Sheet Music
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General Information
Work Title
Songs and Musical Compositions
Alternative. Title
Foster, Stephen
Internal Reference NumberInternal Ref. No.
None [force assignment]
First Publication.
Composer Time PeriodComp. Period
Piece Style
voice, piano 2 voices, piano (in no.66, soprano and tenor are specified) voice, chorus, piano soprano, alto, tenor, bass (a capella) chorus, piano ad lib. 2 voices, chorus, piano ad lib. 4 voices, chorus, piano ad lib. voice, piano with cues for "Inst." (piano reduction?) piano 4 flutes unspecified treble instrument flute, 2 violins, bass (probably double bass)
Navigation etc.
CONTENTS: (voice and piano unless otherwise noted, and piano is deemed to be ad lib. if it follows the vocal parts exactly and can be dispensed with)
- If You've Only Got a Moustache (Comic Song)
- Molly Dear, Good-Night
- Don't Bet Your Money on De Shanghai
- Down Among the Cane-Brakes
- Slumber, My Darling
- The Village Maiden
- Little Belle Blair
- There are Plenty of Fish in the Sea
- I'll Be a Soldier
- "Lizzie Dies To-Night"
- Give the Stranger Happy Cheer
- Why No One To Love
- Larry's Good Bye
- Sweet Little Maid of the Mountain
- Nelly Was a Lady
- My Brudder Gum
- Oh! Susanna
- Uncle Ned
- A Penny For Your Thoughts! (Ballad)
- Where Is Thy Spirit, Mary?
- Summer Longings
- Ah! May the Red Rose Live Alway!
- Hard Times Come Again No More
- Open Thy Lattice, Love
- Stay, Summer Breath
- Willie We Have Missed You
- Jeanie With the Light Brown Hair
- Little Ella
- Willie My Brave
- The Glendy Burke
- The Wife
- I See Her Still In My Dreams
- I Will Be True To Thee
- I Would Not Die in Spring Time
- Laura Lee
- Farewell! Old Cottage
- Eulalie
- The Hour for Thee and Me (Duett, 2 voices and piano)
- Maggie By My Side
- Nell and I
- Lou'siana Belle
- Nellie Bly
- "Gwine To Run All Night" or, De Camptown Races (voice, chorus, piano)
- Oh! Lemuel!
- Beautiful Dreamer (Serenade. His last song.)
- Oh! Boys, Carry Me 'Long
- She Was All the World to Me
- The Spirit of My Song
- Wilt Thou Be Gone, Love (Duett, 2 voices (Romeo and Juliet), piano)
- Annie My Own Love
- "Way Down in Ca-i-ro"
- Dolcy Jones
- Away Down Souf (voice, chorus, piano)
- Comrades, Fill No Glass For Me
- A Dream of My Mother and My Home
- Farewell, Sweet Mother
- Cora Dean (voice, chorus, piano)
- Fairy-Belle
- For the Dear Old Flag I Die (voice, chorus, piano)
- Farewell, Mother Dear
- For Thee, Love, For Thee
- Linda Has Departed
- When This Dreadful War Is Ended (voice, chorus, piano)
- Was My Brother In the Battle?
- Linger in Blissful Repose
- Mine is the Mourning Heart (Duett, soprano, tenor, piano)
- Mother, Thou'rt Faithful To Me
- Molly, Do You Love Me?
- Parthenia To Ingomar (voice, chorus, piano)
- My Loved One and My Own, or Eva
- Mary Loves the Flowers
- There's a Good Time Coming
- Willie Has Gone to the War (voice, chorus, piano)
- None Shall Weep a Tear for Me
- There's a Land of Bliss (voice, chorus, piano)
- Our Bright Summer Days Are Gone (voice, chorus, piano)
- I'd Be a Fairy
- Dolly Day (voice, chorus, piano)
- Our Willie Dear is Dying
- Poor Drooping Maiden (voice, chorus, piano)
- Where Has Lula Gone?
- Sadly to Mine Heart Appealing (voice, chorus, piano)
- The Love I Bear to Thee
- Angelina Baker (voice, chorus, piano)
- I Would Not Die in Summer Time
- Katy Bell (voice, chorus, piano)
- We Are Coming, Father Abraam, 300,000 More (voice, chorus, piano)
- We've a Million in the Field (voice, chorus, piano)
- What Must a Fairy's Dream Be?
