List of works by Giovanni Sgambati

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Original Works

Confusingly, two sets of opus numbers exist for Sgambati's works. The first column follows the composer's own list of opus numbers, as referenced in Grove Online. The second column shows the opus numbers under which the works were originally printed by Schott (Mainz).

Click on the column headings to sort by opus/catalogue numbers, year, or alphabetically by title.

Opus (Grove) Opus (Schott) Title Year
Op.01 Op.01 Album vocale No. 1, 5 songs 1864
Op.02 Album vocale No. 2, 10 songs 1864
Op.03 Op.03 Nocturne per l'album di Bellini, for piano 1873
Op.04 Op.04 Piano Quintet No. 1 in F minor 1866
Op.05 Op.05 Piano Quintet No. 2 in B major 1876?
Op.06 Op.06 Prelude and Fugue in E minor, for piano 1876
Op.07 Op.10 Études de Concert, for piano (2)
Vol.2 in the 1999 edition by Pietro Spada, but the title page reads Op.2
Op.08 Op.12 Fogli volanti. Album de 8 morceaux, for piano 1879-80
Op.09 Op.14 Gavotte for piano 1880
Op.10 Op.15 Piano Concerto in G minor 1878-80
Op.11 Op.16 Symphony No. 1 in D major
Also arranged for piano 4 hands and Serenata arranged for piano
Op.12 Op.17 String Quartet in C minor 1882
Op.13 Op.18 Pezzi di seguito (4), for piano 1872-82
Op.14 Op.19 Canti (4)  ?
Op.15 Op.20 Nocturnes (3), for piano 1873-87
Op.16 Op.21 Suite in B minor, for piano 1888
Op.17 Op.22 Passiflore for voice and piano  ?
Op.18 Op.23 Pièces lyriques (6), for piano 1890
 ? Op.24 Pezzi (2), for violin and piano
Also arranged for cello and piano
 ? Op.27 Offertorio e Motetto 1901
Op.20 Op.28 Te Deum laudamus. Andante solenne
1st version, for organ/harmonium and strings, or orchestra. Later arranged for violin and piano
Op.21 Op.28 Te Deum laudamus. Andante solenne
2nd version, for large orchestra and organ ad lib.
Op.22 Op.29 La Gondoliera, for violin and piano  ?
Op.23 Op.30 Benedizione nuziale, for organ
Also arranged for piano (1896)
Op.24 Op.31 Nocturne No. 5 in D major, for piano 1897
Op.25 Op.32 Melodie liriche (4)  ?
Op.26 Op.33 Nocturne No. 6 in E major, for piano 1897
Op.27 Op.34 Versa est in luctum cythara. Motet for baritone, organ and strings
Also used in the 2nd version of the Requiem, Op. 38
Op.28 Op.35 Melodies (4) 1897-98
Op.29 Op.36 Mélodies poétiques (12), for piano 1903
Op.30 Op.37 Tout bas. Melodie for voice and piano 1905
Op.38 Op.38 Requiem. For baritone, chorus and orchestra 1895-96, rev. 1901
 ? Op.41 Rose. Song 1910
 ? Op.42 Morceaux (3), for piano 1909-10
Allegretto con moto in B minor, for piano
Not published
Audia filia, for chorus and orchestra
Not published
Ballata in B minor, for piano
Not published
Boite a Musique, for piano
Published 1916
Canti (2)  ?
Care luci. Notturno for voice and piano  ?
Cola di Rienzo, overture for piano and orchestra
Cor di fiamma, for voice and piano
Not published
Epitalamio sinfonico, for orchestra
Not published
Fantasie alpestri, for piano 1872-82
Il faut aimer!, for voice and piano
Also arranged for piano (1890)
Impromptu on a theme by Berlioz, for voice and piano
Not published
L'Emir de Bengador. Romance for voice and piano
Not published
Marcia-Inno, for orchestra
arranged for piano 4 hands (1870)
Ninna nanna, for voice and piano
Not published
Notturno alla memoria di Vincenzo Bellini  ?
Romanza in A Major, for piano 1878
Sinfonia festiva/Ouverture d'fete for orchestra
arranged for piano 4 hands
Sérénade Valsée
Published 1916
String Nonet
String Quartet in D minor 1864
Studio trionfale for piano
Published 1916
Symphony No. 2 in E minor/major 1883-85
Toccata, for piano
Valse brillante in E major, for piano
Not published
Venite cuncti venite. Motet for soprano, female chorus and orchestra 1884

Versions of Works by Others

  • J.S. Bach, Orchestral Suite No.2 in B minor, BWV 1067 for piano (1882)
  • Chopin, Canzone lituana, arranged for piano (1892)
  • Sgambati, aus 10 canti op. 2, 5 melodie liriche e un duetto for pf, Milan, Ric.;
  • Separazione, old Italian folksong, arranged for voice and piano
  • E. Prudent, Studio brillante for pf, ibid. 1910;
  • Liszt, Die Ideale, for piano 4 hands
  • A. Crescentini, Ninna nanna for String orch., Bologna o. J., Matiuzzi
  • Mélodie de Gluck, arranged from Orfeo ed Euridice
  • Menuet de L. van Beethoven, piano arrangement of the Menuetto from the Beethoven's String Trio in E major, Op. 3
  • Libera me, Domine, Einlage in Cherubinis Messe c (1895); unpublished

Theoretical Works

  • Sgambati-for Boghen, Appunti ed esempi per l'uso dei pedali del pianoforte, Milan 1915, Ric.;
  • Sgambati alone:
    • Revision des Gradus ad Parnassum v. Clementi (40 Übungen), ibid. 1916;
    • Formulario del pianista, Mainz, Schott, Milan 1922, Ric.;
    • Art. Il momento mus. moderno e l'opera della critica in Zs. Harmonia, 1913.