List of works by Charlie Hine

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Category:Hine, Charlie.

A list of works in the composer category that are not included here can be found on this page.
Please consult the manual of style for creating composer work lists.

The tables and lists below gives the following information for works by Charlie Hine (where applicable):

  • Title — as used on IMSLP.
  • Instrumentation — the instrumentation used. Most of Hine's works also appeared in editions for voice and guitar. Though advertised equally on the front cover, some extant guitar editions are listed as an arrangement (Language of Love; The Mother's Requiem) while one (The Gathered Rose and the Stolen Heart) — through omission of the word — implies that it should be regarded an alternate version. Thus, advertised guitar accompaniments for works other than the aforementioned three are tentatively listed as alternative versions.
  • Key — the principal key of the work.
  • Date — the year(s) of composition or first publication, where known. Works listed as 1867/68? or earlier (pub.) are taken from Balmer & Weber's Descriptive Catalog of Sheet Music and Musical Works. Since they are listed in the Descriptive Catalog, we can be certain that these works were probably published before 1867 or 1868. It should be noted that the Board of Music Trade of the United States of America Complete Catalog of Sheet Music and Musical Works (1870; reprint, New York: Da Capo Press, 1973) — which seems to misspell the composer's name as "Hime" — was thoroughly checked, and that it can be assumed with a degree of certainty that any works other than those below are in fact by contemporaneous composers with the last names Hine or Hime (of which there were a few). The Charlie Hine in question was most likely published only by Balmer & Weber and that too for a short period in the early 1850s.
  • Genre(s) — as used by IMSLP's categorization system.
  • Incipit & Notes — the initial sequence of notes; concerning related works, completeness, authorship, etc.

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Title Instrumentation Key Date Genre(s) Incipit & Notes
The Gathered Rose and the Stolen Heart mez/alt pf/gtr D major 1850 (pub.) Ballad Descriptive Catalog specifies versions for mezzo-soprano (p.15) and alto voice (p.71)

\relative c'' { \clef treble \autoBeamOff \dynamicUp \key d \major  \time 3/8  \tempo "Moderato" 
\compressEmptyMeasures \partial 8 b8\rest | R4.*15 b4\rest \bar "||" \stemNeutral d,8 | fis4 fis8 | fis g a | b4 b8 | b4 b8 } 
\addlyrics { A mai -- den sat at her bu -- sy wheel, Her }

Language of Love v pf C major Song also arranged for voice and guitar

\relative c'' { \clef treble \autoBeamOff \dynamicUp \key c \major \time 3/4 \tempo "Moderato" 
\compressEmptyMeasures \partial 4 b4\rest | R2.*7 | b2\rest \bar "||" \stemNeutral g8. g16 | g4.( a8) b c | g2 g8. g16 } 
\addlyrics { There's a lan -- guage that's mute There's a }

Mother! They're Calling Me! E major arrangement for voice and piano extant
listed in the Complete Catalog (p.85) as (also) being published by D.P. Faulds (Louisville)

\relative c'' { \clef treble \autoBeamOff \dynamicUp \key es \major \time 3/4 \tempo "Andante con espressione" 
\compressEmptyMeasures R2.*7 | b2\rest \bar "||" \stemNeutral bes4 | bes4. a8 bes4 | c4. b8 c4 | bes8.[( es16)] bes4 g | es8.[( f16] g4) bes8. bes16 } 
\addlyrics { “They're call -- ing me, Moth -- er! they're call -- ing me now,” And the }

The Mother's Requiem mez pf C major Requiem
Descriptive Catalog (p.31) specifies a mezzo-soprano voice

also published in arrangement for mezzo-soprano and guitar
\relative c'' { \clef treble \autoBeamOff \dynamicUp \key c \major  \time 3/4  \tempo "Andante con espressione" 
\compressEmptyMeasures \partial 4 b4\rest | R2.*7 | b2\rest \bar "||" \stemNeutral e,8. f16 | g4. g8 a b | c2 b8. c16 } 
\addlyrics { In the steer -- age of a ship Sat a }

Prairie Song v pf D major Song \relative c'' { \clef treble \autoBeamOff \dynamicUp \key d \major  \time 2/4  \tempo "Allegretto spiritoso" 
\compressEmptyMeasures R2*8 \bar "||" \stemNeutral a8. a16 g8. g16 | fis8 a d4 } 
\addlyrics { Gai -- ly smiles the glad blue sky }
Sing to Me Gently v pf/gtr? G major Ballad \relative c'' { \clef treble \autoBeamOff \dynamicUp \key g \major  \time 3/4  \tempo "Moderato" 
\compressEmptyMeasures R2.*16 \bar "||" \stemNeutral cis4 d4. b8 | g4 b4.( g8) | d4. fis8 a4 | c4. b8 a4 } 
\addlyrics { Sing to me gent -- ly songs of sweet me -- lo -- dy, }
Come Oe'r the Hills with Me sop/ten pf/gtr? A major 1851 (pub.) Song Descriptive Catalog (p.104) specifies versions for soprano and tenor voice

\relative c'' { \clef treble \autoBeamOff \dynamicUp \key a \major  \time 3/4  \tempo "Moderato" 
\compressEmptyMeasures \partial 4 b4\rest | R2.*15 | b2\rest \bar "||" \stemNeutral e,4 | cis'2 cis4 | cis b gis | a2 a8. a16 | a4( gis) fis } 
\addlyrics { When eve -- 'ning shad -- ows have flung o'er the vale, Their }

Life's Seasons mez pf D major also referred to as Life's Seasons and Reasons
Descriptive Catalog (p.26) specifies a mezzo-soprano voice

\relative c'' { \clef treble \autoBeamOff \dynamicUp \key d \major  \time 2/4  \tempo "Moderato" 
\compressEmptyMeasures R2*8 \bar "||" \stemNeutral gis8[( a)] b a | a fis a d | fis2\( | d4\) b\rest } 
\addlyrics { Spring with its sun -- light and its flow -- ers, }

Times When I Think of Thee v pf C major listed in the Complete Catalog (p.133) as (also) being published by Louis Tripp (Louisville)
\relative c'' { \clef treble \autoBeamOff \dynamicUp \key c \major  \time 6/8  \tempo "Moderato" 
\compressEmptyMeasures R2.*8 \bar "||" \stemNeutral g4. a4 a8 | g[( e')] c g4. } 
\addlyrics { Dew -- drops are shin -- ing, Love, }
The Flower and the Starlight mez pf/gtr? A major 1852 (pub.) Descriptive Catalog (p.14) specifies a mezzo-soprano voice

\relative c'' { \clef treble \autoBeamOff \dynamicUp \key a \major  \time 3/8  \tempo "Moderato" 
\compressEmptyMeasures \partial 8 b8\rest | R4.*15 b4\rest \bar "||" \stemNeutral e16. d32 | cis8[( e,)] a | cis4 cis16. b32 | a8[( e)] cis' | a4 gis16[( a)] } 
\addlyrics { From its home on high to a gen -- tle flow'r, That }

I Dreamt That He Loved Me v gtr D major 1867/68? or earlier (pub.) lost
listed in the Descriptive Catalog (p.105) solely under Songs for Guitar.