Talk:The English Hymnal (Various)



Index of first lines

Hymn # First line Modern Tune Metre Season Plainsong Alternates
001 Creator of the stars of night Plainsong L.M. Advent P
002 High Word of God, who once didst come Verbum supernum L.M. Advent P
003 Behold the Bridegroom cometh in the middle of the night Second Mode Melody D.C.M. Advent
004 Great God, what do I see and hear! Luther’s Hymn (Nun freut euch) 87.87.887. Advent
005 Hark! a herald voice is calling: Merton 87.87. Advent
006 Hark the glad sound! the Saviour comes Bristol C.M. Advent
007 Lo! he comes with clouds descending Helmsley 87.87.47. Advent
008 O come, O come Emmanuel! Veni Emmanuel 88.88.88. Advent App. 24
009 On Jordan’s bank the Baptist’s cry Winchester New L.M. Advent
010 Saviour eternal! Health and life of the world unfailing Plainsong Advent P
011 The advent of our God St. Thomas S.M. Advent
012 Wake, O wake! with tidings thrilling Wachet auf! 898.898.665.88. Advent
013 When came in flesh the incarnate Word Walsall C.M. Advent
014 Come, thou Redeemer of the earth Puer nobis nascitur L.M. Christmas Eve P
015 O little town of Bethlehem Forest Green D.C.M. Words irreg. Christmas Eve
016 The Maker of the sun and moon Newbury C.M. Christmas Eve
017 Jesu, the Father’s only Son Vom himmel hoch L.M. Christmas P
018 From east to west, from shore to shore St. Venantius 1E
Rouen 2E
L.M. Christmas P
019 A great and mighty wonder Es ist ein’ ros’ entsprungen 76.76.676. Christmas
020 Behold the great Creator makes This endris nyght C.M. Christmas
021 Christians, awake, salute the happy morn Yorkshire or Stockport 10 10.10 10.10 10. Christmas
022 Come rejoicing, Faithful men Laetabundus Irreg. Christmas P
023 Hark, how all the welkin rings! Dent Dale 77.77. Christmas
024 Hark, the herald Angels sing Mendelssohn 7777.7777.77. Christmas
025 In the bleak mid-winter Cranham Irreg. Christmas
026 It came upon the midnight clear Noel D.C.M. Christmas
027 Let sighing cease and woe St. Michael (Old 134th) S.M. Christmas
028 O come, all ye faithful Adeste fideles Irreg. Christmas
029 The great God of heaven is come down to earth A virgin unspotted 11 11.11 11. and refrain. Christmas
030 While shepherds watched their flocks by night Winchester Old C.M. Christmas App. 08
031 Saint of God, elect and precious St. Thomas 87.87.87. St Stephen’s Day P
032 The Lord and King of all things Wohlauf, thut nicht verzagen 76.76.D. St John the Evangelist
033 Word supreme, before creation Tantum ergo 1E
Grafton 2E
87.87.87. St John the Evangelist
034 All hail, ye little Martyr flowers Sarratt L.M. Innocents’ Day
035 The hymn for conquering Martyrs raise Wer da wonet D.L.M. Innocents’ Day
036 O happy day, when first was poured Das walt’ Gott Vater L.M. Circumcision of Christ
037 Conquering kings their titles take Innocents 77.77. Circumcision of Christ
038 Why, impious Herod, shouldst thou fear St. Venantius L.M. Epiphany P
039 As with gladness men of old Dix 77.77.77. Epiphany
040 Bethlehem, of noblest cities Stuttgart 87.87. Epiphany
041 Brightest and best of the sons of the morning Liebster Immanuel 11 10.11 10. Epiphany App. 09
042 O worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness! Was lebet, was schwebet 13 10.13 10. Epiphany
043 The race that long in darkness pined Dundee (with alt. harm.) C.M. Epiphany
044 What star is this, with beams so bright Ein kind gebor’n L.M. Epiphany
045 Hail to the Lord’s Anointed Crüger 76.76.D. From Epiphany till Septuagesima
046 In stature grows the heavenly Child Tallis’ Ordinal (‘9th Tune’) 1E
Cornhill 2E
C.M. From Epiphany till Septuagesima
047 Songs of thankfulness and praise St. Edmund 77.77.D. From Epiphany till Septuagesima
048 The Lord is come! On Syrian soil Cantate Domino D.L.M. From Epiphany till Septuagesima
049 Creator of the earth and sky St. Gregory (Zeuch meinen Geist) L.M. From the Octave of the Epiphany till Lent P
050 This day the first of days was made Andernach L.M. From the Octave of the Epiphany till Lent P
051 O blest Creator of the light Lucis Creator L.M. From the Octave of the Epiphany till Lent P
052 O splendour of God’s glory bright Wareham L.M. From the Octave of the Epiphany till Lent P
053 The wingèd herald of the day Wareham L.M. From the Octave of the Epiphany till Lent P
054 Ye clouds and darkness, hosts of night Wareham 1E
Gaude, Regina gloriae 2E
L.M. From the Octave of the Epiphany till Lent P
055 Lo! golden light rekindles day: Wareham 1E
Gaude, Regina gloriae 2E
L.M. From the Octave of the Epiphany till Lent P
056 Eternal Glory of the sky Wareham 1E
Richard 2E
L.M. From the Octave of the Epiphany till Lent P
057 The dawn is sprinkling in the east Wareham 1E
Richard 2E
L.M. From the Octave of the Epiphany till Lent P
058 O boundless Wisdom, God most high Illsley 1E
O invidenda martyrum 2E
L.M. From the Octave of the Epiphany till Lent P
059 Earth’s mighty Maker, whose command Illsley 1E
O invidenda martyrum 2E
L.M. From the Octave of the Epiphany till Lent P
060 Most holy Lord and God of heaven Illsley 1E
O invidenda martyrum 2E
L.M. From the Octave of the Epiphany till Lent P
061 Almighty God, who from the flood Illsley L.M. From the Octave of the Epiphany till Lent P
062 Maker of man, who from thy throne Illsley L.M. From the Octave of the Epiphany till Lent P
063 Alleluya, song of sweetness Tantum ergo 87.87.87. Week before Septuagesima
064 Maker of earth, to thee alone Dunfermline C.M. Week before Septuagesima
065 The fast, as taught by holy lore Jesu corona L.M. Lent P
066 O kind Creator, bow thine ear Cannons L.M. Lent P
067 Now is the healing time decreed Babylon’s streams 1E
Jena (Das neugeborne kindelein) 2E
L.M. Lent P
068 The glory of these forty days Erhalt’ uns, Herr L.M. Lent P
069 O Jesu Christ, from thee began Plaistow L.M. Lent P
070 Ah, holy Jesu, how hast thou offended Herzliebster Jesu 11 11.11 5. Lent
071 All ye who seek a comfort sure St. Bernard C.M. Lent
072 Christian, dost thou see them Gute bäume bringen 65.65.D. Lent
073 Forty days and forty nights Aus der tiefe 77.77. Lent
074 Have mercy, Lord, on me St. Bride S.M. Lent
075 Jesu, Lord of life and glory St. Raphael/Llanilar 2E only 87.87.47. Lent
076 Lord, in this thy mercy’s day Heiliger Geist (Berlin) 777. Lent App. 10
077 Lord Jesus, think on me Southwell S.M. Lent
078 Lord, teach us how to pray aright First Mode Melody D.C.M. Lent
079 Lord, when we bend before thy throne Hunnys C.M. Lent
080 My God, I love thee; not because Solomon C.M. Lent
081 O Christ, who art the Light and Day Alfreton 1E
St. Bartholomew 2E
L.M. Lent P App. 01
082 O for a heart to praise my God Stockton C.M. Lent
083 O help us, Lord; each hour of need Bedford C.M. Lent
084 O Lord, turn not away thy face St. Mary C.M. Lent
085 O thou, from whom all goodness flows Harington (Retirement) C.M. Lent
086 O thou who dost accord us Innsbruck 776.778. Lent
087 Saviour, when in dust to thee Aberystwyth 77.77.D. Lent
088 Sinful, sighing to be blest; Tunbridge 77.77. Lent
089 Soul of Jesus, make me whole Anima Christi 77.77.D. Lent
090 To my humble supplication De profundis 88.77. Lent
091 Weary of earth, and laden with my sin Dalkeith 1E
Valor 2E
10 10.10 10. Lent App. 25
092 When, rising from the bed of death Third Mode Melody D.C.M. Lent
093 The God of love my Shepherd is University C.M. Refreshment Sunday
094 The royal banners forward go; Plainsong L.M. Passiontide P
095 Sing, my tongue, the glorious battle Plainsong 87.87.87. Passiontide P
096 Thirty years among us dwelling Plainsong 87.87.87. Passiontide P
097 Dost thou truly seek renown Das ist meine freude 76.76.776. Passiontide
098 Drop, drop, slow tears Song 46 10.10. Passiontide
099 Glory be to Jesus Caswall (Wem in leidenstagen) 1E
Boundary 2E
65.65. Passiontide
100 Go to dark Gethsemane Nicht so traurig 77.77.77. Passiontide
101 My God! my God! and can it be Der tag bricht an L.M. Passiontide
102 O sacred head, sore wounded Passion Chorale 76.76.D. Passiontide
103 O sinner, raise the eye of faith Allein Gott in der höh sei ehr 87.87.887. Passiontide
104 Servant of God, remember Nun lasst uns geh’n 77.77. Passiontide P App. 02
105 Sweet the moments, rich in blessing Batty 87.87. Passiontide
106 There is a green hill far away Horsley C.M. Passiontide
107 When I survey the wondrous Cross Caton or Rockingham L.M. Passiontide
108 Who is this with garments gory Ebenezer (Ton-y-botel) 87.87.D. Passiontide
109 O thou who through this holy week Cheshire C.M. Holy Week
