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Performances [show]
Sheet Music
Scores and Parts
Publisher. Info.
Leipzig: Rahter, 1936. Plate 4585.
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General Information
Work Title
The Classical Violin
Alternative. Title
A collection of favourite classical pieces in the medium grade
Seybold, Arthur
Internal Reference NumberInternal Ref. No.
None [force assignment]
12 pieces
- Handel Larghetto (Dma Vl Sonata)
- Haydn Minuet (Surprise Symphony)
- Mozart Adagio (Piano Sonata in F)
- Mozart Minuet (Eine Kleine)
- Kuhlau Allegro Burlesco (Piano Sonatina Op.88, No.3)
- Brahms Minuet 1 and 2 (Serenade Op.11)
- Schubert Andante (Violin Sonata in D)
- Schumann Widmung (Song Op.25)
- Beethoven Turkish March (Ruins of Athens)
- Beethoven Minuet (Septet op.20)
- Dvorak Andante (Piano Suite Op.98)
- Dvorak Romantic Piece Op.75 No.3
First Publication.
1936 - London: Alfred Lengnick & Co.
Composer Time PeriodComp. Period
Piece Style
violin piano
Navigation etc.
No.11 is dated 1921 (hence PD-US) and No.12 was pub by Simrock.