Pérégally & Parvy

cover 1890




This firm operated from 1882 to 1909, publishing sacred vocal music, several operas, and organ music, with a few exceptions, including String Quartet, Op.12, by Louis Vierne (1890), a "Andante et Polonaise de concert pour violon et piano" by cofounder Albert Parvy and a Legend for violin by A. Dodement (in 1887 ca. and in 1903), etc. The main composers were Vierne, L Mintier, Rénaud de Vilbac, E. Bruneau and Théodore Dubois. Production was fairly slow, according to the BNF catalog: 178 works in 27 years. Heugel acquired part of the catalog in 1904.


Imprints, Addresses, Agencies


  • Parvy
  • Pérégally & Parvy


  • Paris 88 Rue Bonaparte

Plate Numbers

Pérégally & Parvy's plate numbers, using the form P.P.. ####, appear to have been issued in a fairly regular chronological fashion. Dates in italics are estimated. The imprint Parvy used the prefix A.G.P.; see the below table.

Plate Prefix P.P.

Plate Composer Work Year

Plate Prefix A.G.P.

Plate Composer Work Year
4349 Dubois Pièces religieuses (no.2, sc&pt) 1888

Sources Consulted