Música Religiosa para Órgano (Ravelo Castro, José De Jesús)

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Sheet Music


PDF scanned by Victor Ravelo
Funcopia (2024/2/18)

Publisher. Info. Buenos Aires: Ricordi Americana, No.1, 1966.
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General Information

Work Title Música Religiosa para Órgano
Alternative. Title
Composer Ravelo Castro, José De Jesús
Opus/Catalogue NumberOp./Cat. No. Op.10, Op.41, Op.42, Op.43, Op.44, Op.47, Op.57, Op.67, Op.146, Op.150, Op.151, Op.158, Op.161, Op.167, Op.182, Op.183, Op.186, Op.187, Op.188, Op.190, Op.202, Op.203.
I-Catalogue NumberI-Cat. No. None [force assignment]
Movements/SectionsMov'ts/Sec's 22 organ pieces
Year/Date of CompositionY/D of Comp. 1900-43
First Publication. 1966
Composer Time PeriodComp. Period Early 20th century
Piece Style Romantic
Instrumentation organ

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The piece “Marcha Fúnebre, Op. 10” is listed in this first edition as an annex. It's not part of the 22 original pieces for organ by the composer. This lost work was later found by the Ravelo family with the name “Interludio, Op. 142.” The family, alongside the Copistas Acuario Foundation are currently working in a new edition that includes the piece.

The works listed in this first edition published in 1966 by the Ricordi Americana press and their respective years of composition are:

1. “Plegaria, Op. 41” (1915) 2. “Elevación, Op. 42” (1915) 3. “Comunión, Op. 43” (1915) 4. “Melodía Religiosa, Op. 44” (1915) 5. “Ofertorio, Op. 47” (1916) 6. “Adagio, Op. 57” (1916) 7. “Preludio, Op. 67” (1923) 8. “Venite Ad Me, Op. 146” (1939) 9. “Melos, Op. 150” (1939) 10. “Poscommunio, Op. 151” (1939) 12. “Meditación, Op. 158” (1939) 12. “Matinal, Op. 161” (1940) 13. “Adagietto, Op. 167” (1940) 14. “Nocturno, Op. 182” (1941) 15. “Rex Regum, Op. 183” (1941) 16. “Introito, Op. 186” (1942) 17. “Patrem Meum, Op. 187” (1943) 18. “Laudate Domine, Op. 188” (1943) 19. “Bendición, Op. 190” (1943) 20. “¡Oh! Buen Jesús, Op. 202” (1943) 21. “O Fons Amoris, Op. 203” (1943) 22. “Marcha Fúnebre, Op. 10” (1900)