To properly organize this and similar compositions, we'll have to come up with the following tags/categories
In bold, the tag applicable to this song. (ex: In case of Schubert Serenade - Baroque, Classical, Romantic, Modern)
Few more tags may be applicable to the specific scores uploaded for this composition: (say Beethoven symphony 5 - Piano Transcription)
Other details can be filled from existing tags, like instrumentation, composer, etc. There may be alternative spellings for some of the keywords (Ragam, Raga, Raaga, Raag) We can follow the standard procedure to decide which version to use.
--Ananth 05:30, 10 February 2011 (UTC)
Just some comments on this: If a raga is synonymous with 'mode' maybe that field could simply say "key or mode: ". So far, the type of notation has been put in the comments field. We do this now with mensural notation. 15:40, 10 February 2011 (UTC) (Steltz)