The Easy Instructor (Various)

Collaborative Work
This work was co-authored by William Little and William Smith

Sheet Music


Editor 2nd edition
Publisher. Info. Hopewell, near Trenton, NJ: William Smith & Co., 1803.
Misc. Notes This file is part of the Sibley Mirroring Project.
Title: The Easy Instructor or a New Method of Teaching Sacred Harmony, Part II. Containing the Rudiments of Music on an improved plan. With a choice collection of Psalm Tunes, a number of which are entirely new.
Edition contains all the music listed in the index, plus Judgment Anthem (printed on smaller plates/pages) and some leaves of a different book (in round notes) tipped in. The original Part I and Part II were combined in the later typeset editions.
Publisher. Info. Albany, NY: Websters & Skinner and Daniel Steele, n.d. (1809)
Typographers: Van Benthuysen & Newton.
Publisher. Info. Albany, NY: Websters & Skinners [sic] and Daniel Steele, n.d.[ca.1812]
Typographer: O. R. Van Benthuysen
Misc. Notes Contents appear to be the same as #265600 below, some differences in typography e.g. in title-page and index.
Publisher. Info. Albany, NY: Websters & Skinner and Daniel Steele, n.d. (1814)
Typographers: Packard & Van Benthuysen.
Publisher. Info. Albany, NY: Websters & Skinners and Daniel Steele, n.d. (ca.1815).
Printers: Packard & Van Benthuysen.
Publisher. Info. Utica: William Williams, 1818.
Misc. Notes Contains 127 pieces. The Hymn Tune Index code for this edition is LittWEI s
Editor Revised and enlarged edition
Publisher. Info. Albany, NY: Websters & Skinners and Daniel Steele, n.d. (ca.1820)
Typographers: Packard & Van Benthuysen.
Misc. Notes #185383 - Pencil date (1798) on title-page is erroneous; the early editions were engraved, not printed from type as this edition. A few torn pages at the end, partially obliterating a few pieces and some of the index.
Editor Revised and enlarged edition
Publisher. Info. Albany, NY: Websters & Skinners and Oliver Steele, 1831.

General Information

Work Title The Easy Instructor
Alternative. Title Title-page transcription
The Easy Instructor, or, a new method of teaching Sacred Harmony. Containing, The Rudiments of Music on an improved Plan, wherein the Naming and Timing of the Notes are familiarized to the weakest Capacity. With a choice Collection of Psalm Tunes and Anthems from the most celebrated Authors, with a Number composed in Europe and America, entirely new; suited to all the Metres sung in the different Churches in the United States. Published for the use of Singing Societies in general, but more particularly for those who have not the advantage of an Instructor. By William Little and William Smith.</span>
Composer Various
Internal Reference NumberInternal Ref. No. None [force assignment]
First Publication. Copyright secured 1798. First publication probably 1801.
Language English
Piece Style Classical
Instrumentation 3-4 voices
External Links Title-page, 1802 edition
Lenox (Lewis Edson), Montgomery (Justin Morgan) and Psalm 34 (Joseph Stephenson) from 1802 edition
Jordan (William Billings) from 1817 edition
Title-page, unknown edition ca.1810

Navigation etc.

  • The first publication to use the 4-shape musical notation system that is still in use today.