Suite französischer Tänze (Hindemith, Paul)

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Sheet Music

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Arranger Paul Hindemith (1895-1963)
Editor First edition
Publisher. Info. Mainz: B. Schott's Söhne, No.4983, 1958. Plate 39134.
Misc. Notes 600dpi. Includes facsimiles of the dances from the original publication (see "Facsimiles (Attaignant part-books)" file).
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Publisher. Info. Mainz: B. Schott's Söhne, 1958. Plate 39135.
Reprinted Mainz: Schott Music, No.76-60, 1986.
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General Information

Work Title Suite of French Dances
Alternative. Title aus den von Pierre d'Attaignant gedruckten „Livres de Danceries" des Claude Gervaise und Estienne du Tertre (1547 - 1557) für kleines Orchester eingerichtet von Paul Hindemith
Composer Hindemith, Paul
I-Catalogue NumberI-Cat. No. None [force assignment]
Movements/SectionsMov'ts/Sec's 7 dances
  1. Pavane und Gaillarde ( = 68) - verbreitern - ( = 132) - verbreitern
  2. Tourdion "C'est grand plasisir" ( = 100)
  3. Bransle simple ( = 126)
  4. Bransle de Bourgogne ( = 138)
  5. Bransle simple ( = 138) - verbreitern
  6. Bransle d'Escosse ( = 108) - verbreitern
  7. Pavane, wie am Anfang ( = 68) - verbreitern
Year/Date of CompositionY/D of Comp. 1948
First Publication. 1958
Average DurationAvg. Duration 9 minutes
Composer Time PeriodComp. Period Modern
Piece Style Modern
Instrumentation Chamber Orchestra: piccolo, flute, oboe, English horn, bassoon, [horn ?], trumpet (C), lute, strings
Related Works Nos.1, 6, 7 are from Danceries, Livre 7, by Estienne du Tertre (1557)
No.2 is from Danceries, Livre 2
External Links Hindemith Foundation
Extra Information Arranged from works of Claude Gervaise (ca.1510-after 1558): Nos.4 and 5 and Estienne du Tertre (fl.1543-1567)

Navigation etc.

The Hindemith Foundation and the Paul Hindemith: A Research and Information Guide both list a French Horn being played however in the score above, there is no french horn anywhere scored in the arrangement made by Hindemith.
