Metodo pratico de canto (Vaccai, Nicola)





High Voice

20 more: 1b. Thirds (Semplicetta tortorella) • 2a. Fourths (Lascia il lido) • 2b. Fifths (Avvezzo a vivere) • 3. Sixths (Bella prova) • 4a. Sevenths (Fra l'ombre un lampo solo) • 4b. Octaves (Quell'onda che ruina) • 5. Semitones (Delira dubbiosa) • 6. Syncopation (Nel contrasto amor) • 7. Runs and scales (Come il candore) • 8a. Appoggiaturas (Senza l'amabile) • 8b. Acciaccatura (Benchè di senso privo) • 9a. Intro to mordents (La gioja verace) • 9b. Mordents different styles (L'augelletto in lacci stretto) • 10a. Intro to grupetto or turn (Quando accende) • 10b. Grupetto or turn (Più non si trovano) • 11. Trill or shake (Se povero il ruscello) • 12. Runs and scales (Siam navi all' onde algenti) • 13a. Portamento- 1st style (Vorrei spiegar l'affanno) • 13b. Portamento- 2nd style (O placido il mare) • 15. Recapitulation (Alla stagion de' fiori)

Performer Pages Héctor Valls (Piano)
Publisher Info. Héctor Valls
Misc. Notes Piano accompaniments only

Medium Voice

20 more: 1b. Thirds (Semplicetta tortorella) • 2a. Fourths (Lascia il lido) • 2b. Fifths (Avvezzo a vivere) • 3. Sixths (Bella prova) • 4a. Sevenths (Fra l'ombre un lampo solo) • 4b. Octaves (Quell'onda che ruina) • 5. Semitones (Delira dubbiosa) • 6. Syncopation (Nel contrasto amor) • 7. Runs and scales (Come il candore) • 8a. Appoggiaturas (Senza l'amabile) • 8b. Acciaccatura (Benchè di senso privo) • 9a. Intro to mordents (La gioja verace) • 9b. Mordents different styles (L'augelletto in lacci stretto) • 10a. Intro to grupetto or turn (Quando accende) • 10b. Grupetto or turn (Più non si trovano) • 11. Trill or shake (Se povero il ruscello) • 12. Runs and scales (Siam navi all' onde algenti) • 13a. Portamento- 1st style (Vorrei spiegar l'affanno) • 13b. Portamento- 2nd style (O placido il mare) • 15. Recapitulation (Alla stagion de' fiori)

Performer Pages Héctor Valls (Piano)
Publisher Info. Héctor Valls
Misc. Notes Piano accompaniments only

Sheet Music


Language Italian / German / English
Publisher. Info. Leipzig: Steingräber Verlag, No.479, n.d. Plate 395.
Misc. Notes This file is part of the Sibley Mirroring Project.
Editor Vincenzo Vannini
Language Italian / English
Translator Henry Badger, English text
Publisher. Info. Boston: G. D. Russel & Co., 1878. Plate 204.

4 more: Soprano, Tenor (Lesson 1 in C major) • Alto, Baritone (Lesson 1 in A major) • Alto, Baritone (Lesson 1 in A major) • Color Cover

Editor Theophilus Marzials (1850-1920)
Language Italian / English
Translator Theodore Baker (1851-1934), English text
Publisher. Info. New York: G. Schirmer, 1894. Plate 11492, ?, 11437.
Misc. Notes #336021/22 This file is part of the Sibley Mirroring Project.
Language Italian / German
Publisher. Info. Unidentified Publisher, n.d.
Misc. Notes French and English instructional text in addition
Editor Mark Probert
Language Italian
Publisher. Info. Mark Probert
Misc. Notes From PD souces. MusicXML files also available at

General Information

Work Title Metodo pratico de canto
Alternative. Title Practical Vocal Method
Composer Vaccai, Nicola
I-Catalogue NumberI-Cat. No. INV 4
Movements/SectionsMov'ts/Sec's 15 lessons, 22 exercises:
  • Lesson 1
1. The Scale
2. Intervals of Thirds
  • Lesson 2
3. Intervals of Fourths
4. Intervals of Fifths
  • Lesson 3
5. Intervals of Sixths
  • Lesson 4
6. Intervals of Sevenths
7. Octaves
  • Lesson 5
8. Semitones
  • Lesson 6
9. Syncopation
  • Lesson 7
10. Introduction of Runs
  • Lesson 8
11. The Appoggiatura from above and below
12. The Acciaccatura (grace note)
  • Lesson 9
13. The Mordent
14. Different Kinds of Mordents
  • Lesson 10
15. Introduction to the Turn (Gruppetto)
16. The Turn
  • Lesson 11
17. Introduction to the Trill
  • Lesson 12
18. Runs
  • Lesson 13
19. The Portamento, type 1
20. The Portamento, type 2
  • Lesson 14
21. The Recitative
  • Lesson 15
22. Recapitulation
First Publication. 1832
Language Italian
Composer Time PeriodComp. Period Romantic
Piece Style Romantic
Instrumentation voice, piano