Robert Cocks

typical mid century cover




This London firm was founded in 1823 and was active until its purchase by Augener in 1904.

The major part of its catalogue was popular piano pieces. There were several series, such as Standard classical pieces for the pianoforte. Henri Bertini's (1798-1876) studies were important, such as 25 preparatory studies for small hands, Op.100 (1845).

Organists were well served with items such as C.H. Rinck's celebrated practical school for the organ : in VI books 10th ed. by Christian Heinrich Rinck, (1770-1846). (1850) There was also the Collection of organ compositions, ancient and modern (1870s, 12 volumes).

Another large series was the glee collection Vocal harmony : a collection of glees & madrigals compiled from the most celebrated English authors, with a variety of new pieces written expressly for this work, in at least 5 volumes (1860s) edited by William Horsley (1774-1858).

One unusual publication was an early edition (before Jensen or Dolmetsch) of Corelli's Violin Sonatas, Op.5, in 1849.

At the end of the century Cocks published a magazine The new quarterly musical review which lasted only three years (1893-1896).

Imprints, Addresses, Agencies


  • Robert Cocks
  • Cocks & Co.
  • Robert Cocks and Co.
  • R. Cocks & Co.


  • 20 Princes Street, Hanover Square (1823-1844)
  • 6 New Burlington Street (1845-1898)
  • 4 Hanover Square (1863-1875)

Plate Numbers

Plate Composer Work Year
633 Drouet Flute Trio in B-flat major (parts) 1830?
861.A Rossini Guillaume Tell (Overture, arr. for organ) 1866
958.A Weber Der Freischütz, Op.77 (Overture, arr. for organ) 1868
961.A Weber Oberon, J.306 (Overture, arr. for organ) 1868
2488 Corelli 12 Violin Sonatas, Op.5
3694 Haydn Die Worte des Erlösers am Kreuze, Hob.XX:1 (piano arr., Czerny) 1840s?
11310-11332 Handel Handel's Choruses for the Organ, No.1-23 (arr. W.T. Best)
11466 Kuhe Galop di Bravura No.2
11610-11648 Handel Handel's Choruses for the Organ, No.24-62 (arr. W.T. Best)
11697-11700 Handel Handel's Choruses for the Organ, No.63-66 (arr. W.T. Best)
11701-11726 Handel Handel's Choruses for the Organ, No.67-92 (arr. W.T. Best)
11817-11823 Handel Handel's Choruses for the Organ, No.93-99 (arr. W.T. Best)
11837-11849 Handel Handel's Choruses for the Organ, No.100-112 (arr. W.T. Best)
11913-11930 Handel Handel's Choruses for the Organ, No.113-130 (arr. W.T. Best)
13896 De Grau Pluie de Corail 1863
14291 West Beatrice
14292 Abt Fließet schnell Thränen mein
14927 Liebich The Brighton Quadrilles 1868
15923 Rivière Duke of Edinburgh's Quick March (piano solo) 1870
19337 Lemare Pastorale in E major 1892

the "A" in 958A throws the date off- it uses the same plate number as their (or someone's?) publication 958, it seems, adding A for "arrangement".

All Plates

Sources Consulted

  • Wikipedia
  • Humphries, Charles., and William C. Smith. Music Publishing in the British Isles from the Beginning until the Middle of the Nineteenth Century : A Dictionary of Engravers, Printers, Publishers and Music Sellers, with a Historical Introduction. Oxford: B. Blackwell, 1954.
  • Parkinson, John A. Victorian Music Publishers : An Annotated List. Detroit Studies in Music Bibliography ; No. 64. Warren, Mich.: Harmonie Park Press, 1990.

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