Philipp Reclam Jr.

Anton Reclam (1807-1896)
cover 1867
song collection cover 1845
opera vocal score cover 1860s
premises 1905
the print works 1905




Anton Philipp Reclam (1807-1896) started a book publishing company in Leipzig in 1828, and adopted the name Philipp Reclam jun. in 1837 to distinguish it from his father Carl Heinrich Reclam's (1776–1844) company. Reclam was one of the many publishers based in the Graphisches Viertel.

The company was very innovative in creating the mass-market book business, based on its famous cheap paperback Universal-Bibliothek series of literary classics, which started in 1867. One marketing success was the introduction of book vending machines at train stations (1912 to 1930).

Reclam published some scores, mainly songs from 1843, a series of opera vocal scores, ultimately concentrating on opera librettos. Typical musical items were the collections and series Das singende Deutschland: Album ausgewählter Lieder und Romanzen (4 volumes, 1843-46), Opern-Bibliothek (1853-ca.1870) and Pianoforte-Bibliothek around 1860.


Imprints, Addresses, Agencies


  • Philipp Reclam jun.


  • Leipzig

Plate Numbers

Reclam's plate numbers were issued in a regular chronological fashion. Plate numbers are in the format. #### . Dates in italics are estimated.

Plate Composer Work Year
023 Winter Das unterbrochene Opferfest 1860

Sources Consulted