List of works by Friedrich Lux

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Category:Lux, Friedrich.

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Dates are publication dates/arrival dates at HMB unless better dates are available, in which case this is noted. Both lists are of course incomplete (as of April 5 2011.)



Works with Opus Number

  • Opus 1 - 6 Lieder (Kaum hat mit frischem Thau – Der Mond mit seinem sanften Licht – Wo das holde Wesen weilet – Mein Arm wird stark – Da liegt sie hingegossen – Zage nicht, ob Erdenstürme braussen). (1844 published by Whistling, Leipzig.)
  • Opus 2 - ?
  • Opus 3 - ?
  • Opus 4 - ?
  • Opus 5 - String Quartet? (according to Klassika page on Lux; have found no corroboration. may be misprint for opus 95)
  • Opus 6 - 5 Lieder (Ständchen. Blumen und Sterne. Ich seh’ nur dich. Ich möchte neiderfallen. Du wundersüsses Kind.) (1852)
  • Opus 7 - ?
  • Opus 8 - ?
  • Opus 9 - Marschlied for TTBB (Schott)
  • Opus 10 - ?
  • Opus 11 - ?
  • Opus 12 - ?
  • Opus 13 - ?
  • Opus 14 - ?
  • Opus 15 - ?
  • Opus 16 - ?
  • Opus 17 - ?
  • Opus 18 - ?
  • Opus 19 - Germania, Grosser Festmarsch (1862)
  • Opus 20 - Improvisations on beautiful melodies from the Opera (1858)
  • Opus 21 - Krönungs-Marsch (by 1861/62, Bote & Bock/Diemer)
  • Opus 22 - ?
  • Opus 23 - ?
  • Opus 24 - ?
  • Opus 25 - ?
  • Opus 26 - ?
  • Opus 27 - Deutsche Hymne (after K.A. Mayer) for men’s chorus and Harmonie or piano. (1863)
  • Opus 28 - Burschenständchen for men’s chorus and soloists. (1864)
  • Opus 29 - Fantaisie de Concert sur 'O Sanctissima' (1867)
  • Opus 30 - Hymne an die Jungfrau (1869)
  • Opus 31 - ?
  • Opus 32 - Romance de l'Opéra Casilda (by the Duke Ernest of Sax-Coburg) for organ (1867)
  • Opus 33 - Concert-piece on the Prayer of Robin de Bois by Weber (1867)
  • Opus 34 - 2 Poems for men’s Chorus (No. 1. Ruf zur Freude: „Lasst ab von eurem Klageton“. 2. Der Liebe Preis: „Schneeglöckchen läutet wieder“.) (by 1887.)
  • Opus 35 - Tafellied for soloist, chorus and piano (1869)
  • Opus 36 - ?
  • Opus 37 - ?
  • Opus 38 - ?
  • Opus 39 - ?
  • Opus 40 - Ruhe in der Geliebten for 4 men’s voices (1868)
  • Opus 41 - ?
  • Opus 42 - Wie gerne dir zu Füßen (for baritone and piano) (1868) (text Moritz, Graf von Strachwitz (1822-1847))
  • Opus 43 - ?
  • Opus 44 - ?
  • Opus 45 - Wichtige Erfindungen (duet for tenor and bass with piano) (1868)
  • Opus 46 - ?
  • Opus 47 - ?
  • Opus 48 - ?
  • Opus 49 - ?
  • Opus 50 - ?
  • Opus 51 - 4 piano pieces (1872)
  • Opus 52 - concert-variations for organ on the Harmonious Blacksmith theme by Händel (1873)
  • Opus 53 - Concert-Fantasie über Luther's Choral 'Eine feste Burg ist unser Gott' (1877)
  • Opus 54 - ?
  • Opus 55 - Grosser religiöser Marsch zur Eröffnung von Kirchenfeierlichkeiten, for organ (1876)
  • Opus 56 - Concert-Fuge (D minor) for organ (1877)
  • Opus 57 - Lied ohne Worte (Kanon) for organ (1877)
  • Opus 58 - String Quartet (No.1?) in D minor, "Preis-Quartett" (1877) (autograph score is @ ONB.)
  • Opus 59 - Hymn Ertöne, feiernde[r] Gesang for soprano solo, men’s chorus and organ. (1879)
  • Opus 60 - Andante über die Choralmelodie Wie schön leucht’ uns der Morgenstern, for organ and cello or horn (1878)
  • Opus 61 - Concertstück for organ, 2 horns and 3 trombones (1880)
