Otto Maass

patriotic cover 1916




This Viennese publisher produced a large quantity of popular music from 1885 until it was bought by Universal Edition in 1918.
Its catalogue included waltzes and songs by Millocker, Waldteufel and Paul Lincke, and couplets (comic songs) by Carl Lorens, Leukauf, A.Raudl, J. Schrammel, and Carl Kratzl. Two specialties were a long series of works (over 110 items in the first 15 years) for zither entitled Blätter und Blüthen and, from 1898, a series of works for piano in Letter Notation, a novel notation similar to sol-fa described as die neue vereinfachte Notenschrift (the new simplified notation.)

Imprints, Addresses, Agencies


  • Otto Maass


  • Vienna VI/2 Mariahilfestr 91

Plate Numbers

PH ##

Sources Consulted