- Wilt Thou Be True?
- When Old Friends Were Here
- Jenny's Coming O'er the Green
- Sweetly She Sleeps, My Alice Fair
- I'll Be Home To-morrow (voice, chorus, piano)
- Once I Loved Thee, Mary Dear
- Oh! Why Am I So Happy?
- There Was a Time
- Merry Little Birds Are We (voice, chorus, piano)
- The Soldier's Home (voice, chorus, piano)
- Jenny June (voice, chorus, piano)
- Melinda May (voice, chorus, piano)
- Gentle Lena Clare
- Come Where My Love Lies Dreaming
- Come Where My Love Lies Dreaming (Quartette, Serenade, soprano, alto, tenor, bass a capella)
- The Voice of By-Gone Days
- My Wife is a Most Knowing Woman
- Mr. and Mrs. Brown (Comic Duett, male and female voices (Mr. and Mrs. Brown), piano)
- "My Boy Is Coming From the War" (voice, chorus, piano)
- Thou Art the Queen of My Song
- Under The Willow She's Sleeping (voice, chorus, piano)
- Bring My Brother Back To Me (voice, chorus, piano)
- Old Black Joe (voice, chorus, piano)
- Massa's in de Cold Ground (voice, chorus, piano)
- My Old Kentucky Home, Good-Night (voice, chorus, piano)
- Virginia Belle (voice, chorus, piano)
- That's What's the Matter (voice, chorus, piano)
- Little Jenny Dow (voice, chorus, piano)
- The Song of All Songs (voice, chorus, piano)
- Why Have My Loved Ones Gone? (voice, chorus, piano)
- Lula is Gone (voice, chorus, piano)
- A Soldier in the Colored Brigade (voice, chorus, piano)
- Beautiful Child of Song
- Old Folks At Home (voice, chorus, piano)
- Ring, Ring de Banjo! (voice, chorus, piano)
- Come With Thy Sweet Voice Again
- Lily Ray
- Old Dog Tray (voice, chorus, piano)
- Old Memories
- No Home, No Home
- Farewell, My Lilly Dear (voice, chorus, piano)
- Ellen Bayne (voice, chorus, piano)
- Gentle Annie (voice, chorus, piano)
- Turn Not Away! (Duett, 2 voices, piano)
- Some Folks (voice, chorus, piano)
- Oh! There's No Such Girl As Mine (voice, chorus, piano)
- Kiss Me, Dear Mother
- My Angel Boy
- I Cannot Sing To-Night
- The Voices That Are Gone (voice, chorus, piano)
- We'll All Meet Our Saviour (chorus, piano ad lib.)
- We'll Still Keep Marching (4 voices, chorus, piano)
- The Angels Are Singing Unto Me (2 voices, chorus, piano ad lib.)
- The Beautiful Shore (4 voices, chorus, piano ad lib.)
- Oh! Tis Glorious! (4 voices, chorus, piano ad lib.)
- Little Ella's an Angel (voice, quartet or semichorus, full chorus, piano ad lib.)
- Willie's Gone To Heaven (2 voices, semichorus, full chorus, piano ad lib.)
- Leave Me With My Mother (voice, chorus, piano with cues for instruments)
- He Leadeth Me Beside Still Waters (2 voices, chorus, piano ad lib.)
- Tears Bring Thoughts of Heaven (4 voices or chorus, piano ad lib.)
- Suffer Little Children To Come Unto Me (2 voices, chorus, piano ad lib.)
- Bury Me in the Morning, Mother (4 voices, chorus, piano ad lib.)
- Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread (4 voices or chorus, piano ad lib.)
- Seek and Ye Shall Find (2 voices, chorus, piano ad lib.)
- There Is a Land of Love (4 voices, chorus, piano ad lib.)
- The Tioga Waltz, Composed and arranged for 4 flutes, by Stephen C. Foster, at the age of thirteen years. Performed at the College Commencement, Athens, Pa., 1839, by himself and three other students.
- Old Folks At Home with Variations (unspecified instrument, treble clef)
- Old Folks Quadrilles (piano)
- Village Bells Polka (piano)
- Village Festival (flute, 2 violins, bass)