The Musical Times

Typical secular work: Sullivan's The Last Night of the Year (No.250, published in 1868)




This British series of sacred and secular choral works started in 1844, published every month in the eponymous journal, and then reprinted. The title was originally The Musical Times and Singing Class Circular, but the last four words were dropped in 1903. It was in Novello & Co.'s well-known octavo (small) format, and economically printed without a cover. The number of items reached 600 in 1896 and 1200 in 1940.

Similar later series, started in the 1870s and 80s, were Novello's Octavo Choruses and Novello's Octavo Anthems.

About 50 early volumes (1844-1894) can be seen free on Hathitrust website.

Arrangers and Editors




14/15. When Winds Breathe Soft (Webbe, Samuel)
49. The Cloud Cap't Towers (Stevens, Richard John Samuel)
58. The Lord is my Strength (Novello, Vincent)
60. Nymphs of the Forest (Horsley, William) .
61. The Lord descended from above. (Croft, William)
62. Winds gently whisper (Whittaker, John)
63. Praise the Lord, O my Soul. (Creyghton, Robert).
64.Ye spotted Snakes.(Stevens, Richard John Samuel)
65. Lo, my Shepherd's Hand divine. (Haydn, Joseph)
66. God, my King . Bach, Johann Sebastian
67. Hark the Lark at Heav'n's Gate sings Cooke, Benjamin
68. Lord, let me know mine end Greene, Maurice
69. Here's a Health unto His Majesty Savile, Jeremy
70. To Thee, O Lord. (Paulus) Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, Feli.
71. Thy Voice, O Harmony. Webbe, Samuel
72. Praise thou the Lord. (Lobgesang. Op. 52.) Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, Felix
73. Since first I saw your face Ford, Thomas.
74. Behold, now praise the Lord. Creyghton, Robert.
74. Holiest, breathe an ev'ning Blessing. Shore, William
75. In good Truth, when fondly loving. Palestrina, Giovanni Pierluigi da.
76. O Lord, my God Malan, César
78. Awake, Aeolian Lyre (Danby, John).
79. Huntsman's Chorus.Weber, Carl Maria von
80. Again my mournful Sighs. Novello, Vincent
81. Sigh no more, Ladies. Stevens, Richard John Samuel
82. O praise God in his holiness Weldon, John
83. The Silver Swan. Gibbons, Orlando
84. Nunc dimittis in C. Ebdon, Thomas
85. Haste thee, nymph. Handel, George Frideric
86. Methinks I hear the full celestial Choir Crotch, William.
87. Now is the Month of Maying. Morley, Thomas.
88. He comes ordained of yore. Jackson, William
89. Mark'd you her Eye of heavenly blue. Spofforth, Reginald
90. Behold I bring you good Tidings. Victoria, Tomás Luis de
91. The Twelfth Night Song. Novello, Vincent
91. Remember, O Lord. Boyce, William
92. By the waters of Babylon. Allen, George Benjamin
93. April is in my mistress' face. Morley, Thomas
94. Laudate nomen Domini.Tye, Christopher
95. Summer is a coming in.
97. The Nightingale. Bateson, Thomas.
98. In Jewry is God Known (Clarke-Whitfeld, John).
100. Unto Thee, O Lord. King, Charles
101. Adieu ye Streams. Atterbury, Luffman
102. The Christmas Fairies. Goodban, Charles.
103. Blessed are the Dead. Pierson, Henry Hugo
104a. Round on the Diatonic Scale.Goodban, Thomas.
