List of works by Miska Hauser

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  • Worldcat
  • HMB (with caveat)
  • ÖNB


  • "M. Hauser" could be contemporaries Miska/Michael Hauser (1822-87) or Moritz Hauser (1826-57). A work listed (in eg HMB) as being composed by M. Hauser, with no further evidence, could be a reprint/posthumous publication of a work by the latter, rather than a work by the former; caution is as usual advised...

Works with Opus number

Every work here is for violin and piano except for a few works, specifically indicated, the exceptions mostly for violin solo, violin and orchestra or piano solo (plus a few choral works.)
  1. Bellini, Mira, o Norma.
  2. Kücken, Trab, trab.
  3. Letzte Rose. Chant national.
  4. Bellini, Vaga luna. Romeo u. Julie.
  5. Balfe, Romanze. Gitana.
  6. Henselt, Ma Patrie. Romanze.
  7. Flotow, Jagdlied aus Martha
  8. Krebs, Liebchen über Alles. Chant.
  9. Flotow, Ach so fromm Martha.
  10. Trinklied. Lucrezia Borgia.
  11. Bellini, Casta diva. Norma.
  12. Balfe, Gitana. Cavatine.
  13. Krebs, An Adelheid.
  14. Gockel, der Thautropfen.
  15. Bellini, Romeo und Julie. Cavatine.
  16. Krebs, Nichts Schöneres.
  17. Truhn, Addio di Venezia.
  18. Lavenu, Quadalquivir, Barcarole.
  • Op.10, Bolero - Morceau de Salon
  • Op.11, 2 Pieces for Violin and Piano, published 1847 by Müller. (Published with Op.16, 21 and 22 as 6 Pieces.)
No.1, Chanson d’amour
No.2, Chanson berçeau (Slumber song) Also known as Berceuse
  • Op.12,
  • Op.13, 3 Songs (texts by Heine) for voice and piano
  • Op.14,
  • Op.15,
  • Op.16, Pieces for violin and piano. Published as part of 6 Pièces for violin and piano (1847).
No.1, Barcarole / Boatman’s Song (Schifferlied) (digitized by Google)
No.2, La capricieuse. Chanson
  • Op.17, La mélancolie. Etude de concert
  • Op.18, La sentimentale. Etude de concert
  • Op.19, Tarantelle. Caprice
  • Op.20, Air russe
  • Op.21, Amusemens sur des chansons favorites (published under his birthname Michael Hauser.)
  • Op.21, Impromptu. Published as part of 6 Pièces for violin and piano (1847).
  • Op.22, Scherzo. Published as part of 12 Lieder ohne Worte und ein Scherzo (1850) and also as part of 6 Pièces for violin and piano (1847).
  • Op.23, Die Sehnsucht. Published as part of 12 Lieder ohne Worte und ein Scherzo (1850).
  • Op.24, Lieder ohne Worte für die Violine (1850?). Contains at least (this may be a later collection of course) (WorldCat
  1. Liebeslied = Chanson d'amour
  2. Wiegenlied = Chanson de Berçeau
  3. Schifferlied = Barcarolle
  4. Die Launenhafte = La Capricieuse
  5. Die Sehnsucht = Le Désir
  6. Abendlied = Chanson du soir
  7. Die Blume = Preghiera
  8. Der Traum = Elegie
  9. Das Fischermädchen = Barcarolle
  10. Das Wiedersehn = Romance

Some of these appeared? appear later? (depending on the accuracy of the 1850? date) in the G. Flaxland collection of 1862 "Six romances sans paroles pour violon et piano".

  • Op.25, Le printemps (Frühlingslied)
  • Op.26, Hungarian Dance (An die Heimath - To my Homeland for violin and piano. Also published as part of 12 Lieder ohne Worte und ein Scherzo (1850).)
  • Op.27, Pieces, published with works from other opus numbers as 12 Lieder ohne Worte und ein Scherzo (1850).
No.1, Die Blume, nach Heine
No.2, Der Traum, nach Heine
No.3, Das Fischermädchen, nach Heine
No.4, Wiedersehen, nach Heine
  • Op.28, Zwei Stücke (2 Lieder ohne Worte)
No.1, Gruss. Lied ohne Worte
No.2, Russisches Bauernlied
  • Op.29, Lied ohne Worte
No.4, Sicilianisches Hirtenlied
No.5, Dorflied (Village Song)
No.6, Ungarischer Czardas
No.13, Minnelied
No.14, Frühlingserwachen
No.15, Deutsches Volkslied
No.16, Sicilianisches Hirtenlied
No.17, Dorflied
No.18, Ungarischer
  • Op.30,
  • Op.31, Sicilienne. Morceau de Concert
  • Op.32, Lucrezia Borgia - Fantaisie
  • Op.33, 6 Etudes brill. en forme de Préludes p. Violon. 2me Cah. des Etudes. For first book see Op.8
  • Op.34, Das Vöglein im Baume, Caprice Burlesque for violin and orchs. (or piano) (The Bird on the tree)
  • Op.35, Lucia, de Donizetti. 3me Fantaisie de Concert
  • Op.36, Adagio cantabile by Miska Hauser for violin and orchestra
  • Op.37, 4 Romances sans Paroles
No.1, Ahnung
No.2, Mährchen
No.3, Einsamkeit
No.4, Andacht
No.1, Air varié
No.2, Scherzo
No.3, Rêverie
No.4, Nocturne
No.5, Capriccio
No.6, Tarantella
  • Op.39, Nocturne No.4 (more definitely by Miska Hauser)
  • Op.40, Andante pastorale et rondo grazioso de concert for violin and piano (or orch)
  • Op.41,
  • Op.42,
  • Op.43, Hungarian Rhapsody (Première rapsodie: La Hongroise)
  • Op.44, Rhapsodie américaine (Ben Bolt)
  • Op.45, Rhapsodie irlandaise
  • Op.46, 3 Romances (Richault, 1862)
  1. Le Désir
  2. Chanson du Village
  3. Impromptu
No.1, Andante
No.2, Marsch
No.3, Lied ohne Worte
No.4, Ungarisch
No.5, Walzer
No.6, Scherzo

without Opus number

Some of these may not be by Miska Hauser but rather by near-contemporary (relative?) Moritz. See above.

  • Air Slave for violin and piano
  • L'Ange du Berceau
  • Ballad
  • Barcarolle
  • La capricieuse for violin and piano
  • 6 Chansons for violin and piano
  • Chanson de berceau - Romance for violin and piano
  • Chanson du soir for violin and piano
  • Chant villageois for violin and piano
  • Le désir (Die Sehnsucht)
  • Dorflied for violin and piano
  • Favourite Airs for Violin and piano
  • Gondola - Barcarolle for violin
  • Gruss - Lied ohne Worte for violin and piano
  • A la Hongroise
  • Lieder ohne Worte
  • Impromptu for violin and piano
  • Mazurka for violin and piano
  • Lieder ohne Worte for Cello and Piano
  • Preghiera for violin and piano
  • Le Reve - Elegie
  • 4 Romances Without Words
  • 6 Romances sans paroles for violin (or cello) and piano (G. Flaxland, 1862)
    • Consists of (assuming this is the work described @ BdlF, 1862, p. 270, r.1298): Chanson d'amour, chanson du berçeau, Barcarolle, Chant du soir, La Capricieuse, Romance. These may be some of the same works as are found in Op.24, above, so this may just be a reprint, or somehow related to, Op.24.
  • Schifferlied
  • Wiegenlied - Berceuse See Op.11
  • Wiegenlied and Die Blume for violin and piano