List of works by Georgy Bazilevsky

This list is manually maintained, therefore some of the available pieces may not yet be linked from this page. For an automatically generated alphabetical list of all available pieces, please see
Category:Bazilevsky, Georgy.

A list of works in the composer category that are not included here can be found on this page.
Please consult the manual of style for creating composer work lists.

Works with Opus number

  • Op.8 - A Golden Cloud [Ночевала тучка золотая], for Voice and Piano (pub. 1905)
  • Op.14 - The Dream [Сон], for Voice and Piano (pub. 1905)
  • Op.15 - The Peasant's Musing [Раздумье селянина], for Voice and Piano (pub. 1905)
  • Op.18 - Day Is Reigns [День ли царит], for Voice and Piano (pub. 1905)
  • Op.20 - I Deeply Despise Myself [Я за то глубоко презираю себя], for Voice and Piano (pub. 1905)
  • Op.20 - Swan [Лебедь], for Voice and Piano (pub. 1905)
  • Op.21 - The Seagull [Чайка], for Voice and Piano (pub. 1905)
  • Op.25 - 2 Pieces, for Cello and Piano (pub. 1905)
  1. Elegy [Элегия] in A minor
  2. Cantilena in G major
  • Op.32 - The Airship [Воздушный корабль], for Voice and Piano (pub. 1905)
  • Op.34 - 3 Pieces, for Cello and Piano (pub. 1905)
  1. Capriccio in C minor
  2. Impromptu
  3. Chanson triste
  • Op.43 - Berceuse, for 2 Cellos and Piano (pub. 1905)

Works without Opus number

  • Elegy in C major, for Violin and Piano (pub. 1906?)
  • 3 Pieces, for Cello and Piano (pub. 1906?)
  1. Chanson sans Paroles
  2. Berceuse
  3. Ballade for cello (or violin) and piano
  • 2 Pieces, for 2 Cellos and Piano (pub. 1906?)
  1. Melodie in A major
  2. Romance
  • Romances, for Voice and Piano (pub. 1905-1911)
  1. The Dream [Сон], Op.14
  2. The Peasant's Musing [Раздумье селянина], Op.15
  3. Day Is Reigns [День ли царит], Op.18
  4. A Golden Cloud [Ночевала тучка золотая], Op.8
  5. I Deeply Despise Myself [Я за то глубоко презираю себя], Op.20
  6. The Seagull [Чайка], Op.21
  7. Swan [Лебедь], Op.20
  8. The Nightingale [Соловей]
  9. I Fell From the Clouds [Я упал с облаков]
  10. Blacksmith [Кузнец]
  11. He Bowed the Strings [Он водил по струнам]
  12. Oh, If The Mother-Volga [Ой, каб Волга-матушка]
  13. Did You Know [Ты знал ли!]
  14. Before the Dawn [Перед рассветом]
  15. I Waited for You [Я ждал тебя]
  16. I know [Я знаю]
  17. Submerged Plants [Подводные растения]
  18. I am Afraid that Love Seething [Я боюсь, что любовью кипучей]
  19. Feather Grass [Ковыль]
  20. The Airship [Воздушный корабль], Op.32
  21. Prince Rostislav [Князь Ростислав]
  22. To the Wind [К ветру]
  23. Creek [Ручей]
  24. What a Joy! [Какое счастье!]
  25. Fairy [Фея]
  26. Mermaid [Русалка]
  27. Cranes [Журавли]
  28. Spring has Come Again [Опять пришла весна]
  29. I Wanted to Die [Я б умереть хотел]
  30. She was Yours [Она была твоя]