Moritz Westphal

Typical cover (1836)
Ries- Violin Concerto No.1 cover




This Berlin firm was operating in 1834 and continued until 1859. It was taken over by Bote and Bock. It published mainly light works: dance music, piano pieces, and songs by Karl Böhmer, Carl Loewe, and others. Its catalog also included works for flute by Anton Bernhard Fürstenau and for violin by Hubert Ries.

Imprints, Agencies, Addresses


  • Moritz Westphal
  • Maurice Westphal


  • Berlin

Plate Numbers

Westphal's plate numbers appear in the format of M.W. ###. Dates in italics are estimated.

Plate Composer Work Year
185 Reissiger Gesänge und Lieder, Op.116 1836
267 Ries Violin Concerto No.1, Op.13 (parts) 1838

Authority control

  • VIAF (Westphal, Moritz)