110 See the destined day arise! Nun komm, der heiden heiland 77.77. Good Friday
111 O come and mourn with me awhile; Das leiden des Herrn 1E
St. Cross 2E
L.M. Good Friday App. 11
112 Forgive them, O my Father St. Mary Magdalene 76.76. Good Friday
113 ‘Lord, when thy kingdom comes, remember me;’ Song 04 10 10.10 10. Good Friday
114 The dying robber raised his aching brow Old 124th Good Friday
115 At the Cross her station keeping Stabat Mater
Christi mutter stund vor schmerzen
Stabat mater dolorosa 2E only
887.D. Good Friday P 2E only
116 Throned upon the awful Tree Arfon 77.77.77. Good Friday
117 His are the thousand sparkling rills Saffron walden 88.86. Good Friday
118 It is finished! Christ hath known Jesu meines Glaubens Zier [F major] Good Friday
119 And now, belovèd Lord, thy soul resigning Zu meinem Herrn 11 10.11 10. Good Friday
120 It is finished! Blessèd Jesus Omni die 87.87. Good Friday Evening and Easter Even
121 By Jesus’ grave on either hand O mensch sieh 888. Good Friday Evening and Easter Even
122 Ye choirs of new Jerusalem Brockham 1E
Montesano 2E
L.M. Eastertide P
123 The day draws on with golden light Solemnis haec festivitas L.M. Eastertide P
124 His cheering message from the grave Solemnis haec festivitas L.M. Eastertide P
125 The Lamb’s high banquet we await Rex gloriose L.M. Eastertide P App. 6 1E/26 2E
126 A brighter dawn is breaking Nun lasst uns Gott dem Herren 77.77. Eastertide
127 Alleluya! Alleluya! Hearts to heaven and voices raise; Everton 1E
Würzburg 2E
87.87.D. Eastertide App. 27
128 At the Lamb’s high feast we sing Salzburg 77.77.D. Eastertide
129 Christ the Lord is risen again! Orientis partibus 77.77.4. Eastertide App. 12
130 Christians, to the Paschal Victim Plainsong Eastertide P
131 Come, ye faithful, raise the strain Ave virgo virginum 76.76.D. Eastertide
132 He is risen, he is risen: Gott des himmels 87.87.77. Eastertide
133 Jesus Christ is risen to-day, Alleluya! Easter Hymn [C major] 74.74.D. Eastertide App. 13 [D major]
134 Jesus lives! thy terrors now Christ ist erstanden
St. Albinus
78.784. Eastertide
135 Love’s redeeming work is done; Savannah (or Herrnhut) 77.77. Eastertide
136 On the Resurrection morning Hornsey 1E
Resurrection Morning 2E
87.83. Eastertide App. 28
137 The Day of Resurrection! Ellacombe 76.76.D. Eastertide
138 Thou hallowed chosen morn of praise Mach’s mit mir Gott
Dies ist der tag
87.87.88. Eastertide
139 Ye choirs of new Jerusalem St. Fulbert C.M. Eastertide
140 Lord, in thy name thy servants plead Lincoln C.M. Rogation Days
141 Eternal Monarch, King most high Deus tuorum militum 1E
Gonfalon Royal 2E
L.M. Ascensiontide P
142 O Christ, our joy, to whom is given Deus tuorum militum 1E
Gonfalon Royal 2E
L.M. Ascensiontide P
143 Hail the day that sees him rise, Alleluya! Llanfair 74.74.D. Ascensiontide
144 O Christ, our hope, our hearts’ desire Metzler’s Redhead No. 66 1E
Bromsgrove 2E
C.M. Ascensiontide App. 29
145 See the Conqueror mounts in triumph In Babilone 87.87.D. Ascensiontide
146 Sing we triumphant hymns of praise Tugwood L.M. Ascensiontide
147 The head that once was crowned with thorns St. Magnus (Nottingham) C.M. Ascensiontide
148 The Lord ascendeth up on high Nun freut euch 87.87.887. Ascensiontide
149 Thou art gone up on high Old 025th D.S.M. Ascensiontide
150 When Christ our Lord had passed once more Monte Cassino L.M. Whitsuntide P
151 Rejoice! the year upon its way Aeterna Christi munera (Rouen) L.M. Whitsuntide P
152 Come down, O Love divine Down Ampney 66.11.D. Whitsuntide
153 Come, Holy Ghost, our souls inspire Veni Creator L.M. Whitsuntide
154 Come, O Creator Spirit, come Veni Creator L.M. Whitsuntide P App. 30 2E
155 Come, thou holy Paraclete Veni Sancte Spiritus 777.D. Whitsuntide P
156 Creator Spirit, by whose aid Veni Creator (Attwood) 88.88.88. Whitsuntide
157 Our blest Redeemer, ere he breathed St. Cuthbert 1E
Wicklow 2E
86.84. Whitsuntide App. 31
158 When God of old came down from heaven Winchester Old 1E
Stroudwater 2E
C.M. Whitsuntide
159 Be present, Holy Trinity Adesto Sancta Trinitas L.M. Trinity Sunday P
160 Father most holy, merciful and tender; Christe du beistand 11 11.11 5. Trinity Sunday P
161 Have mercy on us, God most high St. Flavian C.M. Trinity Sunday
162 Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God Almighty! Nicaea [D major] 11 12.12 10. Trinity Sunday App. 14 [E major]
163 O Unity of threefold light Old 022nd D.C.M. Trinity Sunday
164 O Trinity of blessèd Light Illsley 1E
Hilariter (Die ganze Welt) 2E
L.M. From Trinity Sunday to Advent P
165 Father, we praise thee, now the night is over. Christe sanctorum 11 11.11 5. From Trinity Sunday to Advent P
166 Christ is gone up; yet ere he passed St. David C.M. Ember Days
167 Pour out thy Spirit from on high; Duke Street L.M. Ember Days
168 The earth, O Lord, is one great field Manchester C.M. Ember Days
169 Blessèd city, heavenly Salem Urbs coelestis 87.87.87. Dedication Festival P
170 Christ is made the sure Foundation Urbs coelestis 87.87.87. Dedication Festival P
171 O Word of God above St. Edmund S.M. Dedication Festival
172 Sion’s daughters! Sons of Jerusalem! Plainsong Dedication Festival P
173 All things are thine; no gift have we Herr Jesu Christ L.M. Dedication or Restoration of a Church
174 Lord of Creation, bow thine ear, O Christ, to hear Annue Christe 12 12.12 12. Apostles and Evangelists P
175 The eternal gifts of Christ the King Aeterna Christi munera L.M. Apostles and Evangelists P
176 Let the round world with songs rejoice; Auctoritate saeculi L.M. Apostles and Evangelists P
177 Captains of the saintly band University College 1E
Harts 2E
77.77. Apostles and Evangelists
178 Disposer supreme, and Judge of the earth Old 104th Apostles and Evangelists
179 Come sing, ye choirs exultant Ach Gott von himmelreiche 76.76.D. Apostles and Evangelists
180 Martyr of God, whose strength was steeled Whitehall 1E
Leighton 2E
L.M. Martyrs P
181 O God, thy soldiers’ crown and guard Deus tuorum militum L.M. Martyrs P
182 The merits of the Saints Das Herrlich hohe fest 66.66.668. Martyrs P
183 O glorious King of martyr hosts Rex gloriose L.M. Martyrs P
184 Blessèd feasts of blessèd Martyrs Alla Trinita beata 87.87.D. Martyrs
185 Blest Martyr, let thy triumph-day Beata nobis gaudia L.M. Martyrs
186 Come, let us join the Church above Rodmell 1E
Balfour 2E
C.M. Martyrs
187 Let our choir new anthems raise Weimar 76.76.D. Martyrs
188 He, whose confession God of old accepted Iste confessor 11 11.11 5. Confessors P
189 O thou whose all-redeeming might Plainsong L.M. Confessors P
190 O Shepherd of the sheep Carlisle C.M. Confessors
191 Son of a Virgin, Maker of thy mother Ut queant laxis 11 11.11 5. For a Virgin P
192 Jesu, the Virgins’ Crown, do thou St. Ambrose L.M. For a Virgin P
193 The praises of that Saint we sing St. Ambrose L.M. For a Matron
194 Receive, O Lord, in heaven above St. Ambrose L.M. For a Vigil
195 Another year completed Wohlauf, thut nicht verzagen 1E
Bremen 2E
76.76.D. For a Patronal Festival
196 For all thy saints, O Lord Mount Ephraim S.M. For any Saint's Day
197 Give me the wings of faith to rise Song 67 C.M. For any Saint’s Day
198 Hark, the sound of holy voices Deerhurst 1E
Vision 2E
87.87.D. For any Saint’s Day App. 32
199 How bright these glorious spirits shine! Ballerma C.M. For any Saint’s Day
200 Joy and triumph everlasting Psalm 42 For any Saint’s Day
201 Palms of glory, raiment bright Palms of Glory 1E
Boyce 2E
77.77. For any Saint’s Day App. 33
202 The Son of God goes forth to war St. Anne 1E
Stettin (Nun seht) 2E
C.M. 1E
D.C.M. 2E
For any Saint’s Day
203 What are these that glow from afar Ymdaith Mwngc Irreg. For any Saint’s Day
204 Who are these, like stars appearing All Saints 87.87.77. For any Saint’s Day
205 Jesus calls us!—o’er the tumult Merton 1E
Herald 2E
87.87. St Andrew
206 O thou, who didst with love untold Dundee 1E
Crediton 2E
C.M. St Thomas
207 We sing the glorious conquest Llangloffan 76.76.D. St Paul
208 All prophets hail thee, from of old announcing Diva servatrix 11 11.11 5. The Purification P
209 Hail to the Lord who comes Old 120th 66.66.66. The Purification
210 The highest and the holiest place St. James 1E
Jackson 2E
C.M. St Matthias
211 We praise thy name, all-holy Lord Old 081st 1E
Old 44th 2E
D.C.M. St David
212 I bind unto myself today St. Patrick–Deirdre D.L.M.—88.88. St Patrick
213 Hail, O Star that pointest Ave maris stella 66.66. The Annunciation P