104b. Lordly Gallants. Callcott, John Wall
105. Glory be to God on high. Novello, Vincent
106. The Lullaby [from Storace's "Pirates"] Novello, Vincent
107. The Lord loveth. Novello, Vincent
108a. Veni, Creator Spiritus. Tallis, Thomas
108b. Come, Holy Ghost, our Souls inspire. Tallis, Thomas
109. The Flower-Greeting. Trio. Curschmann, Friedrich
110. Blessed be he that cometh. Neukomm, Sigismund Ritter von
111. My Love's like the red Rose. Knyvett, William
112. Praise the Lord, O Jerusalem. Scott, John
113. The Tickling Trio, Martín y Soler, Vicente
114. Let Us Now Go Even Unto Bethlehem (Hopkins, Edward John)
115. The Boar's Head Carol. arr. Rimbault, Edward F. (Edward Francis)
116. Incline Thine Ear to me. Himmel. Novello, Vincent
117. A Little Song of Thankfulness. Parry, John
118. I will sing of Mercy. Novello, Vincent
119. Have you Sir John Hawkins' Hist'ry? Callcott, John Wall
120. I know that the Lord is great. Ouseley, Frederick Arthur Gore
121. The Lord is King. A short Easter AnthemPittman, Josiah
122. The Battle of the Baltic, Macirone, Clara Angela.
123. To Thee, great Lord, Rossini, Gioacchino Mosè in Egitto. Dal tuo stellato soglio;
124. Gently touch the warbling Lyre. Air of Geminiani by Hayes, William
125. O Lord, my God.Palestrina, Giovanni Pierluigi da
126. See our Oars with feather'd Spray. The Patriot Stevenson, John.
127. [b.] Teach me Thy Way, O Lord. . O vos omnes. Croce, Giovanni
128. Mark the Merry Elves. - The Fairies. Callcott, John Wall
129a. Almighty and everlasting God. Gibbons, Orlando
129b.Sanctus. (Kyrie eleison). Gibbons, Orlando
130. Calm is the glassy Ocean. Idomeneo. Placido è il mar. Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
131. Thou visitest the earth (Greene, Maurice)
133. Behold, I bring you glad Tidings. Croce, Giovanni
134. Christmas Macfarren, George Alexander
136. Glorious Apollo. Webbe, Samuel
137. But the Lord is mindful of His own. Paulus. Doch der Herr Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, Felix. Arr. G. A. Löhr.
138. Who comes so dark, from Ossian .Callcott, John Wall
139. Te Deum laudamus. Cooper, Joseph Thomas
140. The May Fly. Callcott, John Wall
141. Christ Being Raised from the Dead (Webbe, Samuel)
142. To Rome's immortal Leader. La Clemenza di Tito. -. Serbate o Dei custodi Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
143. Te Deum laudamus in F. Jackson, William
145. Spring's Delights. Mueller, C. F. W.
146. Dulce Domum. J. Reading ... Harm V. Novello.
147. Jubilate Deo in F. (Kyrie Eleison.). Jackson, William
148. Charity Rossini, Gioacchino
149. Martin Luther's Hymn. arr V. Novello.
150. Harvest-Home. J. Macray. Ions, Thomas.
151. In the Sight of the Unwise. Ouseley, Frederick Arthur Gore.
152. Let us all to the fields repair (Tirsi non mi seccar) Ferrari, Giacomo Gotifredo
153. Before Jehovah's awful Throne. Hymn Madan, Martin Arr V. Novello.
154. Partant pour la Syrie, French Air. Hortense Queen, consort of Louis Bonaparte, King of Holland
155. Turn Thy Face from My Sins (Attwood, Thomas)
156. How sleep the Brave. Cooke, Benjamin
157. Here shall soft Charity repair. Boyce, William
158a. Breathe soft, ye Winds. Paxton, William
158b. The Blue Bells of Scotland. Neithardt, A. (August)
