Musica Transalpina, Book 1 (Yonge, Nicholas)

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Sheet Music

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5 more: Altus • Tenor • Bassus • Quintus (variously S, A, T, or B) • Sextus (variously S, T, or B)

Editor Nicholas Yonge
Publisher. Info. London: Thomas East, 1588.
Misc. Notes This is a reprint of the 1588 edition, but bears no date except the original print. It may be from the early 1590s.


Editor Godfrey Edward Pellew Arkwright (1864–1944)
Publisher. Info. The Old English Edition. Nos.11-12
London: Joseph Williams, 1894.
Misc. Notes Some texts altered by Arkwright.
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General Information

Work Title Musica Transalpina
Alternative. Title
Composer Yonge, Nicholas
Title-page Details Title-page transcription
Madrigales translated of foure, five, and sixe partes chosen out of divers excellent Authors, with the first and second part of La Verginella, made by Maister Byrd, upon two Stanz's of Ariosto, and brought to speake English with the rest.</span>
Internal Reference NumberInternal Ref. No. None [force assignment]
Movements/SectionsMov'ts/Sec's 46 madrigals (numbered as 57)
  • 4 voices
1. Faignient: These that be certaine signes of my tormenting
2. Macque: The faire Diana neuer more revived
3. Palestrina: Joy so delights my heart
4. Palestrina: False Love now shoot & spare not
5. Donato: O Griefe if yet my griefe be not believed
6. Donato: As in the night wee see the sparckes
7. Monte: In vayne he seekes for beautie that excelleth
8. Palestrina: What meaneth Love to nest him
9. Palestrina: Sweet Love when hope was flowring
10. Pordenone: Lady that hand of plenty
11. Wert: Who will ascend to heaven
12. Verdonck: Lady your looke so gentle
  • 5 voices
13. Monte: From what part of the heaven
In vaine hee seekes for beautie that excelleth (2nd part)
14. Anonymous: In every place I finde my griefe
15. Marenzio: Thirsis to die desired (1st part)
Thirsis that heat refrayned (2nd part)
Thus these two two lovers (3rd part)
16. Lasso: Susanna faire
17. Ferrabosco Sr.: Susanna faire
18. Faignient: When shall I cease lamenting
19. Marenzio: I must depart all haples
20. Ferrabosco: I saw my Lady weeping
Like as from heaven (2nd part)
21. Ferretti: So gratious is thy sweet selfe
22. Ferretti: Cruell unkind, my hart thou hast bereft mee
23. Marenzio: What doth my pretie dearling
24. Felis: Sleepe, sleepe mine onely Juell
Thou bringst hir home ful nye me (2nd part)
25. Palestrina: Sound out my voice, with pleasant tunes recording
26. Marenzio: Liquid and watry pearles Loue wept full kindly
27. Lasso: The Nightingale so pleasant and so gay
28. del Mel: Simetime when hope reliv'd mee
29. Ferrabosco: Rubyes and pearles and treasure
30. Ferrabosco: O Sweet kisse full of comfort
31. Ferrabosco Sr.: Sometime my hope full weakly
32. Bertani: Lady that hand of plenty
33. Conversi: My hart, my hart alas why dost yu love
34. Ferrabosco: Lady if you so spight mee
35. Pinello: When I would thee embrace 'cantio rustica'
36. Ferrabosco Sr.: Thirsis enioyd the graces
37. Ferrabosco: The Nightingale so pleasant and so gay
38. Byrd: The faire young Virgin
But not so soone (2nd part)
  • 6 voices
39. Marenzio: I will goe dye for pure love
40. Ferrabosco Sr.: These that bee certaine signes of my tormenting
41. Ferrabosco: So farre from my delight
. She onely doth not feele it (2nd part)
42. Anonymous: Loe heere my hart in keeping
43. Marenzio: Now must I part
44. Conversi: Zephirus brings the tyme that sweetly senteth
But with me wretch the storms of woe perseuer (2nd part)
45. Ferrabosco: I was full neare my fall
But as the byrd that in due time espying (2nd part)
46. Marenzio: I Soung sometime
Because my Loue too lofty (2nd part)
First Publication. 1588 - London: Thomas East
Language English
Dedication Gilbert, Lord Talbot
Composer Time PeriodComp. Period Renaissance
Piece Style Renaissance
Instrumentation 4-6 voices
External Links Wikipedia article