214 The God whom earth, and sea, and sky St. Ambrose 1E
O amor quam ecstaticus 2E
L.M. St Mary the Virgin P
215 O glorious Maid, exalted far St. Ambrose 1E
O amor quam ecstaticus 2E
L.M. St Mary the Virgin P
216 Ave Maria! blessèd Maid! St. Alban 886.D. St Mary the Virgin
217 Her Virgin eyes saw God incarnate born Farley Castle 10 10.10 10. St Mary the Virgin
218 Ye who own the faith of Jesus Den des Vaters sinn geboren St Mary the Virgin
219 Lord God of Hosts, within whose hand Falkland 88.88.88. St George
220 The Saint who first found grace to pen Brockham L.M. St Mark
221 The winter’s sleep was long and deep King’s Langley C.M., Irreg. St Philip and St James
222 The Son of Consolation! Aurelia [D major] 1E
Rhyddid 2E
76.76.D. St Barnabas
223 Let thine example, holy John, remind us Iste confessor 1E
Herr, deinen zorn 2E
11 11.11 5. St John Baptist P
224 E’en in thy childhood, ’mid the desert places Iste confessor 1E
Herr, deinen zorn 2E
11 11.11 5. St John Baptist P
225 Hail, harbinger of morn: Hail harbinger of morn 66.10.D. St John Baptist
226 With gold most precious, and with sanguine hues of morn Plainsong 12 12.12 12. St Peter P
227 Forsaken once, and thrice denied Erskine 1E
Childhood 2E
88.86. St Peter App. 34
228 Now in holy celebration Oriel 87.87.87. The Visitation P
229 Portal of the world’s salvation Collaudemus 87.87.87. The Visitation P
230 Sing we all the joys and sorrows Collaudemus 87.87.87. St Mary Magdalene P
231 Mary, weep not, weep no longer Plainsong 87.87.87. St Mary Magdalene P
232 Lord, who shall sit beside thee Christus der ist mein Leben [E major] 76.76. St James
233 An image of that heavenly light Vom himmel hoch 1E
Nostre Dieu 2E
L.M. 1E
D.L.M. 2E
The Transfiguration P App. 35
234 O Light of light, by love inclined Whitehall L.M. The Transfiguration P
235 O Master, it is good to be Tallis’ Lamentation D.L.M. The Transfiguration
236 ’Tis good, Lord, to be here! Carlisle S.M. The Transfiguration
237 O let the heart beat high with bliss Truro [C major] 1E
Cromer 2E
L.M. The Holy Name P
238 Jesu!—The very thought is sweet! Jesu dulcis memoria
The Rosy Sequence
L.M. The Holy Name P
239 Saints of God! Lo, Jesu’s people Sussex 87.87. St Bartholomew
240 He sat to watch o’er customs paid Alfreton L.M. St Matthew
241 Thee, O Christ, the Father’s splendour Neander 87.87.87. St Michael and All Angels P
242 Christ, the fair glory of the holy Angels Coelites plaudant 11 11.11 5. St Michael and All Angels P
243 Around the throne of God a band Solothurn L.M. St Michael and All Angels
244 O God the Son eternal, thy dread might St. Michael New 10 10.66.10. St Michael and All Angels
245 Stars of the morning, so gloriously bright Quedlinburg 10 10.10 10. St Michael and All Angels
246 They come, God’s messengers of love St. Crispin 1E
Daniel 2E
L.M. St Michael and All Angels App. 36
247 Saviour, who didst healing give Jesus ist das schönste licht St Luke
248 Thou who sentest thine Apostles Byrntirion 87.87.87. St Simon and St Jude
249 O Saviour Jesu, not alone Deo gracias L.M. All Saints P
250 If there be that skills to reckon Lewes 87.87.87. All Saints
251 O heavenly Jerusalem Paderborn 76.76. All Saints
252 Our Father’s home eternal Au fort de ma détresse 76.76.D. All Saints
253 Spouse of Christ, in arms contending Gott will’s machen
Plainsong: All Saints Sequence
87.87. All Saints P
254 Now that the daylight fills the sky Plainsong Morning P
255 Come, Holy Ghost, with God the Son Plainsong Morning P
256 At thy feet, O Christ, we lay Voller wunder 77.77.77. Morning
257 Awake, my soul, and with the sun Morning Hymn L.M. Morning
258 Christ, whose glory fills the skies Ministres de l’éternel 77.77.77. Morning
259 Forth in thy name, O Lord, I go Angel’s Song (Song 34) L.M. Morning
260 New every morning is the love Melcolmbe [D major] L.M. Morning
261 O God of truth, O Lord of might Plainsong (or Melcombe) L.M. Noon P
262 O God, Creation’s secret force Plainsong (or Alfreton) L.M. Noon P
263 Blest are the moments, doubly blest Alfreton 1E
Warrington 2E
L.M. Noon
264 Before the ending of the day Te lucis ante terminum L.M. Evening P
265 As now the sun’s declining rays St. Peter 1E
St. Nicholas 2E
C.M. Evening
266 At even when the sun was set Angelus (Du meiner seelen) L.M. Evening
267 Glory to thee, my God, this night Tallis’ Canon L.M. Evening
268 God, that madest earth and heaven Ad hyd y nos Evening App. 15
269 O gladsome light, O grace Nunc dimittis 667.667. Evening
270 Holy Father, cheer our way Huddersfield 1E
Ton-mân 2E
77.75. Evening App. 37
271 O Strength and Stay upholding all creation Welwyn 1E
School House 2E
11 10.11 10. Evening
272 Round me falls the night Seelenbräutigam 55.88.55. Evening
273 Saviour, again to thy dear name we raise Ellers 1E
Magda 2E
10 10.10 10. Evening App. 38
274 Sun of my soul, thou Saviour dear Herr Gott Vater (both editions)
Hursley 1E/Birling 2E
L.M. Evening App. 39
275 Sweet Saviour, bless us ere we go; Lodsworth 88.88.88. Evening
276 The day is past and over; St. Anatolius 1E
Hominum amator 2E
76.76.88. Evening App. 40
277 The day thou gavest, Lord, is ended Les commandemens de Dieu 98.98. Evening App. 16
278 The duteous day now closeth Innsbruck 776.778. Evening
279 The radiant morn hath passed away St. Leonard 1E
Gaza 2E
88.84. Evening App. 41
280 The sun is sinking fast St. Columba 1E
Speer (Sag was hilft) 2E
64.66. Evening App. 42
281 Through the day thy love has spared us Dretzel 87.87.77. Evening
282 Now the busy week is done Heathlands 1E
Ratisbon (Jesu, meine zuversicht) 2E
77.77.77. Saturday Evening
283 Most glorious Lord of life, that on this day Farley Castle 10 10.10 10. Sunday
284 O day of rest and gladness Herzlich thut mich erfreuen 76.76.D. Sunday
285 Another year is dawning Magdalena 1E
Cherry Tree 2E
76.76. New Year
286 For thy mercy and thy grace Culbach [D major] 77.77. New Year
287 Kindly spring again is here Da Christus geboren war 77.77. Spring
288 The summer days are come again; Soll’s sein D.C.M. Summer
289 Come, ye thankful people, come St. George 77.77.D. Harvest
290 Fair waved the golden corn Selma S.M. Harvest
291 O sing to the Lord, whose bountiful hand Psalm 67th Psalm 10 10.10 10. Harvest
292 To thee, O Lord, our hearts we raise St. Gall 87.87.D. Harvest App. 17
293 We plough the fields, and scatter Wir pflügen Harvest
294 The year is swiftly waning Devonshire 76.76. Autumn
295 ’Tis winter now; the fallen snow Danby L.M. Winter
296 Hark, my soul, how everything Lyne 77.77. Seasons: General
297 The spacious firmament on high London (or Addison’s) D.L.M. Seasons: General
298 Thou art, O God, the life and light New 113th 88.88.88. Seasons: General
299 When spring unlocks the flowers to paint the laughing soil; Gosterwood 13 13.14 14. Seasons: General
300 According to thy gracious word Bangor C.M. Holy Communion
301 Alleluya, sing to Jesus Hyfrydol 87.87.D. Holy Communion
302 And now, O Father, mindful of the love Song 01 10 10.10 10.10 10. Holy Communion
303 Author of life divine Lovely 66.66.88. Holy Communion
304 Bread of heaven, on thee we feed Bread of heaven 1E
Christopher (Ihr gestirn’) 2E
77.77.77. Holy Communion App. 43
305 Bread of the world in mercy broken Rendez à Dieu 98.98.D. Holy Communion
306 Deck thyself, my soul, with gladness Schmücke dich 88.88.D. Holy Communion
307 Draw nigh and take the Body of the Lord The Sacred Heart 1E
Draw nigh 2E
10 10.10 10. Holy Communion App. 44
308 Father, see thy children bending at thy throne Adoro te (No.2) 65.65.D. Holy Communion
309 For the beauty of the earth Ratisbon (Jesu, meine zuversicht) 1E
England’s Lane 2E
77.77.77. Holy Communion
310 From glory to glory advancing, we praise thee, O Lord; Sheen 14 14.14 15. Holy Communion
311 Hail, true Body, born of Mary Ave verum Irreg. Holy Communion
312 Here, O my Lord, I see thee face to face; Congleton 10 10.10 10. Holy Communion
313 Holy God, we offer here Da zu dir der Heiland kam Holy Communion
314 Holy Jesus! God of love! Song 13 1E
Freuen wir uns 2E
77.77. Holy Communion
315 Jesu, gentlest Saviour Eudoxia/Caswall (Wem in leidenstagen) 65.65. Holy Communion
316 Just as I am, without one plea Saffron walden 88.86. Holy Communion
317 Laud, O Sion, thy salvation Plainsong Holy Communion P
318 Let all mortal flesh keep silence Picardy 87.87.87. Holy Communion
319 Lord, enthroned in heavenly splendour Bryn Calfaria 87.87.47. Holy Communion
320 My God, and is thy Table spread Caton or Rockingham 1E
Simeon 2E
L.M. Holy Communion App. 5