159. O how amiable are Thy Dwellings. Richardson, Vaughan.
160. By Celia's Harbour. Horsley, William
161. Blessed for ever are they that die trusting in God from The Last Judgment. Spohr
162. Gypsy chorus in Preciosa Weber, Carl Maria von
163. O Lord, our Governor. Marcello. Arr J. L. Hopkins.
164. Come again, sweet Love. Dowland, John
165. Pergolesi's Gloria the Organ part by V. Novello.
166. O come, all ye Faithful. Adeste Fideles. Arr by V. Novello.
167. O'er desert Plains and rushy Moors. Waelrant, Hubert
168. O praise the Lord. Goss, John.
169. Christ our Passover is Sacrificed for Us (Goss, John)
170. Come, Holy Ghost Attwood, Thomas
172. Fair and noble Lady. Rossini, Gioacchino
173. Perfida Clori. - Go, faithless Clori. - Cherubini, Luigi
174. How gently the moonlight : Oh! notte soave Paer, Ferdinando
175. As pants the hart : Des Heilands letzte Stunden (Crucifixion). Und wenn sie alle weichen. Spohr, Louis
176. Protect us, ye Powers . La gazza ladra. - O nume benefico Rossini, Gioacchino
177a. See the morning Star is dwelling. Monk, Edwin George.
177b. Hark, the Herald Angels sing. Ions, Thomas.
178. Behold, I bring you good Tidings. Goss, John
179a.The Dream. Bridge, Elizabeth.
179b. Red Leaves. Bridge, Elizabeth.
180. I will arise. Cecil, Richard.
181. Why seek ye the Living among the Dead. Hopkins, E. J. (Edward John).
182. Jesus Christ is risen to-day. Ions, Thomas.
183a. Now Spring in all her glory Arcadelt, Jacques
183b. Come, let us all a Maying go. Atterbury, L. (Luffman)
184. Ode to spring : Hail, blushing Goddess :Paxton, Stephen
185. Behold, how Good and Joyful (Clarke-Whitfeld, John)
186. Hear, holy Power. Prayer La Muette de Portici. Saint bienheureux Auber, D. F. E. (Daniel François Esprit)
187. All among the Barley. Bridge, Elizabeth.
188. I will Lift up Mine Eyes (Clarke-Whitfeld, John)
189. Hail, hallow'd Face. Wellesley, Garrett Colley
190. Ave verum (Jesu, Word of God incarnate, In manus tuas, Like as the hart) (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
191. Breathe soft, ye Winds. Webbe, Samuel
192. Deus misereatur. Mammatt, Edward.
193. Great Bashaw (Chorus of Janizaries Entführung aus dem Serail. Singt dem grossen Bassa Lieder). Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
194. Christ Being Raised from the Dead (Elvey, George Job)
195. If ye love me, keep my Commandments. Monk, William Henry
196. Good Night, Beloved! (Monk, Edwin George)
197. To our next merry Meeting. The Parting Glee. Phillips, Henry
198. By the Waters of Babylon. Allen, George B. (George Benjamin)
199. Now Autumn strews on ev'ry Plain. Bridge, Elizabeth.
200. Almighty and merciful God. Goss, John
201. Autumn Thoughts ... Best, W. T. (William Thomas)
202. Hallelujah! For unto Us a Child is Born (Monk, William Henry)
203. Happy is our soldier Band . Così fan tutte. Bella vita militar. Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
