
Syntax and usage
{{CC| ''parameter'' }}

The parameter is one of the short-hand descriptions of the Creative Commons licenses and is used to generate a link to the appropriate licence page, e.g.


returns the link “Creative Commons Attribution Non-commercial No Derivatives 3.0”.

The default licence is Creative Commons Attribution 3.0, which is returned if the template is not passed a parameter, e.g.


links to “Creative Commons Attribution 3.0”.

If, on the other hand, a specific Creative Commons licence is needed, two or three parameters are required:

  1. Creative Commons license substring (e.g. by-nc-nd)
  2. License version number (e.g. 2.5)
  3. Optionally, the ISO 3166 number corresponding to domain (e.g. au=Australia, ca=Canada)

returns the link “Creative Commons Attribution Non-commercial No Derivatives 2.5 Australia”. The unported license is specified if no country code is included.