321 O food of men wayfaring In allen meinen Thaten 776.D. Holy Communion
322 O lead my blindness by the hand Lambeth [G major] 1E
Leicester (or Bedford) 2E
88.88.88. Holy Communion
323 O, most merciful! O, most bountiful! Schönster Herr Jesu 10 7.10 7. Holy Communion
324 O thou, who at thy Eucharist didst pray Ffigysbren 10 10.10 10.10 10. Holy Communion
325 O Word immortal of eternal God Song 24 10 10.10 10. Holy Communion
326 Of the glorious Body telling Pange lingua/Tantum ergo (No.2) 87.87.87. Holy Communion P
327 Once, only once, and once for all Albano C.M. Holy Communion
328 See, Father, thy belovèd Son Hymnus eucharisticus L.M. Holy Communion
329 Strengthen for service, Lord, the hands Ach Gott und Herr 87.87. Holy Communion
330 The Word of God, proceeding forth O salutaris L.M. Holy Communion P App. 7 1E/46 2E
331 Thee we adore, O hidden Saviour, thee Adoro te 10 10.10 10. Holy Communion
332 There is a fountain filled with Blood Windsor C.M. Holy Communion
333 Victim Divine, thy grace we claim Coleraine (Vicenza) 88.88.88. Holy Communion
334 We pray thee, heavenly Father Meirionydd 1E
Caerlleon 2E
76.76.D. Holy Communion
335 Wherefore, O Father, we thy humble servants Christe Fons Jugis 11 11.11 5. Holy Communion
336 Blessed Jesu! here we stand Liebster Jesu 78.78.88. Holy Baptism
337 In token that thou shalt not fear St. Stephen C.M. Holy Baptism
338 Lord Jesu Christ, our Lord most dear In einem Kripplein lag ein Kind 88.88.88. Holy Baptism
339 With Christ we share a mystic grave Farrant C.M. Holy Baptism
340 Behold us, Lord, before thee met Lambeth [F major] 88.88.88. Confirmation
341 My God, accept my heart this day St. James C.M. Confirmation
342 Lord, in thy presence dread and sweet Advent 886.D. Confirmation
343 O thou who camest from above Affection L.M. Confirmation
344 Thine for ever! God of love Horsham 77.77. Confirmation
345 O Father all creating Dank sei Gott in der Höhe 76.76.D. Marriage
346 O perfect Love, all human thought transcending Welwyn 11 10.11 10. Marriage
347 O thou who gavest power to love Das walt’ Gott Vater 1E
Kent 2E
L.M. Marriage
348 The voice that breathed o’er Eden St. Alphege [G major] 76.76. Marriage
349 Thou, Lord, hast power to heal Dolgelly 66.66.88. The Sick
350 Christ, enthroned in highest heaven Ad perennis vitae fontem 87.87.87. The Departed
351 Day of wrath! O day of mourning! Plainsong The Departed P
352 Father of spirits, whose divine control Old 124th The Departed
353 Gentle Shepherd, thou hast stilled Jesu, meines Glaubens Zier [G major] The Departed
354 Hear what the voice from heaven proclaims Wigton C.M. The Departed
355 In Paradise reposing Hambridge 76.76. The Departed
356 Jesu, Son of Mary Corpus Domini 1E
Dun Aluinn 2E
65.65.D. The Departed App. 47
357 Lord Jesu, who at Lazarus’ tomb Song 18 886.D. The Departed
358 Now the labourer’s task is o’er Pressburg (Nicht so traurig) 77.77.77. The Departed
359 O Lord, to whom the spirits live South Cerney 88.88.88. The Departed
360 What sweet of life endureth Christus der ist mein Leben [D major] 76.76. The Departed
361 A few more years shall roll Leominster D.S.M. General
362 A safe stronghold our God is still Ein’ feste burg General
363 Abide with me; fast falls the eventide; Eventide 10 10.10 10. General
364 All hail the power of Jesu’s name Miles Lane C.M. General
365 All people that on earth do dwell Old 100Hundredth L.M. General
366 Art thou weary, art thou languid Cuttle Mills 85.83. General App. 18
367 As pants the hart for cooling streams Martyrdom C.M. General
368 At the Name of Jesus Laus tibi Christe 1E
King’s Weston 2E
65.65.D. General
369 Be thou my Guardian and my guide Abridge C.M. General
370 Blest are the pure in heart Franconia S.M. General
371 Brief life is here our portion St. Alphege [F major] 76.76. General
372 Bright the vision that delighted Redhead No. 46 87.87. General
373 Children of the heavenly King Gott sei Dank 1E
Melling 2E
77.77. General
374 ‘Christian, seek not yet repose,’ Morgenglanz der ewigkeit 77.73. General
375 City of God, how broad and far Richmond C.M. General
376 Come, let us join our cheerful songs Nativity 1E
Cheerful 2E
C.M. General App. 48
377 Come, my soul, thy suit prepare Louez Dieu 77.77. General
378 Come, O thou Traveller unknown David’s Harp 88.88.88. General
379 ‘Come unto me, ye weary’ Rusper 76.76.D. General
380 Come, ye faithful, raise the anthem Neander 87.87.87. General
381 Crown him with many crowns Oliva speciosa 1E
Milites 2E
Corona 2E
D.S.M. General App. 49
382 Days and moments quickly flying Omni Die 1E
Goldschmidt (O der alles) 2E
87.87. General
383 Dear Lord and Father of mankind Hammersmith 1E
Repton 2E
86.886. General App. 50
384 Eternal Ruler of the ceaseless round Song 01 [F major] 10 10.10 10.10 10. General
385 Father, hear the prayer we offer Sussex 87.87. General
386 Father of all, to thee Dolgelly 1E
Warsaw 2E
66.66.88. General
387 Father of heaven, whose love profound Das Leiden des Herrn L.M. General
388 Fierce was the wild billow St. Issey 64.64.D. General
389 Fight the good fight with all thy might Shepton-Beauchamp L.M. General
390 Firmly I believe and truly Shipston 87.87. General
391 ‘For ever with the Lord!’ Montgomery 1E
Llanllyfni 2E
D.S.M. General App. 51
392 For thee, O dear, dear country Magdalena 76.76. General
393 Glorious things of thee are spoken Austrian Hymn 87.87.D. General
394 God moves in a mysterious way London New C.M. General
395 God of mercy, God of grace Heathlands 77.77.77. General
396 Gracious Spirit, Holy Ghost Capetown 1E
Dian 2E
77.75. General
397 Guide me, O thou great Redeemer Caersalem 87.87.47. General
398 Happy are they, they that love God Binchester C.M. General
399 Hark! hark, my soul! Angelic songs are swelling Pilgrims of the night 11 10.11 10.9 11. General
400 Hark, my soul! it is the Lord; St. Bees 1E
White Ladies Aston 2E
77.77. General App. 52
401 He wants not friends that hath thy love Cameronian midnight hymn L.M. General
402 He who would valiant be Monks Gate 11 11.12 11. General
403 Hold thou my hands! Miserere mei 48.84. General
404 How shall I sing that Majesty Old 137th D.C.M. General
405 How sweet the name of Jesus sounds St. Peter C.M. General
406 I look to thee in every need O Jesu 86.86.88. General
407 Immortal, invisible, God only wise St. Denio 11 11.11 11. General
408 Immortal love for ever full Bishopthorpe (or St. Paul’s) C.M. General
409 In the Cross of Christ I glory Wychbold 87.87. General
410 In the hour of my distress Holy Comfort 77.76. General
411 Jerusalem on high Christchurch (Steggall) 66.66.88. General
412 Jerusalem the golden Ewing 76.76.D. General
413 Jesu, grant me this, I pray Song 13 77.77. General
414 Jesu, Lover of my soul Hollingside
Aberystwyth 2E only
77.77.D. General
415 Jesu, meek and gentle St. Constantine 1E
Belsize 2E
65.65. General App. 53
416 Jesu, meek and lowly St. Martin 66.66. General
417 Jesu, my Lord, my God, my All Stella 1E
Gesius (Heut’ triumphiret) 2E
88.88.88. General App. 19, 54
418 Jesu, name all names above; Werde munter General
419 Jesu, the very thought of thee St. Agnes 1E / St. Botolph 2E
King’s Norton (both editions)
C.M. General App. 55
420 Jesus shall reign where’er the sun Truro [D major] L.M. General
421 Jesus, these eyes have never seen Nun danket all C.M. General
422 Jesus, where’er thy people meet St. Sepulchre L.M. General
423 Judge eternal, throned in splendour Rhuddlan 87.87.87. General
424 King of glory, King of peace Gwalchmai 74.74.D. General
425 Lead, kindly Light, amid the encircling gloom Lux benigna 10 4.10 4.10 10. General
426 Lead us, heavenly Father, lead us Mannheim 87.87.87. General
427 Let all the world in every corner sing Universal Praise 1E
High Road 2E
10 4. General App. 56
428 Let saints on earth in concert sing Dundee C.M. General
429 ‘Lift up your hearts!’ We lift them, Lord, to thee; All Souls 1E
Birmingham 2E
10 10.10 10. General 217, App. 57
430 Lighten the darkness of our life’s long night Song 24 1E
Erfyniad 2E
10 10.10 10. General
431 Light’s abode, celestial Salem Regent Square 87.87.87. General
432 Long did I toil, and knew no earthly rest Battle 10 10.10 10.10 10. General
433 Lord, it belongs not to my care Dibdin C.M. General
434 Lord of all being, throned afar Uffingham L.M. General
435 Lord of our life, and God of our salvation Iste confessor (2) 11 11.11 5. General
436 Lord, thy word abideth Ravenshaw 66.66. General
437 Love Divine, all loves excelling Moriah 87.87.D. General
