Madrigals, Book 5, SV 94–106 (Monteverdi, Claudio)

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Editor First edition
Publisher. Info. Venice: Ricciardo Amadino, 1608. (CTABQ); 1615 (Basso Continuo).
Misc. Notes Museo internazionale e Bibl. della musica, Bologna (I-Bc): RISM A/I: M 3477
Facing pages. Original print order is given above; the order of pages in the Bologna facsimile has been changed to Canto, Alto, Tenore, Basso, Quinto, Basso Continuo. The Basso Continuo derives from a later Amadino reprint of 1615, with slightly different wording on the title page. The first double page of music in the Alto partbook (containing a blank verso, and Cruda Amarilli on the recto) is missing from this scan.

4 more: Alto • Tenore • Basso • Quinto

Publisher. Info. Anvers: Pierre Phalèse (the Younger), 1615.
Misc. Notes Bibliothèque nationale de France, Musique (F-Pn): RISM A/I: M 3482
Arranger Gian Francesco Malipiero (1882–1973), continuo realizations
Publisher. Info. Tutte le opere di Claudio Monteverdi, Vol.5
Asolo: Gian Francesco Mailipiero, n.d.(ca.1927).
Reissue — Vienna: Universal Edition, (1927).
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General Information

Work Title Il quinto libro de madrigali
Alternative. Title Madrigals, Book 5
Name Translations Cinquième livre de madrigaux
Composer Monteverdi, Claudio
Opus/Catalogue NumberOp./Cat. No. SV 94–106 ; RISM A/I: M 3475
Internal Reference NumberInternal Ref. No. None [force assignment]
Movements/SectionsMov'ts/Sec's 13 madrigals:
1. Cruda Amarilli, SV 94
2. O Mirtillo, Mirtill’anima mia, SV 95
3. Era l’anima mia, SV 96
4. Ecco Silvio, SV 97
b. Ma se con la pietà non è in te spenta
c. Dorinda, ah! dirò mia, se mia non sei
d. Ecco, piegando le ginocchie a terra
e. Ferir quel petto, Silvio'
5. Ch’io t’ami, SV 98
b. Deh bella e cara e sì soave un tempo
c. Ma tu, più che mai dura favilla de pietà
6. Che dar più vi poss’io, caro mio ben prendete, SV 99
7. M’è più dolce il penar per Amarilli, SV 100
8. Ahi come a un vago sol cortese giro, SV 101
9. Troppo ben può questo tiranno Amore, SV 102
10. Amor, se giusto sei fa che la donna mia, SV 103
11. T'amo mia vita, SV 104
12. E così a poc’a poco torno farfalla, SV 105
13a. Sinfonia – Questi vaghi concenti che gli augelletti intorno, SV 106a
13b. Sinfonia – Deh se potess’ anch’io, SV 106b
First Publication. 1605 - Venezia: Ricciardo Amadino
Librettist Various
Language Italian
Composer Time PeriodComp. Period Baroque
Piece Style Baroque
Instrumentation SSATB, continuo (Quinto [Q] occasionally Tenor) [more...]
SV 94. SSTTB, bc [clefs: S=G2,A=C1,Q=C3,T=C3,B=F3]
SV 95. SSATB, bc [C1,Q=C1,C3,C4,F4]
SV 96. SSATB, bc [C1,C1,Q=C3,C4,F4]
SV 97. SSATB, bc [G2,Q=G2,C2,C3,F3]
SV 97b. SSATB, bc [G2,Q=G2,C2,C3,F3]
SV 97c. SSATB, bc [G2,Q=G2,C2,C3,F3]
SV 97d. SSATB, bc [G2,Q=G2,C2,C3,F3]
SV 97e. SSATB, bc [G2,Q=G2,C2,C3,F3]
SV 98. SSATB, bc [C1,Q=C1,C3,C4,F4]
SV 98b. SSATB, bc [C1,Q=C1,C3,C4,F4]
SV 98c. SSATB, bc [C1,Q=C1,C3,C4,F4]
SV 99. SSATB, bc [C1,Q=C1,C3,C4,F4]
SV 100. SSATB, bc [C1,Q=C1,C3,C4,F4]
SV 101. SSTTB, bc [C1,C1,Q=C4,C4,F4]
SV 102. SSATB, bc [C1,Q=C2,C3,C4,F4]
SV 103. SSATB, bc [C1,Q=C1,C3,C4,F4]
SV 104. SSATB, bc [C1,Q=C1,C3,C4,F4]
SV 105. SSATTB, bc [C1,C3,C4,F4,Q=C1+C4]
SV 106a. SATB–SATB, 9 instr, bc
SV 106b. SSATB–SATB, 9 instr, bc
[Primo choro: Canto=C1+C3, Tenore=C4+F4, Quinto=C1; Secondo choro: Alto=C1+C3, Basso=C4+F4)

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  • Studiosi lettori: Monteverdi’s own written description of the “Seconda Prattica” manner of composition that distinguishes it from the "Prima Prattica". This was the subject of a critical attack on Monteverdi by the renaissance theorist Artusi.