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Sheet Music
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JDH (2013/3/27)
PDF scanned by JDH
JDH (2013/3/27)
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General Information
Work Title
Scotch Suite
Alternative. Title
Zitterbart Jr., Fidelis
Internal Reference NumberInternal Ref. No.
IFZ 15
D major
4 sections
- The Highlands
- The Heather
- The Thistle
- Homeward Bound
First Publication.
1937 or 1938
To my friend Archibald MacMartin
Composer Time PeriodComp. Period
Piece Style
Violin, cello, piano
External Links
WorldCat (gives 1938 for publication date?)
Navigation etc.
Occasionally revived (the Brinkler Trio lists it as being in their repertoire and while not mentioning it by name, has performed music for piano trio by Zitterbart in concert (e.g. this announcement - the concert was on June 11, 2011, to be more specific using another webpage)- it's the only work in their repertoire, so I assume this is what they performed.)