438 Love of the Father, love of God the Son Song 22 10 10.10 10. General
439 My faith looks up to thee Olivet 1E
Denbigh 2E
664.666.4. General App. 58
440 My God and Father, while I stray Troyte No. 1 1E
Layriz (Ins feld geh) 2E
88.84. General App. 59
441 My God, how wonderful thou art Westminster C.M. General
442 My Lord, my Life, my Love Song 20 S.M. General
443 My spirit longs for thee Maria jung und zart 66.66. General
444 Nearer, my God, to thee Horbury 64.64.664. General
445 O for a closer walk with God Caithness
Stracathro 2E only
S.M. General
446 O for a thousand tongues to sing O God of Love C.M. General
447 O God of Bethel, by whose hand Burford C.M. General
448 O God of mercy, God of might Fitzwilliam 88.86. General
449 O God of truth, whose living word Martyrs C.M. General
450 O God, our help in ages past St. Anne C.M. General
451 O God, thy power is wonderful Melrose C.M. General
452 O happy band of pilgrims Knecht 76.76. General
453 O Holy Spirit, Lord of grace Tallis’ Ordinal (‘9th Tune’) C.M. General
454 O King enthroned on high Temple 66.84. General
455 O let him whose sorrow Clewer 65.65. General
456 O Lord and Master of us all Walsall 1E
Blackbourne 2E
C.M. General
457 O Lord, how happy should we be Magdalen College 886.D. General
458 O Lord of hosts, all heaven possessing Neumark 98.98.88. General
459 O love, how deep, how broad, how high! Eisenach L.M. General
460 O Lord, who formedst me to wear Christchurch (Ouseley) 88.88.88. General
461 O praise our great and gracious Lord Old 081st (Old 77th) D.C.M. General
462 O quickly come, dread Judge of all; Vater unser 88.88.88. General
463 O thou in all thy might so far Crowle C.M. General
464 O thou not made with hands Old 120th 66.66.66. General
465 O what their joy and their glory must be Regnator orbis 10 10.10 10. General
466 O worship the King all glorious above Hanover General
467 Oft in danger, oft in woe University College 77.77. General
468 Peace, perfect peace, in this dark world of sin? Song 46 10.10. General
469 Pleasant are thy courts above Benevento 77.77.D. General App. 20
470 Praise, my soul, the King of heaven; Praise my soul 87.87.87. General
471 Praise to the Holiest in the height Richmond C.M. General
472 Pray that Jerusalem may have York C.M. General
473 Pray when the morn is breaking Meirionydd 76.76.D. General
474 Prayer is the soul’s sincere desire Wigton C.M. General
475 Rejoice, O land, in God thy might Wareham L.M. General
476 Rejoice, the Lord is King Gopsal 66.66.88. General
477 Rock of ages, cleft for me Redhead No. 76 77.77.77. General
478 Sing praise to God who reigns above Nun freut euch 1E
Wittenberg (Es ist das heil) 2E
87.87.887. General
479 Soldiers of Christ, arise St. Ethelwald S.M. General
480 Soldiers, who are Christ’s below Orientis partibus 77.77. General
481 Songs of praise the Angels sang Culbach [E major] 1E
Riley 2E
77.77. General
482 Still will we trust, though earth seem dark and dreary Langa 1E
Stanstead 2E
11 10.11.6. General App. 60
483 Strong Son of God, immortal Love Song 05 L.M. General
484 Take up thy cross, the Saviour said Breslau [G major] L.M. General
485 Teach me, my God and King Sandys S.M. General
486 Ten thousand times ten thousand Komm, seele 76.86.D. General
487 That day of wrath, that dreadful day Babylon’s Streams L.M. General
488 The Church of God a kingdom is Capel C.M. General
489 The Church’s one foundation Aurelia [E major] 76.76.D. General
490 The King of love my Shepherd is St. Columba 87.87. General
491 The Lord my pasture shall prepare Surrey 88.88.88. General
492 The Lord will come and not be slow St. Stephen 1E
Coleshill 2E
C.M. General
493 The roseate hues of early dawn Old 107th D.C.M. General
494 The strain upraise of joy and praise, Alleluya! Troyte No. 2 Irreg. General
495 The world is very evil; Pearsall 76.76.D. General
496 There is a blessèd home Seventh7th Mode Melody 66.66.D. General
497 There is a book who runs may read St. Flavian 1E
Relief 2E
C.M. General
498 There is a land of pure delight Mendip C.M. General
499 There’s a wideness in God’s mercy Zum frieden 87.87.D. General
500 They whose course on earth is o’er Vienna 77.77. General
501 Three in One, and One in Three Capetown 77.75. General
502 Through all the changing scenes of life Wiltshire C.M. General
503 Through the night of doubt and sorrow St. Oswald 1E
Marching 2E
87.87. General App. 61
504 Thy kingdom come! on bended knee Irish C.M. General
505 Thy way, not mine, O Lord Psalm 32 66.66. General
506 To Mercy, Pity, Peace, and Love Epsom C.M. General
507 To the name that brings salvation Oriel 87.87.87. General
508 We love the place, O God Quam dilecta 66.66. General
509 We saw thee not when thou didst come David’s Harp 1E
Farmsborough 2E
88.88.88. General
510 We sing the praise of him who died Breslau [A major] 1E
Calvisius (Ach bleib bei uns) 2E
L.M. General
511 When all thy mercies, O my God Belgrave C.M. General
512 When morning gilds the skies O Seigneur 667.667.D. General
513 When our heads are bowed with woe Redhead No. 47 77.77. General
514 Who is this so weak and helpless Llansannan 87.87.D. General
515 Wilt thou forgive that sin, by man begun So giebst du 10 10.10 10.84. General
516 Work is sweet, for God has blest Voller wunder 77.77.77. General
517 Ye holy Angels bright Darwall’s 148th General
518 Ye servants of the Lord Narenza S.M. General
519 Ye watchers and ye holy ones Lasst uns erfreuen 88.44.88. and Alleluyas General
520 Holy Father, in thy mercy Eastergate 85.83. For Absent Friends
521 O Lord of heaven, and earth, and sea Es ist kein tag 88.84. Almsgiving
522 We give thee but thine own Windermere S.M. Almsgiving
523 Lord, behold us with thy blessing Dismissal 87.87.87. Beginning and End of Term
524 God be with you till we meet again; Randolph 98.89. At a Farewell
525 From thee all skill and science flow Farnham
Culross 2E only
C.M. Hospitals
526 Thine arm, O Lord, in days of old St. Matthew D.C.M. Hospitals
527 Thou to whom the sick and dying St. Leonard 87.87.77. Hospitals App. 21
528 Father of men, in whom are one Exeter 888.888. Societies: Friendly
529 Son of God, eternal Saviour Lugano 87.87.D. Societies: General
530 Lord of life and King of glory Calvary 87.87.87. Mothers' Societies
531 Father, who on man dost shower Quem pastores laudavere 88.87. Temperance Societies
532 Let us, with a gladsome mind Monkland 77.77. Thanksgiving
533 Now thank we all our God Nun danket Thanksgiving
534 Praise the Lord of heaven; Laus tibi Christe 65.65.D. Thanksgiving
535 Praise the Lord! ye heavens, adore him; Austrian Hymn 1E
Praise 2E
87.87.D. Thanksgiving
536 Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, the King of creation; Hast du denn, Jesu 14 Thanksgiving
537 Rejoice to-day with one accord Ein’ feste burg Thanksgiving
538 Father, to thee we look in all our sorrow L’omnipotent 11 10.11 10. In Time of Trouble
539 O Lord of hosts, who didst upraise Vater unser 1E
Llangoedmor 2E
888.D. In Time of War
540 Eternal Father, strong to save Melita 88.88.88. In Time of Rough Weather
541 Fierce raged the tempest o’er the deep St. Aelred 1E
White Gates 2E
88.83. In Time of Rough Weather App. 62
542 How are thy servants blest, O Lord! London New 1E
Kilmarnock 2E
C.M. For Use at Sea
543 Lord, the wind and sea obey thee Quem pastores laudavere 88.87. For Use at Sea
544 O Faith of England, taught of old Psalm 68 887.887.D. The Church
545 Thy hand, O God, has guided St. Theodulph (Valet will ich dir geben) 1E
Thornbury 2E
76.76.D. The Church 45
546 Fling out the banner! let it float Cathcart L.M. Home and Foreign Missions
547 From Greenland’s icy mountains Calcutta 76.76.D. Home and Foreign Missions
548 God is working his purpose out as year succeeds to year Benson 1E
Purpose 2E
Irreg. Home and Foreign Missions App. 63
549 Lift up your heads, ye gates of brass; Praetorius (Für dein empfangen speis und trank) C.M. Home and Foreign Missions
550 O North, with all thy vales of green! Auch jetzt macht Gott 86.86.88. Home and Foreign Missions
551 Saviour, sprinkle many nations Hope 87.87.D. Home and Foreign Missions
552 Spread, O spread, thou mighty word Gott sei Dank 77.77. Home and Foreign Missions
553 Thou whose almighty Word Moscow 664.666.4. Home and Foreign Missions
554 Thy kingdom come, O God St. Cecilia 1E
Kingsland 2E
66.66. Home and Foreign Missions App. 64
555 Dismiss me not thy service, Lord Brunswick 86.86.86. Church Work
