Lustgarten Neuer Teutscher Gesäng, Balletti, Galliarden und Intraden (Hassler, Hans Leo)





Publisher Info. Piotr Nowik, 2023.
Performers Piotr Nowik, Viscount Sonus 60 organ
Misc. Notes Video: YouTube
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TN-PMLP90465-HASSLER Ach-Frewlein-zart-5690.jpg

Publisher Info. Piotr Nowik, 2023.
Performers Piotr Nowik, Viscount Sonus 60 organ
Misc. Notes Video: YouTube
Javascript is required for this feature.
TN-PMLP90465-HASSLER Keind-grosser-frewdt-2780.jpg



Ach Schatz, ich sing und lache (No.5)

Publisher Info. Altena: Jürgen Knuth
Performers Synthesized MIDI
Misc. Notes These file(s) are part of the Werner Icking Music Collection.
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Tanzen und springen (No.20)

Publisher Info. Altena: Jürgen Knuth
Performers Synthesized MIDI
Misc. Notes These file(s) are part of the Werner Icking Music Collection.
Javascript is required for this feature.
For 3 Recorders (Knuth)

Publisher Info. Altena: Jürgen Knuth
Performers Synthesized MIDI
Misc. Notes These file(s) are part of the Werner Icking Music Collection.
Javascript is required for this feature.

Ihr Musici, frisch auf (No.35)

Publisher Info. Ulrich Alpers
Performers Synthesized MIDI
Misc. Notes These file(s) are part of the Werner Icking Music Collection.
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Sheet Music

Scores and Parts


Publisher. Info. Nürmberg: Paul Kauffmann, 1601.
Misc. Notes Herzogin Anna Amalia Bibliothek, Weimar (D-WRz): RISM A/I: H 2340
The other partbooks appear to be missing.
ChoralWiki listing


Editor Hilmar Höckner (1891–1968)
Publisher. Info. Hortus Musicus, No.73
Kassel: Bärenreiter, 1951.
Misc. Notes From the uploader's library, parts only (originally purchased separately from score). A3 scanned, non-stapled parts, without editing or publishing details, so that these points have been deducted from extraneous sources (WorldCat, Amazon, AbeBooks). To restore the parts for printing, switch to vertical, then fold.
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Ach Fräulein zart (No.1)

Editor Ulrich Alpers
Publisher. Info. Ulrich Alpers
Misc. Notes These file(s) are part of the Werner Icking Music Collection.
Javascript is required for this feature.

Ein alter Greis (No.2)

Editor Ulrich Alpers
Publisher. Info. Ulrich Alpers
Misc. Notes These file(s) are part of the Werner Icking Music Collection.
Javascript is required for this feature.

Ich hab's gewagt und zugesagt (No.3)

Editor Ulrich Alpers
Publisher. Info. Ulrich Alpers
Misc. Notes These file(s) are part of the Werner Icking Music Collection.
Javascript is required for this feature.

Ach Lieb, hier ist das Herze (No.4)

Editor Ulrich Alpers
Publisher. Info. Ulrich Alpers
Misc. Notes These file(s) are part of the Werner Icking Music Collection.
Javascript is required for this feature.

Ach Schatz, ich sing und lache (No.5)

Editor Jürgen Knuth
Publisher. Info. Altena: Jürgen Knuth
Misc. Notes These file(s) are part of the Werner Icking Music Collection.
Javascript is required for this feature.

Mein Herz, das mir hast g'stohlen (No.6)

Editor Ulrich Alpers
Publisher. Info. Ulrich Alpers
Misc. Notes These file(s) are part of the Werner Icking Music Collection.
Javascript is required for this feature.

Mit dein' lieblichen Augen (No.7)

Editor Ulrich Alpers
Publisher. Info. Ulrich Alpers
Misc. Notes These file(s) are part of the Werner Icking Music Collection.
Javascript is required for this feature.

Mir träumt' in einer Nacht gar spat (No.8-10)

Editor Ulrich Alpers
Publisher. Info. Ulrich Alpers
Misc. Notes These file(s) are part of the Werner Icking Music Collection.
Javascript is required for this feature.

