Work Title
Lyric Harmony
Alternative. Title
consisting of Eighteen entire new Ballads, with Colin and Phaebe, in score. As perform'd at Vaux-Hall Gardens by Mrs. Arne and Mr. Lowe / [Volume 1]
Arne, Thomas Augustine
Opus/Catalogue NumberOp./Cat. No.
Internal Reference NumberInternal Ref. No.
ITA 20
18 ballads, 1 "pastoral"
- 1. The kind Inconstant ("Why Cloe still these jealous heats")
- 2. The Invitation ("Come Mira idol of the swains")
- 3. The Charms of Isabel ("Fair is the swan, the ermine white and fair")
- 4. The Complaint ("Behold the sweet flow'rs around")
- 5. The Rover reclaimed ("My roving heart has oft with pride dissolv'd")
- 6. Philosophy no Remedy for Love ("Long had I borne of love the pain")
- 7. Colin's Invitation ("Come Rosalind, Oh, come and see")
- 8. The Generous Distress'd ("Blow ye bleak winds around my head")
- 9. Kindness and a Gracefull Air preferr'd to Beauty ("Tis not the liquid brightness of those eyes")
- 10. Cloe Generous as Fair ("When Cloe shines serenely gay")
- 11. The Lovesick Invocation
- Recitative: As o'er the flow'ry meads I pass
- [Air] (Andante): O love! thou bitter foe to rest
- 12. The Fond Appeal ("Gentle youth, O tell me why")
- 13. To a Lady, who being ask'd by her Lover for a Token of her Constancy gave him a Knife
- Andante: While all your thoughts on Martio rove
- Allegro: Once Damon's touch your senses charm'd
- 14. The Complaint
- Largo: And must a faithfull am'rous swain
- Allegro: Young Delia does her flame repeat
- 15. The Contest between Love and Glory ("At length too soon, dear creature")
- 16. The Dumps, selected and alter'd from Gay's Pastorals ("A maiden's soft wailings")
- 17. The Happy Bride ("Ye Nymphs whose softer souls approve")
- 18. Colin and Phaebe. A Pastoral
- Andante: Be still O ye winds
- [Allegro]: 'Tis love like the sun that gives light to the year
First Publication.
Composer Time PeriodComp. Period
Piece Style
voice, harpsichord/continuo; voice, 2 violins, continuo; voice, flute, violin, continuo; voice, strings, continuo ; 3 voices, strings, continuo