556 Go, labour on; spend, and be spent Angel’s Song (Song 34) 1E
Llangollen (Lledrod) 2E
L.M. Church Work
557 From foes that would the land devour; Isleworth 88.86. National
558 God of our fathers, known of old Folkingham 88.88.88. National
559 God of our fathers, unto thee Etona National
560 God save our gracious King National Anthem 664.666.4. National
561 Lord, while for all mankind we pray Aberdeen C.M. National
562 O God of earth and altar Kings Lynn 76.76.D. National
563 Once to every man and nation Hyfrydol 1E
Yn y glyn 2E
87.87.D. National
564 The King, O God, his heart to thee upraiseth; Donne secours 11 10.11 10. National
565 To thee our God we fly Croft’s 136th 66.66.88. National
566 When wilt thou save the people? Kendal National
567 Beneath the Cross of Jesus Gloria Mission Services App. 22
568 Daily, daily sing the praises Daily, daily 87.87.D. Mission Services
569 Evensong is hushed in silence Evening Hymn 6. Mission Services
570 Ho! my comrades, see the signal Hold the Fort 85.85.D. Mission Services
571 Holy Ghost, come down upon thy children Bossiney 10 and refrain. Mission Services
572 I could not do without thee Gosterwood 76.76.D. Mission Services
573 I hear thy welcome voice I hear thy welcome voice Mission Services
574 I heard the voice of Jesus say Kingsfold D.C.M. Mission Services
575 I lay my sins on Jesus Prysgol 76.76.D. Mission Services
576 I need thee, precious Jesu Prysgol 76.76.D. Mission Services
577 O Jesus, I have promised Missionary Hymn 76.76.D. Mission Services
578 O Jesu, thou art standing St. Catherine 1E
In der wiegen 2E
76.76.D. Mission Services 207, App. 65
579 Rest of the weary Fortunatus 54.54.D. Mission Services
580 Safe in the arms of Jesus Arms of Jesus 76.76.D. and refrain. Mission Services
581 Stand up!—stand up for Jesus! Morning Light 76.76.D. Mission Services
582 Take my life, and let it be Ives 77.77.D. Mission Services
583 Tell me the old, old story Tell me the old, old story 76.76.D. and refrain. Mission Services
584 There were ninety and nine that safely lay The ninety and nine 97.97.99. Mission Services
585 Thou didst leave thy throne and thy kingly crown Margaret Irreg. Mission Services
586 Advent tells us, Christ is near: Keine schönheit hat die Welt 77.77. Catechism
587 All things bright and beautiful Greystone 1E
Royal Oak 2E
76.76.D. and refrain. Catechism App. 66
588 Behold a little Child Wesley 66.66.88. Catechism
589 Do no sinful action Newland 65.65. Catechism
590 Every morning the red sun Langdale 75.75.77. Catechism
591 Gentle Jesus, meek and mild Farnaby/Lew Trenchard 77.77. Catechism
592 Hail the Sign, the Sign of Jesus Groombridge Catechism
593 Heavenly Father, send thy blessing Pleading Saviour 87.87.D. Catechism
594 I love to hear the story Gosterwood 76.76.D. Catechism
595 I think when I read that sweet story of old East Horndon Irreg. Catechism
596 In our work, and in our play Lyne 77.77. Catechism
597 It is a thing most wonderful Herongate L.M. Catechism
598 Jesu, good above all other Quem pastores laudavere 88.87. Catechism
599 Jesu, tender Shepherd, hear me Shipston 87.87. Catechism
600 Little drops of water Gott ein Vater 65.65. Catechism
601 Lord, I would own thy tender care Eardisley C.M. Catechism
602 Loving Shepherd of thy sheep Buckland 1E
Gentle Jesus 2E
77.77. Catechism App. 67
603 Now the day is over Eudoxia 65.65. Catechism
604 O dearest Lord, by all adored Mit freuden zart 87.87.887. Catechism
605 Once in royal David’s city Irby 87.87.77. Catechism
606 Sing to the Lord the children’s hymn St. Hugh C.M. Catechism
607 There’s a Friend for little children Ingrave Catechism
608 There is a happy land Happy Land Catechism
609 Through the night thy Angels kept Horsham 1E
Peacefield 2E
77.77. Catechism
610 We are but little children poor Puer nobis nascitur L.M. Catechism
611 When Christ was born in Bethlehem Rodmell C.M. Catechism
612 Who is he, in yonder stall Resonet in laudibus 77.88. and refrain. Catechism
613 Of the Father’s love begotten Divinum mysterium Christmas Processional
614 O come, all ye faithful Adeste fideles Irreg. Christmas Processional
615 From the eastern mountains Zundel 1E
Sutton Valence 2E
65.65.D. Epiphany Processional 368, App. 68
616 Hail, thou Source of every blessing Redhead No. 46 1E
Rex gloriae 2E
87.87.D. Processional
617 The children of the Hebrews Plainsong Processional P
618 O Jerusalem, look toward the East Plainsong Processional P App. 03
619 Come, faithful people, come away Come faithful people 88.87. Processional
620 Ride on! ride on in majesty! Winchester New L.M. Palm Sunday Processional
621 Glory and praise and dominion be thine Plainsong Processional P
622 All glory, laud, and honor St. Theodulph (Valet will ich dir geben) 76.76.D. Palm Sunday Processional
623 Now my soul, thy voice upraising St. Thomas 87.87.87. Palm Sunday Processional
624 Hail thee, Festival Day! Salve festa dies Irreg. Easter Processional P
625 The strife is o’er, the battle done; Victory 88.84. Easter Processional
626 Alleluya! Ye sons and daughters of the King O filii et filiae [2 versions] 888. and Alleluyas Easter Processional App. 04
627 The Lord is risen indeed! Narenza S.M. Processional
628 Hail thee, Festival Day! Salve festa dies Irreg. Ascension Processional P
629 O King most high of earth and sky Ach Gott und Herr 1E
Parsifal 2E
87.87. Processional
630 Hail thee, Festival Day! Salve festa dies Irreg. Pentecost Processional P
631 Spirit of mercy, truth, and love Melcombe L.M. Processional
632 Eternal Light, Divinity Montgomery L.M. Trinity Sunday Processional
633 All hail, adorèd Trinity; Illsley 1E
Mont Richard 2E
L.M. Trinity Sunday Processional
634 Hail thee, Festival Day! Salve festa dies Irreg. Dedication Processional P
635 Eternal Power, whose high abode O Jesu mi dulcissime L.M. Dedication Processional
636 Only-begotten, Word of God eternal Iste confessor (2) 11 11.11 5. Dedication Processional
637 Lo! God is here! let us adore Old 117th 88.88.88. Dedication Processional
638 Jerusalem, my happy home St. AustinPart 1: St. Austin (both editions)
Part 2: Southill (both editions)
Part 3: Jerusalem 1E
Stalham / Dunstan 2E
C.M. Processional App. 69
639 The Church triumphant in thy love Eatington C.M. Processional
640 Virgin-born, we bow before thee: Mon Dieu, prête-moi l’oreille/Urquell aller seligkeiten 88.77.D. Processional
641 For all the Saints who from their labours rest Sine nomine
10 10.10 4. Processional App. 23
642 Forward! be our watchword Upwick 65.65.Ter. Processional
643 Onward, Christian soldiers Haydn/St. Gertrude 65.65.Ter. Processional
644 Rejoice, ye pure in heart Ich halte treulich still D.S.M. Processional
645 Saviour, blessèd Saviour Goshen 1E
Nous allons 2E
65.65.D. Processional App. 70
646 The God of Abraham praise Leoni 66.84.D. Processional
647 God the Father, God the Son Tres Magi de gentibus 77.77. and 77.76. Litanies, etc.
648 God the Father, God the Son Helfer meiner armen seele 77.77. and 77.76. Litanies, etc.
649 God the Father, seen of none St. Mark 1E
Galliard 2E
77.77 Litanies, etc. App. 71
650 Lord, to our humble prayers attend Beatus 88.87 Litanies, etc.
651 God the Father, God the Son Litany 77.77. and 77.76. Litanies, etc.
652 God of all grace, thy mercy send; Oldbridge 1E
Michael 2E
86.84. Litanies, etc. App. 72
653 God the Father, God the Word Prompto Gentes Animo 776.D. Litanies, etc.
654 God the Father, God the Son Farnaby 77.77. and 77.76. Litanies, etc.
655 God the Father, God the Son Jesu, Jesu du mein Hirt 77.77.77. Litanies, etc.
656 See him in raiment rent Bridgwater/Langport 64.63.D. Litanies, etc.
735 Drop down, ye heavens, from above Plainsong Introits, etc. P
736 Hear us, O Lord, have mercy upon us: Plainsong Introits, etc. P
737 O, my people, what have I done unto thee Plainsong Introits, etc. P
738 This is the day which the Lord hath made: Plainsong Introits, etc. P
739 Into thy hands, O Lord, I commend my spirit Plainsong Introits, etc. P
740 Into thy hands, O Lord, I commend my spirit Plainsong Introits, etc. P
744 Give rest, O Christ, to thy servant with thy Saints: Russian Contakion Introits, etc.

Index of composers, arrangers, and sources of melodies

Name Dates Melody Hymn/Key Metre
Ahle, J. R. 1625–1673 Liebster Jesu 336: G major 78.78.88.
Akeroyd, S. Lambeth 322: G major
340: F major
Albert, H. 1604–1651 Gott des himmels 132: G major 87.87.77.
Andernach Gesangbuch Andernach 050: G major L.M.
Andernach Gesangbuch Rex gloriose 183: D major L.M.