Ein Bräutlein wollt nicht gehn zu Bett (No.11-14)

Editor Ulrich Alpers
Publisher. Info. Ulrich Alpers
Misc. Notes These file(s) are part of the Werner Icking Music Collection.
Javascript is required for this feature.

All Lust und Freud (No.15)

Editor Ulrich Alpers
Publisher. Info. Ulrich Alpers
Misc. Notes These file(s) are part of the Werner Icking Music Collection.
Javascript is required for this feature.

Wer liebt aus treuem Herzen (No.16)

Editor Ulrich Alpers
Publisher. Info. Ulrich Alpers
Misc. Notes These file(s) are part of the Werner Icking Music Collection.
Javascript is required for this feature.

Zu dir steht all mein Sinn (No.17)

Editor Ulrich Alpers
Publisher. Info. Ulrich Alpers
Misc. Notes These file(s) are part of the Werner Icking Music Collection.
Javascript is required for this feature.

Nun laßt uns fröhlich sein (No.18)

Editor Ulrich Alpers
Publisher. Info. Ulrich Alpers
Misc. Notes These file(s) are part of the Werner Icking Music Collection.
Javascript is required for this feature.

Ach weh des Leiden (No.19)

Editor Ulrich Alpers
Publisher. Info. Ulrich Alpers
Misc. Notes These file(s) are part of the Werner Icking Music Collection.
see individual page: Ach, Weh des Leiden (Hassler, Hans Leo)
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Tanzen und springen (No.20)

Editor Jürgen Knuth
Publisher. Info. Altena: Jürgen Knuth
Misc. Notes These file(s) are part of the Werner Icking Music Collection.
Javascript is required for this feature.

Vor Freuden will ich singen (No.21)

Editor Ulrich Alpers
Publisher. Info. Ulrich Alpers
Misc. Notes These file(s) are part of the Werner Icking Music Collection.
Javascript is required for this feature.

Mein gmüth ist mir verwirret (No.24)

4 more: Complete Score (a 4th lower) • Complete Score, (a 4th lower, recorder notation) • Complete Parts, (a 4th lower) • Engraving files (MUP, LaTeX, shell script)

Editor Christian Mondrup (b. 1947)
Publisher. Info. Christian Mondrup
Misc. Notes These file(s) are part of the Werner Icking Music Collection.
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Ihr Musici, frisch auf (No.35)

7 more: Cantus • Sexta vox • Altus • Quinta vox • Tenor • Bassus • Engraving files (Capella)

Editor Ulrich Alpers
Publisher. Info. Ulrich Alpers
Misc. Notes These file(s) are part of the Werner Icking Music Collection.
Javascript is required for this feature.

10 Intradas and 1 Gagliarda (No.40-50)

10 more: 41. Secunda Intrada • 42. Tertia Intrada • 43. Quarta Intrada • 44. Quinta Intrada • 45. Sexta Intrada • 46. Septima Intrada • 47. Octava Intrada • 48. Nona Intrada • 49. Decima Intrada • 50. Gagliarda

Editor Ulrich Alpers
Publisher. Info. Ulrich Alpers
Misc. Notes These file(s) are part of the Werner Icking Music Collection.
Javascript is required for this feature.

Arrangements and Transcriptions

Selections (Nos.42-43)

For String Ensemble (Schering)

7 more: Violin 1 • Violin 2 • Violin 3 • Viola 1 • Viola 2 • Cello • Bass

Arranger Arnold Schering (1877–1941)
Publisher. Info. Perlen Alter Kammermusik No.13
Leipzig: Leipzig: C.F. Kahnt, 1917.
Misc. Notes This file is part of the Sibley Mirroring Project.
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Tanzen und springen (No.20)

For 5 Guitars (Goldau)
Arranger Bernd Goldau
Publisher. Info. Bernd Goldau
Javascript is required for this feature.
For 3 Recorders (Knuth)
Editor Jürgen Knuth
Publisher. Info. Altena: Jürgen Knuth
Misc. Notes These file(s) are part of the Werner Icking Music Collection.
Javascript is required for this feature.

