne / H.A. Wollenhaupt --
  16. Le secret (intermezzo pizzicato) / Léonard Gautier --
  17. Bolero from "The Sicilian vespers" / G. Verdi --
  18. Bridal song (duet) / Adolf Jensen --
  19. Long, weary day / L. Streabbog --
  20. Cradle song / H. Kjerulf --
  21. Andante, from symphony / L. von Beethoven --
  22. Tam o'shanter (march) Op.18 / George Wm. Warren --
  23. Sleep well, thou sweet angel (F. Abt.) Op.277 No.2 / Th. Oesten --
  24. Springtime, Op.30 / Margaret Ruthven Lang --
  25. La manita (Cuban Dance No.5, Op.130) / Richard Hoffman --
  26. Departed days (nocturne) / L. Louis --
  27. A dream of love (Liebestraum) / F. Liszt --
  28. Habanera from "Carmen" / Gustav Lange.
  29. Romance from "Der Freischütz" (terzetto) / C.M. von Weber --
  30. Spanish dance, Op.12 No.1 (duet) ;
  31. Spanish dance, Op.12 No.2 (duet) / Moritz Moszkowski --
  32. Duet from "Der Freischütz" / C.M. von Weber --
  33. Duet from "Martha" / F. von Flotow --
  34. Second movement from symphony No.9 (duet) ;
  35. Menuetto from symphony No.9. (duet) / J. Haydn --
  36. A song of love, Op.17 No.2 / S. Jadassohn --
  37. Cantilène / Th. Salomé --
  38. Andante cantabile, Op.11 / P. Tschaikowsky --
  39. Canzonetta, duet / Benjamin Godard --
  40. Twilight reverie, from "Suite Algérienne" / C. Sainte-Saëns --
  41. Remembrance, serenade, Op.2 / Mrs. Henry Carmichael --
  42. Romanze / Robert Schumann --
  43. Gavotte moderne, Op.25 / Berthold Tours --
  44. The last hope / L.M. Gottschalk --
  45. Serenade / G. Karganoff --
  46. Morning star waltz / Lanner --
  47. Ade, auf wiedersehn / C. Reinecke --
  48. A little canon / M.K. Kunz --
  49. Evening star waltz / Lanner --
  50. Gavotte / Robert Schumann --
  51. Early morn / Pietro Lanciani --
  52. The knight of the hobby horse / Robert Schumann --
  53. Sans souci polka / Johann Strauss --
  54. The Peri waltzes / Charles D'Albert --
  55. Cabaletta / Theodore Lack --
  56. La tzigane (mazurka) / Louis Ganne --
  57. Prayer from Zampa / Herold --
  58. Gavotte favorite de Marie Antoinette / Ch. Neustedt --
  59. Cavatina from "Crociato" / G. Meyerbeer.
Volume 5
  1. J. Ascher: A simple story (Simple histoire)
  2. F. Baumfelder: Mignon
  3. Ludwig van Beethoven: Farewell to the piano
  4. Ludwig van Beethoven: Für Elise
  5. F. Behr: French child's song
  6. F. Behr: In the month of May
  7. F. Behr: Child's play (Tändelei)
  8. F. Behr: Petit bal polka
  9. F. Behr: Turtle-dove polka
  10. F. Behr: First violet
  11. C. Chaminade: Pas des Amphores
  12. C. Chaminade: Scarf dance
  13. M. Clementi: Rondo
  14. C.P.L. Delibes: Coppélia
  15. J.L. Dussek: Les adieux
  16. R. Eilenberg: Mill in the forest
  17. A. Ellmenreich: Spinning song
  18. F. von Flotow: Martha
  19. C. Gänschals: A forest brook
  20. T. Giese: Always good-natured
  21. B. Godard: Au matin
  22. B. Godard: L'angelus
  23. C.F. Gounod: Faust
  24. L. Gregh: The shepherd's pipe
  25. Edvard Grieg: Butterfly
  26. Edvard Grieg: To Spring
  27. C. Gurlitt: The fair
  28. C. Gurlitt: Serende morning
  29. C. Gurlitt: Slumber song
  30. G.F. Handel: Largo
  31. A. Jensen: The mill
  32. E. Ketterer: L'Argentine
  33. T. Lack: Coutly grace
  34. T. Lack: Idilio
  35. G. Lange: Little wonaderer
  36. G. Lange: Pure as snow
  37. A. Lyadov: The music box
  38. H. Lichner: Mignonette
  39. H. Lichner: Parade march
  40. H. Lichner: Tulip
  41. E. Liebich: The musical box
  42. A. Loeschhorn: Good-night
  43. T. Oesten: A little story
  44. T. Oesten: Doll's dream
  45. E. Poldini: Poupée valsante
  46. J.H. Ravina: Petit bolero
  47. J. Rummel: Marches facile
  48. A. Sartorio: Under the lindens (Unter den Linden)
  49. X. Scharwenka: Polish dance
  50. Robert Schumann: Träumerei
  51. Robert Schumann: Slumber song
  52. H.F. Sharpe: Pavan
  53. C. Sinding: Rustle of Spring
  54. F.J. Smith: The hornpipe polka
  55. S. Smith: Dorothy
  56. S. Smith: Lady Betty
  57. A.J. Södermann: Norwegian wedding march
  58. Streabbog (J.L. Gobbaerts): The book of gold
  59. Streabbog (J.L. Gobbaerts): Petit carneval
  60. Streabbog (J.L. Gobbaerts): Morning prayer
  61. G. Verdi: Il trovatore
  62. G.D. WIlson: The shepherd boy
  63. B. Wolff: Joyful wander
  64. S. Yradier: The dove (La paloma)