Andernach Gesangbuch Te lucis ante terminum 264: E major L.M.
Andernach Gesangbuch Tres Magi de gentibus 647: E major 77.77. and 77.76.
Angers Church Melody Lucis Creator 051: E minor L.M.
Angers Church Melody Solemnis haec festivitas 123, 124: E major L.M.
Angers Church Melody Auctoritate saeculi 176: F minor L.M.
Angers Church Melody Iste confessor 188: G major
223, 224: G major (alt. harm.)
11 11.11 5.
Anonymous Adeste fideles 028, 614: G major Irreg.
Anonymous Clewer 455: D major 65.65.
Anonymous National Anthem 560: G major 664.666.4.
Anonymous Wesley 588: F major 66.66.88.
Armstrong, J. (?) Newland 589: D major 65.65.
Arnold, Complete Psalter 1756 Epsom 506: F major C.M.
As hymnodus sacer 1625 Breslau 484: G major
510: A major
Attwood, T. 1765–1838 Veni Creator (Attwood) 156: D major 88.88.88.
B. R. (in ‘The Divine Companion’) 1709 O God of Love 446: F major C.M.
Bach, J. C. 1642–1703 St. Leonard 527: F major 87.87.77.
Bach, J. S. 1685–1750 Wachet auf! 012: D major 898.898.665.88.
Bach, J. S. 1685–1750 Vom himmel hoch 017: C major L.M.
Bach, J. S. 1685–1750 Das walt’ Gott Vater 036, 347 [2E]: E major L.M.
Bach, J. S. 1685–1750 Liebster Immanuel 041: B minor 11 10.11 10.
Bach, J. S. 1685–1750 Erhalt’ uns, Herr 068: F minor L.M.
Bach, J. S. 1685–1750 Herzliebster Jesu 070: G minor 11 11.11 5.
Bach, J. S. 1685–1750 Innsbruck 086, 278: G major 776.778.
Bach, J. S. 1685–1750 Nicht so traurig 100: G minor 77.77.77.
Bach, J. S. 1685–1750 Passion Chorale 102: C major 76.76.D.
Bach, J. S. 1685–1750 Nun komm, der heiden heiland 110: G minor 77.77.
Bach, J. S. 1685–1750 Jesu meines Glaubens Zier 118: F major
353: G major
Bach, J. S. 1685–1750 Salzburg 128: D major 77.77.D.
Bach, J. S. 1685–1750 Mach’s mit mir Gott (cf Eisenach) 138: D major 87.87.88.
Bach, J. S. 1685–1750 Nun freut euch 148, 478 [1E]: G major 87.87.887.
Bach, J. S. 1685–1750 Herr Jesu Christ 173: F major L.M.
Bach, J. S. 1685–1750 Weimar 187: F major 76.76.D.
Bach, J. S. 1685–1750 Christus der ist mein Leben 232: E major 76.76.
Bach, J. S. 1685–1750 Ratisbon (Jesu, meine zuversicht) 309 [1E], 282 [2E]: C major 77.77.77.
Bach, J. S. 1685–1750 Ach Gott und Herr 329, 629 [2E]: B major 87.87.
Bach, J. S. 1685–1750 Liebster Jesu 336: G major 78.78.88.
Bach, J. S. 1685–1750 Dank sei Gott in der Höhe 345: F major 76.76.D.
Bach, J. S. 1685–1750 Eisenach (cf Mach’s mit mir Gott) 459: D major L.M.
Bach, J. S. 1685–1750 Vater unser 462: C minor 88.88.88.
Bach, J. S. 1685–1750 Zum frieden 499: D minor 87.87.D.
Bach, J. S. 1685–1750 So giebst du 515: F minor 10 10.10 10.84.
Bach, J. S. 1685–1750 St. Theodulph (Valet will ich dir geben) 545 [1E], 622: C major 76.76.D.
Bach, J. S. 1685–1750 Ich halte treulich still 644: D major D.S.M.
Baring-Gould, S. 1834–1924 315, 603
Barnby, J. 1838–1896 048, App. 19, 23
Barthélemon, F. H. 1741–1808 257
Bayeux Church Melody 208
Bell, M. F. 649
Bell, W. H. 1873–1946 225, 546
Besler, S. 274
Bible Class Magazine 293, 645
Bicknell, C. 619
Bishop, J. 1665–1737 058, 59, 60, 61, 62, 164, 633
Bliss, P. P. 1838–1876 570
Bohemian Brethren Gesangbuch 121
Bohemian Brethren Hymn Melody 604
Bourgeois, L. 1510ca.1510–1560 200, 269, 277, 305, 538, 640
Bremner’s Collection 561
Brown, A. H. 117, 276, 316, 651
Bullinger, E. W. 1837–1913 818App. 18
Campion, T. 1567–1620 067, 487
Cantica Spiritualia 266
Carey, H. 1687–1743 491
Catholic Hymn Tunes 529
Champness, W. 1772 Montgomery 632: D major L.M.
Chapman’s Musical Companion 1772 Montgomery 632: D major L.M.
Chartres Church Melody 159
Clark, J. 088, 122, 147, 220, 408, 419, 434
Clausener Gesangbuch 635
Collection of Hymns and Sacred Poems 504
Cöln Gesangbuch 238, 518, 627
Cooper, G. 422
Corner’s Gesangbuch 115, 120, 382
Courtville, R. 210, 341
Croft, W. 1678–1727 202, 398, 450, 466, 526, 565, 639
Crüger, J. 1598–1662 045, 70, 76, 306, 309, 533
Dale, R. F. 578
Damon’s Psalter 077, 332
Darmstadt Gesangbuch 204
Darwall, J. 1731–1789 517
Davies, H. Walford 1869–1941 454
Davies, R. (?) 551
Day’s Psalter 114, 149, 161, 163, 211, 235, 404, 461, 497
Decius, N. 103
Divine Companion 1709 Lambeth 322, G major
340: F major
Divine Companion 1709 O God of Love 446: F major C.M.
Divine Companion 378, 509
Doane, W. H. 1832–1915 580, 583
Doles, J. F. 287
Dowland, J. 1563ca.1563–1626 365
Drei schöne neue geistliche Lieder 288
Drese, A. 1620ca.1620–1701 272
Dretzel, C. H. 281
Duguet, Abbé (?) 330
Dunhill, T. F. 1877–1946 650
Dutch Traditional Melody 145
Dykes, J. B. 1823–1876 157, 162, 400, 414, 419, 425, 444, 503, 540, 541, App. 11, 14
Dykes, J. St. O. 307
Ebeling, J. G. 1637–1676 256, 516
Edwards, J. D. 303
Elvey, G. J. 1816–1893 246, 289
English Traditional Carol 020, 29, 485, 488
English Traditional May-Day Carol 221
English Traditional Melody 007, 15, 16, 23, 89, 90, 186, 213, 239, 249, 275, 294, 295, 299, 344, 355, 379, 385, 388, 389, 390, 402, 417, 448, 498, 525, 562, 572, 574, 579, 591 (Parts 1 and 2), 594, 595, 597, 599, 601, 606, 607, 609, 611, 638 (Parts 1 and 2), 654, 656
Erbaulicher musikalischen Christenschatz 105
Este’s Psalter 027, 30, 109, 158, 163, 209, 464
Ett, C., Cantica Sacra 228, 416, 507
Ewing, A. 412
Farrant, R. 1530ca.1530–1580 339
Filitz, F. 099, 315, 396, 426, 501
Franck, J. W. 1644–ca.1710 486
French Carol 229, 230
French Church Melody 115, 125
French Mediaeval Melody 129, 480
French Paroissien Melody 568
French Traditional Carol 318
Freylinghausen, J. A. 097, 218, 247
Freylinghausen’s Neues Geistliches Gesangbuch 358, 373, 374, 552
Fuller-Maitland, J. A. 1856–1936 641
Gatty, N. 1874–1946 022, 146
Gauntlett, H. J. 1805–1876 134, 139, 177, 348, 371, 467, 605
Geistliche Kirchengesäng 519
Genevan Psalter 114, 200, 252, 258, 269, 277, 305, 352, 865, 377, 493, 512, 538, 564, 637, 640
Genge, R S. 410
German Carol Melody 044, 612
German Mediaeval Melody 392
German Melody 019, 134, 531, 543, 598
German Processional Melody 368, 534
German Traditional Melody Innsbruck 086, 278: G major 776.778.
German Traditional Melody 111, 284, 285, 387
Giardini, F. de 1716–1796 553
Gibbons, O. 1583–1625 098, 113, 197, 259, 302, 314, 325, 357, 384, 413, 430, 438, 442, 468, 483, 556
Gilbert, W. B. 820App. 20
Gilding, E. 171
Gladstone, W. H. 227, 383
Goldsmith, E. W. 387, 626
Goodhart, A. M. 559
Görlitz Gesangbuch 549
Goss, J. 1800–1880 470
Greene, M. 1696–1755 463
Greenwood's Psalmody 343
Greiter, M. 1495ca.1495–1550 544
Grenoble Church Melody 141, 142, 181
Griffith, W. 366
Guidetti's Directorium Chori 175
Hadow, W. H. 1859–1937 359
Handel, G. F. 1685–1759 066, 80, 476, 555
Harington, H. 085
Harrison, W. 140
Hartsough, L. 573
Hassler, H. L. 1564–1612 Passion Chorale 102: C major 76.76.D.
Hatton, J. 167
Haus Kirchen Cantorei 807App. 7
Havergal, W. H. 1793–1870 370, 518, 627
Hawarden, Viscountess (Caroline Maude) 569
Haweis, T. 375, 471
Haydn, F. J. 1732–1809 393, 535, 643
Hayes, W. 1708–1777 298, 457
Hayne, L. G. 654, 602
Heber, Bishop 1783–1826 547
Hebrew Melody 646
Heinlein, P. 655
Helder, B. 032, 195
Helmore, T. 008
Herbst, Martin 073
Hewlett, T. 091
Himmels-Lust Liebster Immanuel 041: B minor 11 10.11 10.