204. Great and marvellous are thy works Boyce, William
205. The Lord is My Strength (Monk, William Henry)
211. Not unto Us, O Lord (Walmisley, Thomas Attwood)
217. Enter not into Judgement (Attwood, Thomas)
225. Arise, Shine, for Thy Light is Come (Elvey, George Job)
229. Christ is Risen from the Dead (Elvey, George Job)
230. Lightly tread, 'tis hallow'd Ground. Scotland, John pseud.
231. If Ye Love Me (Tallis, Thomas)
232. The Song of the Poppies.Bridge, Elizabeth.
233. Envy, eldest born of Hell. Saul Chorus.Handel, George Frideric
234. Old May-day. Benedict, Julius
235. Come unto me, all ye that labour. Smith, John Stafford
236. Praised be the Lord daily. Ebdon, Thomas
238. In the Beginning was the Word. Allen, George B. (George Benjamin)
239. Five Times by the Taper's Light (Storace, Stephen)
240. Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty. Bishop, John
241. Now is Christ Risen from the Dead (Allen, George Benjamin)
242. Ye Shepherds, tell me. Mazzinghi, Joseph
243. Lord, who shall dwell in Thy Tabernacle. Rogers, Benjamin
244. Let the Words of My Mouth (Barnby, Joseph)
245. Sleep, gentle Lady, Bishop, Henry R. (Henry Rowley)
246. Who is Sylvia? Macfarren, G. A. (George Alexander)
247. How goodly are thy Tents. Ouseley, F. A. Gore (Frederick Arthur Gore)
248. Protect us through the coming night.(Ti prego, O Padre eterno). Curschmann. arr Novello, Vincent
249. Thou knowest, Lord. Purcell, Henry
250. The Last Night of the Year (Sullivan, Arthur)
251. Out of the Deep have I called unto Thee. Andante K. 450. Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
252. Chloe and Corinna. Hopkins, E. J. (Edward John)
253. I will lay me down in peace. Stokes, Charles.
254. Tell me, where is Fancy bred. Bartholomew, Ann Sheppard.
255. Not unto us, O Lord. Farrant, Richard -
256a. I saw the Moon rise clear. Gaul, Alfred R. (Alfred Robert)
256b. Oh for the Swords of former time. Gaul, Alfred R. (Alfred Robert)
257. Ponder my Words, O Lord. Colborne, Langdon.
258. The Venetian Boatmen's Evening Song. Hatton, John Liptrot
259. Blessing and glory, and wisdom and thanksgiving Boyce, William
260. Come, Gentle Zephyr (Horsley, William)
261. The Night is far spent. Smith, Alfred Montem.
262. The Grace of God That Bringeth Salvation (Barnby, Joseph)
263. Come let us join the roundelay. Beale, William
264. O praise the Lord, all ye Heathen. Egerton, Thomas Earl of Wilton
265. As We Have Borne the Image of the Earthy (Barnby, Joseph)
266. O Holy Ghost, into our minds (Macfarren, George Alexander)
267. Hark, 'tis the Indian Drum. Bishop, Henry R. (Henry Rowley)
268a. Britons, strike home. Purcell, Henry
268b. Oh, were I but a drop of Dew. Cummings, William Hayman
269. Doth Not Wisdom Cry? (Haking, Richard)
270. Sweete floweres, ye were too faire.Walmisley, Thomas Attwood
272. Sweet and Low (Barnby, Joseph)
273. [b.A Christmas Carol. Gee, Samuel.
274. Behold I bring you glad Tidings. Smith, Charles William
275. Sigh no more, Ladies. Macfarren, G. A. (George Alexander)
276. Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace (Williams, Charles Lee)