Ihr Musici, frisch auf (No.35) und drei weitere Sätze á 6

For 5 Accordions and Double Bass (Pasztor)
Arranger Ernö Pasztor
Publisher. Info. SONOPTIKON, 2020.
Misc. Notes 4 Sätze a 6
Parts and Feedback - Multitrack recording
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10 Intradas and Gagliarda

For 4 Accordions and Double Bass (Pasztor)
Arranger Ernö Pasztor
Publisher. Info. SONOPTIKON, 2020.
Misc. Notes All instrumental sets (10 Intradas and Gagliarda) Parts and Feedback - Multitrack recording
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General Information

Work Title Lustgarten Neuer Teutscher Gesäng, Balletti, Galliarden und Intraden
Alternative. Title Lustgarten Neuer Teutscher Gesäng, Balletti, Galliarden und Intraden mit 4. 5. 6. und 8. Stimmen
Composer Hassler, Hans Leo
Opus/Catalogue NumberOp./Cat. No. RISM A/I: H 2340
Internal Reference NumberInternal Ref. No. None [force assignment]
Movements/SectionsMov'ts/Sec's 50 pieces: [more...]
  • Songs for 4 voices
  1. Ach Fräulein zart
  2. Ein alter Greis
  3. Ich hab's gewagt und zugesagt
  4. Ach Lieb, hier ist das Herze
  5. Ach Schatz, ich sing und lache
  6. Mein Herz, das mir hast g'stohlen
  7. Mit dein' lieblichen Augen
  8. Mir träumt' in einer Nacht gar spat
  9. Und ich vor Freud demütiglich
  10. Darauf ihr'n schönen roten Mund
  11. Ein Bräutlein wollt nicht gehn zu Bett
  12. Als der Bräutigam
  13. Und sagt in solcher Brünstigkeit
  14. Darum ward er sehr ausgelacht
  15. All Lust und Freud
  • Songs for 5 voices
  1. Wer liebt aus treuem Herzen
  2. Zu dir steht all mein Sinn
  3. Nun laßt uns fröhlich sein
  4. Ach, Weh des Leiden
  5. Tanzen und springen
  6. Vor Freuden will ich singen
  7. Unter all'n auf dieser Erden
  8. Ich hab dir zu wol getrauet
  9. Mein gmüth ist mir verwirret
  10. Reichlich mit schön und tugend
  11. Hört zu all die jr Tugend kennt
  12. Ach weh der grossen Pein
  13. Und weicht von mir gar fern
  • Songs for 6 voices
  1. Ach süsse Seel, mich nicht so quel
  2. Drum herzigs Herz
  3. Gar lang thet ich nach einer Jungfrau
  4. Nun hat ein End mein Klagen
  5. Ich sing und spring, will alles trauren
  6. Wer singt, der sing, dass es wol kling
  7. Ihr Musici, frisch auf
  8. Gleich wie ein Hirsch gejaget von den Hunden
  • Songs for 8 voices
  1. Kein grösser Freud hett ich auf dieser Erden
  2. Im kühlen Maien tun sich all Ding erfreuen
  3. Ich bring meim Bruder ein guten Trunck
  • Instrumental pieces for 6 instruments
  1. Prima Intrada
  2. Secunda Intrada
  3. Tertia Intrada
  4. Quarta Intrada
  5. Quinta Intrada
  6. Sexta Intrada
  7. Septima Intrada
  8. Octava Intrada
  9. Nona Intrada
  10. Decima Intrada
  11. Gagliarda
First Publication. 1601 - Nürnberg: Paul Kauffmann
Language German
Dedication Friedrich, Pfalzgraf bei Rhein, Herzog in Bayern
Composer Time PeriodComp. Period Renaissance
Piece Style Renaissance
Instrumentation 4-6 (or 8) voices; 6 instruments
Extra Information "The Lustgarten neuer teutscher Gesang, Balletti, Galliarden und Intraden, which contains thirty-nine vocal and eleven instrumental pieces, is Hassler's most renowned collection of lieder. Within this work, Hassler published dance collections for four, five, or six string or wind instruments with voice and without continuo." (Wikipedia)