Hintze, J. Salzburg 128: D major 77.77.D.
Hirschberg Gesangbuch 406
Hodson, H. E. 169, 170
Holst, G. 1874–1934 025, 310, 571
Hopkins, E. J. 075, 273
Horsley, W. 1774–1858 106, 511
Howard, S. 074, 557
‘Indian Air’ 608
Ireland, J. N. 1879–1962 520
Irish Hymn Melody, ancient 212, 490
Irons, H. S. 279, 280
Isle of Arran Traditional Melody 290
Italian Hymn Melody 150, 381
Italian Mediaeval Melody 184
Jackson, Dr. 433
Jackson, W. (of Exeter) 1730–1803 528
Jeboult, H. A. 112
Jenner, Bishop 1820–1898 508
Jones, J. D. 424
Jones, W. 1726–1800 337, 492
Joseph, G. 266
Katholische Kirchengesänge 251
Katholisches Gesangbuch 274
King, Robert 1660ca.1660–ca.1726 378, 509
Kingham, M. D. 548
Kirchen- und Haus-Buch 104
Kittel, J. C. 1732–1809 245
Knapp, W. 1698–1768 052, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 475
Knecht, J. H. 1752–1817 452, 500
Koch’s Choralbuch 550
Kocher, C. 039, 640
König, Choralbuch 049
La Feuillée, Méthode du plain-chant 165, 174, 193, 194, 214, 215, 465, App. 6
La Scala Santa 333
Lahee, H. 376
Langran, J. 198
Laufenberg, H. von 338
Lawes, H. 1595–1662 180, 217, 219, 234, 283, 432, 505
Leisentritt’s Gesangbuch 131, 436
Lockhart, C. 190, 236
Löwenstern, M. A. von 160
Luther, Martin 1483–1546 Luther’s Hymn (Nun freut euch) 004: G major 87.87.887.
Luther, Martin 1483–1546 Vom himmel hoch 017: C major (harm. JS Bach)
233 [1E]: D major
Luther, Martin 1483–1546 Erhalt’ uns, Herr 068: F minor L.M.
Luther, Martin 1483–1546 Nun freut euch 148, 478 [1E]: G major 87.87.887.
Luther, Martin 1483–1546 Ein’ feste burg 362, 537: D major
Lyra Davidica 133, App. 13
Maclagan, Archbishop 1826–1910 201, 304
Magdalen Hymns 069, 296, 596
Mainz Gesangbuch 137
Malet, G. E. W. 356
Martin, G. W. 361
Mason, L. 439, 577
Matthews, T. R. 585
Mechlin Antiphonarium Romanum Verbum supernum 002: G major L.M.
Mechlin Gradual 326
Mechlin Vesperale Romanum 154
Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, F. 1809–1847 024, 484, 510
Meyer, J., Seelenfreud 521
Milgrove, B. 196
Miller, E. 107, 320
Milton, J. 472
Monk, W. H. 1823–1889 005, 45, 205, 281, 363, 415, 436, 479, 625, App. 10, 12, 15
Münster Gesangbuch 323
Musikalisches Hand-Buch 009, 620
Neander, J. 241, 380
Neumark, G. 458
Nicolai, Philip 1556–1608 Wachet auf! 012: D major 898.898.665.88.
Northrop, A. 808App. 8
Novello, V. 1781–1861 327
Ouseley, F. A. Gore 1825–1889 460
Owen, W. 319, 575, 576
Palestrina, G. P. da 1532ca.1532–1594 326, 625
Parratt, W. 1841–1924 270
Parry, J. 1841–1903 087
Parsons, W. 114
Pearsall, R. L. de 1795–1856 495, 567
Pensum Sacrum Herr Jesu Christ 173: F major L.M.
Peter, C. 182, 329, 629
Piae Cantiones Theoderici Petri Nylandensis 613
Playford’s Psalms 084, 394, 542
Plymouth Collection (U.S.A.) 342, 582, 593
Praetorius, M. 1571–1621 014, 19, 179, 610
Praxis Pietatis Melica 421, 536
Prichard, R. H. 301, 563
Prys’ Psalter 084
Psalmodia Evangelica 237, 420
Psalmodia Sacra 040
Psalteriolum Harmonicum 443
Psalterium Chorale 185
Purcell, H. 1659–1695 013, 447, 456
Quaile, R. N. 652
Randall, J. 093, 250
Ravenscroft, T. 1582ca.1582–ca.1635 030, 43, 161
Ravenscroft’s Psalter 006, 30, 43, 140, 161, 166, 178, 206, 267, 365, 428, 472
Redhead, R. 144, 372, 477, 513, 616
Reimann, Choralbuch 406
Reinagle, A. R. 265, 405
Rheinhardt MS. 042
Rockstro, W. S. 120, 382
Rogers, B. 328
Roth, H. (?) 248
Rouen Church Melody 018, 38, 65, 151, 191, 242, 311, 335, 435, 636, 653
Ryley, G. C. E. 034
St. Alban’s Tune Book 216
St. Gall Gesangbuch 035, 292
Sankey, I. D. 584, App. 22
Sarum Gradual 238
Scheffler,Heilige Seelenlust 286, 481, 586, 648
Schein, J. H. 1586–1630 Mach’s mit mir Gott (cf Eisenach) 138: D major 87.87.88.
Schein, J. H. 1586–1630 Eisenach (cf Mach’s mit mir Gott) 459: D major L.M.
Schicht, J. 119
Scholefield, C. C. 816App. 16
Schop, J. 418
Schulthes, W. 821App. 21
Schulz, J. A. P. 1747–1800 293
Schumann’s Gesangbuch Vater unser 462: C minor 88.88.88.
Schumann’s Gesangbuch 539
Scott-Gatty, A. 271, 346
Scottish Hymn Melody 401
Scottish Psalter 043, 64, 206, 291, 332, 354, 394, 428, 445, 449, 451, 472, 474, 493, 542, 637
Selneccer, Christliche Psalmen 126
Seven Sobs of a Sorrowful Soul 079, 403
Sheeles, J. 1668–1761 207
Shrubsole, W. 364
Silcher, F. 600
Smart, G. 502
Smart, H. 1813–1879 127, 282, 395, 431
Smith, I. 369
Smith, J. 037
Smith, R. A. 290
Smith’s Sacred Music 367
Sohren, P. 072, 138
Solesmes Church melody 331, 626
Somervell, A. 1863–1937 522, 566, 590
Soto, F. 482
Spanish Melody 199
Standard Psalm Tune-book 312, 433
Staniforth, T. Worsley 638 (Part 3)
Stanley, S. 530
Steggall, C. 1826–1905 047, 411
Steiner, J. L. 253
Stubbs, S. 472
Sullivan, A. S. 1844–1900 026, 643, App. 17
Supplement to the NEW VERSION 081, 202, 240, 263, 450, 558
Swiss Traditional Melody 243, 399
Tallis, T. 1505ca.1505–1585 Second Mode Melody 003: E minor D.C.M.
Tallis, T. 1505ca.1505–1585 Tallis’ Ordinal (‘9th Tune’) 046 [1E], 453: D major C.M.
Tallis, T. 1505ca.1505–1585 First Mode Melody 078: F minor D.C.M.
Tallis, T. 1505ca.1505–1585 Third Mode Melody 092: E minor D.C.M.
Tallis, T. 1505ca.1505–1585 Tallis’ Canon 267: G major (with alt. harm.) L.M.
Tallis, T. 1505ca.1505–1585 Veni Creator 153: C minor L.M.
Tallis, T. 1505ca.1505–1585 Seventh7th Mode Melody 496: F major 66.66.D.
Tans’ur, W. 1700–1783 300
Teschner, M. St. Theodulph (Valet will ich dir geben) 545 [1E], 622: C major 76.76.D.
Thrupp, F. J. 809App. 9
Tochter Sion 071
Tours Breviary (?) 350
Troyte, A. H. Dyke 440, 494
Tschirsch. W. 600
Turle, J. 441
Van Damme, Canon 308
Vaughan-Williams, R. 1872–1958 152, 524, 624, 641
Vehe, Gesangbüchlein 035
Vetter, D. 1670d.1721 Das walt’ Gott Vater 036, 347 [2E]: E major L.M.
Viner, W. L. 523
Vulpius, M. 1570ca.1570–1615 101, 187, 232, 360
Waghorne, W. R. 587
Wagner, R. 313
Wainwright, J. 021
Wainwright, R. 168
Walther’s Gesangbüchlein Nun komm, der heiden heiland 110: G minor 77.77.
Weale, W. 083
Webb, G. J. 581
Webbe, S., the elder 1740–1816 155, 260, 469, 631
Webbe, S., the elder, Motetts or Antiphons 031, 33, 63, 623, 626
Webbe, S., the younger 1770ca.1770–1843 107, 375, 471
Welsh Hymn Melody 108, 116, 143, 207, 324, 334, 349, 386, 397, 407, 437, 473, 514
Welsh Traditional Melody 203, 268, 423
Wesley, J., Foundery Collection 1742 135
Wesley, S. S. 1810–1876 136, 222, 244, 489, 496
Whinfield, W. G. 409, 427, 642
Whitwell, W. J. 592
Wilkes, J. 532
Williams’ Psalmody 11
Wise, M. 1648–1687 312
Woodbury, I. 391
Woodward, G. R. 1848–1934 014, 610
Wright, T. 1763–1829 082
Yoakley, J. 429
Zions Harfe 218, 321
Zundel, J. 615

Index of authors

To be added

Metrical index of tunes

To be added