  • Opus 62 - Wald-Kantate O Wald mit deinen luft’gen Hallen for mixed chorus and winds or piano. (1881)
  • Opus 63 - Geistliches Lied ohne Worte (1881)
  • Opus 64 - Fantaisie pastorale for organ (1881)
  • Opus 65 - Coriolan (same as op.70 with different opus no.?)
  • Opus 66 - ?
  • Opus 67 - ?
  • Opus 68 - Abendgrüße for voice and piano (1887)
  • Opus 69 - Am Bache (by 1887)
  • Opus 70 - Coriolan: Dramatische Scene for men’s chorus, soloists and orchestra (1884)
  • Opus 71 - 2 Heitere Männer-Quartette (Des Trinkers Wunsch. Das Lied vom Wein.) (1884)
  • Opus 72 - Missa brevis et solemnis for soloists and mixed chorus in G minor (1887) (RISM 456013451. Premiered 1903? Also, Benedictus was published separately-see ONB. Both were published, according to ONB, by Jacob Diemer-Verlag.)
  • Full title of mass, with dedication, according to Austrian National Library (from early score): "Missa brevis et solemnis. Angustissimo et Potentissimo Imperatori ac Regi apostolico Francisco Josepho I. profundissima cum veneratione".
  • Opus 73 - Utile cum dulci - Etuden in Tanzform for piano (1887)
  • Opus 74 - No.1: variations for orchestra (1887) ; No.2: Humoresque for orchestra
  • Opus 75 - Fantasie über Mozart's Weihelied 'Brüder, reicht die Hand zum Bunde' (1887)
  • Opus 76 - Dramatic Overture after Körner’s Rosamunde (1885)
  • Opus 77 - 3 Lieder aus der Minnezeit for 4 Men’s Voices (1886)
  • Opus 78 - Hymnus: Schwingt, heilige Gedanken, euch von der Erde los (part of the Gloria of the Deutsche Messe) for soprano, men's chorus, organ (or harmonium), piano (or harp) or organ (harmonium) alone (published 1902, earlier?)
  • Opus 79 - Lieder (by 1893)
  • Opus 80 - Durch Nacht zum Licht (choral symphony in 3 parts for organ, strings, 3 trumpets and timpani) (1896) (published by Diemer in an edition (arrangement? for organ, strings, 3 trumpets and timpani.)
  • Opus 81 - Sonntagsglocken (by 1893)
  • Opus 82 - Fest-Ouverture (1889)
  • Opus 83 - Lieder (by 1893)
  • Opus 84 - 2 works for men’s voices - Vater unser and Ich denke dein (1891)
  • Opus 85 - Fest-Marsch for piano or military band (on Wien Neerlandsch bloed) (1891)
  • Opus 86 - Mein Gau am Rhein for 4 part men’s chorus (1890)
  • Opus 87 - String Quartet No.2 in C major (1892) (autograph score is @ ONB.)
  • Opus 88 - Trinklied for TTBB (Diemer)
  • Opus 89 - Frühlingsnacht (Lied) (by 1893)
  • Opus 90 - Gott behüte Dich, liebliche Rose (lied) (by 1893)
  • Opus 91 - Lieder (by 1893)
  • Opus 92 - Fest-Marsch on Wilhelmus van Nassouwen (for piano or piano 4-hands) (1893)
  • Opus 93 - Heiliges Lied (Dich preist, Allmächtiger) for mixed chorus (1896)
  • Opus 94 - 3 Sonntagslieder for mixed chorus (Sonntagsruh’ ; Sabbathsruhe ; Sonntagsmorgen) (1896)
  • Opus 95 - String Quartet no.3 in G minor (1896)
  • Opus 96 - 2 Men’s Choruses: Sonntagsmorgen; Gruss. (1896)
  • Opus 97 - Andante con moto for cello, organ (or harmonium) and piano (or harp) ad lib. (published by Diemer in 1902)
  • Opus 98 - Andante con moto for cello, organ (or harmonium), and piano (or harp) (published by Diemer in 1902 - possibly the same as opus 97?)
  • Opus 99 - ?
  • Opus 100 - Paraphrase on Mozart’s Consecration-Song Brüder, reicht die Hand zum Bunde for cello and organ (or harmonium) (Diemer, 1902)

