The Composers Press




Charles Trowbridge Haubiel (1892-1978), a composer, founded this publisher in 1925, to issue works of contemporary American composers. It was taken over by See-Saw Music Press in 1971. The catalog contained 500 works by 150 composers.

Imprints, Addresses, Agencies

  • The Composers Press, Hollywood, California
  • Composers Press

Plate Numbers

Plate numbers appear in the following formats: C.P.##.

Plate Composer Work Year
033 Cadman American Suite for String Orchestra (full score) 1938
125 Beach Pastorale for Woodwind Quintet, Op.151 1942
191 Beach 5 Improvisations, Op.148 1938

Authority control

Sources Consulted


Works with scores published by The Composers Press