276. Sweeter than Songs of Summer (Bridge, Frederick)
281. O Lord, How Manifold Are Thy Works (Barnby, Joseph)
296. O Taste and See How Gracious the Lord Is (Sullivan, Arthur)
301. O Risen Lord! (Barnby, Joseph)
304. In Humble Faith and Holy Love (Garrett, George Mursell)
306. The Harvest-Tide Thanksgiving (Barnby, Joseph)
309. Blessed are They that Dwelleth in Thy House (Tours, Berthold)
314. O Lord my God (Wesley, Samuel Sebastian)
316. The Day Is Past and Over (Barnby, Joseph)
316. We March, We March, To Victory (Barnby, Joseph)
318. The Lord is my Shepherd (Macfarren, George Alexander)
321. It Is High Time to Awake out of Sleep (Barnby, Joseph)
325. Christ is Risen from the Dead (Thorne, Edward H.)
334. Sing and Rejoice (Barnby, Joseph)
346. Onward, Christian Soldiers (Sullivan, Arthur)
353. Summer and winter (Berthold Tours)
379. The Strain Upraise of Joy and Praise (Sullivan, Arthur)
381.O Zion, That Bringest Good Tidings (Stainer, John)
384. They Have Taken Away My Lord (Stainer, John)
392. Hosanna in the Highest (Stainer, John)
398. The Lord is My Strength (Smart, Henry Thomas)
405. The Angel Gabriel was sent from God (Smart, Henry Thomas)
407. I Will Sing of Thy Power (Sullivan, Arthur)
411. Gypsy Life, Op.29, No.3 (Schumann, Robert)
414. Ye shall dwell in the land (Stainer, John)
417. Hearken unto Me, My People (Sullivan, Arthur)
419. Turn Thy Face from My Sins (Sullivan, Arthur)
421. God Hath Appointed a Day (Tours, Berthold)
429. Sing, O heavens (Berthold Tours)
431. Turn Thee Again, O Lord (Attwood, Thomas)
436. Behold the Sun in Gold Descending (Marshall, Florence)
437. Sing Praises to God (Wareing, Herbert Walter)
443. New Year's song (Berthold Tours)
448. If We Believe That Jesus Died (Goss, John)
455. The Watchword (Pinsuti, Ciro)
456. At the Sepulchre (Wareing, Herbert Walter)
468. Break Forth Into Joy (Barnby, Joseph)
492. Sing, O Heavens (Tours, Berthold)
496.The rainbow (Berthold Tours)
498. While the earth remaineth (Berthold Tours)
512. Stars of the summer night (Berthold Tours)
529. Christ our Passover is Sacrificed for Us (Tours, Berthold)
542. It shall come to pass (Berthold Tours)
547. O Come let us Sing to the Lord (Tours, Berthold)
558. Rejoice in the Lord (Berthold Tours)
562. Like Silver Lamps (Barnby, Joseph)
574. 4 Christmas Carols (Barnby, Joseph)
576 Awake Up, My Glory (Barnby, Joseph)
584. Awake Up, My Glory (Haynes, Battison)
586. There were shepherds abiding (Berthold Tours)
588. God so Loved the World (Stainer, John)
589. Behold, the Angel of the Lord (Tours, Berthold)
590. I heard a great Voice (Cobb, Gerard Francis)
592. Come, weayry Pilgrims, come (Tozer, Ferris)
594. I will feed my Flock (Bridge, Frederick)
596. Whosoever drinketh of this water (Field, John Thomas)
597. A Prayer for Peace (Crotch, William)
598. The star that now is shining (King, Oliver)
601. As it Began to Dawn (Foster, Myles Birket)
602. Great is our Lord (Foster, Myles Birket)
603. Crossing the Bar (Woodward, Herbert Hall)
606. O God, who is like unto Thee (Foster, Myles Birket)
609. There were Shepherds (Foster, Myles Birket)
611. Angels from the reals of glory (Cowen, Frederic Hymen)
612. Now is Christ Risen (West, John Ebenezer)
614. Lord, I call upon Thee (Culley, Arnold Duncan)
617. Jesu, priceless Treasure (Roberts, John Varley)
618. Thou crownest the Year with Thy Goodness (Booth, Josiah)
621. With All Thy Hosts (West, John Ebenezer)
622. There was Silence in Bethlehem's Fields (Stainer, John)
625. Hearken unto Me, Ye that Know Righteousness (Foster, Myles Birket)
644. Be glad and rejoice (Foster, Myles Birket)
645. Sing, O Heavens (Gaul, Alfred Robert)
649. The Strife is O'er (Steane, Bruce)