Without Opus Number

  • Katchen von Heilbronn, opera (composed 1846) (libretto available at BSB. Dedicated to Ernst II, Herzog von Sachsen-Coburg-Gotha. See RISM 450107795.) Vocal score published in 1902 (1901?) by Diemer.
  • Grosses Trio (piano trio) in C minor (published 1858)
  • Gebet um Frieden, lied (1870)
  • Improvisationen üb. Themas a. Figaro’s Hochzeit, v. Mozart. No. 1. 2. For piano. (1872)
  • Der Schmied von Ruhla, opera to a libretto by Ludwig Cölestin Bauer (1832–1910). Premiered in Mainz at the Stadttheater on March 28, 1882, and published 1882. Apparently composed by 1873. (RISM 280000807 gives a later premiere date of 25 April 1886, Weimar, Großherzogliches Hoftheater.) Excerpts published by Diemer in 1901 or 1902...
  • Die Fürstin von Athen, opera in 2 acts (published 1884, premiered Mainz 1896)
  • Mass (by 1862, mentioned in a September 20, 1862 issue of The Musical World as having been conducted by Lux and being his first essay in the genre. Possibly one of the unknown works with opus number above.)
  • Canon in Gegenbewegung über 'Allein Gott in der Höh' sei Ehr' (as part of a collection in 1887, possibly earlier.)
  • Die drei Lebensmüden. In Form eines Opernpotpourris (for tenor and 2 basses, with piano). (Köln: Schloss, 1865.)
  • Du stilles T[h]al, partsong for men’s voices (published 1838?). (Possibly by this Lux?) (RISM 450107795, HMB 1839 page 27.)
  • 3 Choral-Fantasien (Gott des Himmels und der Erden ; Auferstehn, ja auferstehn wirst du ; Allein Gott in der Höh’ sei Ehr’.), pub. by Schott in 1881.
  • Geistliches Lied, "Empor zu ihm", published 1889


For example:

  • Arrangements of Beethoven’s symphonies for Schott (1868)
  • Arrangement of the "Marche célèbre" (Variations and March) from Lachner's orchestral Suite No.1, Op.113, for organ (1873) (note: we have this arrangement uploaded)
  • Piano and Piano 4-hand arrangements of operatic music by Weber, Rossini and others (the overture to Preciosa in 1871, for pf4h, of Rossini's William Tell for pf4h or "Orgue-Harmonium" published 1873, e.g.)
  • Variations movement from Haydn's Emperor Quartet (from his String Quartets, Op.76) transcribed for organ and published by Schott in 1879. (This and others- e.g. the Concertstück Op.61- formed- then, or retroactively- part of a Schott series called Orgel-Compositionen von Friedrich Lux.)


The Wissenschaftliche Stadtbibliothek Mainz has an overture, Op. 8, published ca. 1905 by Diemer, entitled Fest-Ouverture - but I would like to be convinced first that someone hasn’t merely misread a score of opus 82 first... not sure what opus 8 is, at the moment. - Schissel