652. In Sherwood Lived Stout Robin Hood (Lloyd, Charles Harford)
660. When the Sabbath was Past (Foster, Myles Birket)
661. Weary of Earth and laden with my Sin (Tozer, Ferris)
663. Spirit of Mercy, Truth and Love (Luard-Selby, Bertram)
665. God be merciful unto us (West, John Ebenezer)
669. See amid the Winter's Snow (West, John Ebenezer)
670. Through the day Thy love has spared us (Naylor, Charles Legh)
672. Who Shall Roll Us Away the Stone? (Torrance, George William)
677. The Woods and Every Sweetsmelling Tree (West, John Ebenezer)
678. The sacrifice of God (Wareing, Herbert Walter)
681. Hark the Glad Sound (Foster, Myles Birket)
681. It Came upon the Midnight Clear (Stainer, John)
694. Bow down Thine ear (Thomas Attwood)
694. We Are But Strangers Here (Sullivan, Arthur)
695. All People that on Earth do dwell (West, John Ebenezer)
698. The Roseate Hues of Early Dawn (Sullivan, Arthur)
698. The King shall rejoice (Goss, John)
696. Blessed are the poor in spirit (Hiles, Henry)
710. Lord of Might, Our Land's Defender (Sullivan, Arthur)
708. Unto the Paschal Victim Bring (West, John Ebenezer)
711. If a man die, shall he live again? (Macpherson, Charles)
711. Look on the Fields (Macpherson, Charles)
713. Let the people praise Thee, o God (Gaul, Alfred Robert)
714. Unto Thee, o Lord (Wolstenholme, William)
720. O Death, Where is Thy Sting? (Brewer, Alfred Herbert)
722. Lord, I have loved the Habitation of Thy house (Torrance, George William)
725. The earth is the Lord's (Hollins, Alfred)
728. Fair Daffodils (Sullivan, Arthur)
729. O Jerusalem, Look About Thee (West, John Ebenezer)
732. O Give Thanks unto the Lord (Wolstenholme, William)
732. O give thanks unto the Lord (West, John Ebenezer)
734. Early One Morning (Dunhill, Thomas)
735. This is the Day (Steane, Bruce)
737. The Rainbow of Peace (Adams II, Thomas)
739. Thy word is a lantern unto my feet (Young, George Coleman)
744. Christ was Delivered for Our Offences (Lloyd, Charles Harford)
745. Praised be the Lord daily (Lloyd, Charles Harford)
745. Most Glorious Lord of Life! (West, John Ebenezer)
753. Sing and Rejoice (West, John Ebenezer)
768. Father of Mercies, God of Love (Hall, Edward Vine)
772. O that men would praise the Lord (McEwen, John Blackwood)
780. Upon the First Day of the Week (Foster, Myles Birket)
781. There's Nae Luck Aboot the House (Macpherson, Charles)
787. 14 Deutsche Volkslieder, WoO 34 (Brahms, Johannes) (No.8: 'In silent night'; No.9: 'Love, fare thee well')
789. Christ's Incarnation (Foster, Myles Birket)
793. Thy word is a lantern unto my feet (Young, George Coleman)
801. A Solemn Prayer (The Holy Innocents) (Brewer, Alfred Herbert)
804. Christ our Passover is Sacrificed for Us (King, Oliver)
814. I Will Lay Me Down in Peace (Sullivan, Arthur)
826. The evening star (Coleridge-Taylor, Samuel)
882. O ye that love the Lord (Coleridge-Taylor, Samuel)
915. Alexander (Brewer, Alfred Herbert)
934. 16 Songs for Children, Op.54 (Tchaikovsky, Pyotr) (No.5: Legend)
966. Let the people praise Thee, O God (Fletcher, Percy Eastman)
967. Worship (Shaw, Geoffrey Turton)
968. How Beauteous are Their Feet (Stanford, Charles Villiers)
970. O praise the Lord of heaven (Berthold Tours)
1107. Let All the World in Every Corner Sing (Shaw, Geoffrey Turton)
1604. Caller Herrin' (Gow, Nathaniel, arr Shaw)
(date 1897) Praise the Lord, O Jerusalem (Maunder, John Henry)
(date 1898) Eye hath not seen (Foster, Myles Birket)
(date 1901) In the Beginning (Macpherson, Charles)
(date 1902) Be glad and rejoice (Foster, Myles Birket)
(date 1902) O Mightiest of the mighty (Elgar, Edward)
(date 1903) Light of the world (Elgar, Edward)
(date 1903) Whence comes this Light (Brewer, Alfred Herbert)
